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The Rise of Hitler and the Nazis

(Section Quiz)

I. Vocabulary: You should study the following vocabulary words

(and take note of dates) for the Section Quiz:

• The Treaty of Versailles (1919)

• Nazi (Nationalsozialistiche) – “National Socialist”

• Mein Kampf – “My Struggle” (1925)

• Anti-Semitism

• Black Tuesday (1929)

• The Great Depression (throughout the 1930’s)

• The Reichstag

• The Reichstag Fire (1933)

• Communists

• Chancellor (1933)

• The Enabling Act (1933)

• Fuhrer (1933)

• The Night of the Long Knives (1934)

• Totalitarianism

• Fascism

• Socialism

• Holy Roman Empire

• Reich

• Third Reich
II. Concepts: You should study the following material in
preparation for your Section Quiz:

• What was the effect of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany after World
War I?

• Explain why all the European powers were tied to the American
economy after World War I. Also explain the effect that Black Tuesday
had on Europe’s economy as a result.

• What was significant about Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf?

• Why did Hitler and the Nazis become so popular in the early 1930’s?

• Be able to explain the rise of Hitler beginning with Reichstag Fire

(1933) and ending with the Night of the Long Knives (1934). How did
each event along the way lead to the next?

• Explain what the Third Reich refers to. How does understanding the
German Reich help a person understand why Hitler would seek to
invade most of Europe? (What was he seeking to do?)

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