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Terrorism is fighting with bombs and

guns instead of a real war with trenches.This could be

Terrorism stats when somebody has a you
problem like poverty or unemployment
and they blame the country there in.
George bush promised to put
$1,000,000,000 to stop terrorism but of
cause what did you expect from the man
who said” I want to know is are children
Terrorism is a very serious issue and it
can effect every single person like the
9/11 and the chieanase train station
gassing nobody desevers to be affected
by terrorism.
Mass executions of hostages such as the Nazi in World War 2
are crimes against humanity but are not considered terrorism
Nobel peace prize winner’s Menachem Begin and Nelson
Mandela was once called terrorist. Acts of terrorism can be
made by individuals groups or states example the London
bombing and the 2002 Bali bombing were planed and used by
close friends and family members. If the government does any
thing like terrorism it is not considered terrorism. But mainly
a deliberate attack on innocent civilian regardless of ones
cause is unacceptable and called terrorism.
Causes of terrorism include
Political or religious goals,
High population growth rates,
Political disagreements,
High unemployment,
Religious conflict and

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