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Clinical tips from the Party


A wonderful collection of clinical

tips and views shared by
homeopaths from around the world
during the Virtual Party to Celebrate
Homeopathy organized by
Clinical Tips from the Party

Meet the host’s

Manufactures Homeopathic medicines in
Kumbakonam, India

Is a Homeopath from Dublin, Ireland.
She writes the

Is a Homeopath from Bengaluru, India
She writes REMEDY PLS….

Is a Homeopath from Greece and writes the

Is a Homeopath from
Guatemala City, Guatemala

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Clinical Tips from the Party

A big

To all who came, partied and shared..

Celebration of Homeopathy
The Virtual Party for Homeopaths, world over..!

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Jitendra Srivastava in severe renal colic when the stone is

impacted in uv or pu junction give DIOSCORIA and
COLOCYNTH 1000 at alternate hour on sublingual region it
give immediate relief to the patient from pain thereafter
continue the best similar remedy
Jitendra Srivastava

§ 92 But if it be a disease of a rapid course, and if its

serious character admit of no delay, the physician must
content himself with observing the morbid condition,
altered though it may be by medicines, if he cannot
ascertain what symp...See more

Pragya Jain after arnica partially cures in case of bruises..

give ledum pal to complete d cure

Kiran Sidhu sensation as if walking on sponge heloderma

Trixie Davenport erupting tooth pain and gum

infection~Hekla Lava

Kiran Sidhu complete cessation of renal function zingiber

Siddhartha Misra have u ever tried that? If yes, then
what potency and outcome?

Kiran Sidhu mother tincture

Siddhartha Misra to all my colleagues. Always remember.

EYES SEE WHAT MIND KNOWS. If u know your remedy you
will see it in your patient.

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Arasu Kirishnasame my dream is too build a big multy

specialty homoeo hospital
Giuseppe Spinelli Our goal is to build an Homeopathic
Hospital in Italy.

Alpesh Oza Great all the best. My goal-homoeopathic

hospital in india!

Antonio Armando Alvarez Dlt To facilitate the dentition:

Calc Phos

Antonio Armando Alvarez Dlt For bleeding inside the

eyeball : Hamamelis V
Pragya Jain what about arnica as well

Antonio Armando Alvarez Dlt For a patient melancholy

and pessimistic: Aurum met

Antonio Armando Alvarez Dlt To facilitate labor,

Caulophylum two or three weeks before
José Osmán Pineda Flores Thanks for the invite

Dr.Shiraz Mohammed Esmail The patient always looks to

his wife or parent for confirmation but curtails them to talk
once they start talking : Lycopodium clavatum

Drravindra Singh give Arnica and Cimicifuga 200 potency

in acute pain of cervical spondylitis- it will immediately relive
pain . I have used it on thousands of people and never failed
--use it and tell me --it will make your patient happy and will
prove efficacy of homeopathy in management of acute
severe pain .once pain is over then you can choose medicine
by repertisation

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Pragya Jain r v supposed to b giving it alternately or


Drravindra Singh alternate it

Uta Mittelstadt Leptandra virg. - Liver remedy: black

coloured stools, almost like tar, Jaundice.

Valarmathy Rachel Fernandes NAT CARB - wonderful

remedy for "fluor seminis" leading to female sterelity -----
they are relaxation of vaginal sphincter giving scope for
gushing out of seminal fluid as soon as it is ejaculated by
the male into the vagina..
Jayanthan Arivanantham Gushing out of seminal
fluid can be prevented by adopting prone position{face
down,on your stomach}by the female for 20- 30
minutes after sexual intercourse,it favors motility of the
sperms with added benefit of gravity! this position may
assist the drug and favors fertilization

Valarmathy Rachel Fernandes jayanthan the

technique what u mentioned is common for all infertility
cases... i am just talking about the nat carb action on
vaginal sphincter with my experience in curing lot of
patients.. i am not talking theory here.. i am SHARING

Drravindra Singh Sharing experiences is most

important and lacking phenomenon in homeopaths, so
most welcome Valamathy rachel fernandes.

Valarmathy Rachel Fernandes thank u dr.ravindra


Jayanthan Arivanantham @valar mam: i do totally

agree with u and thank you for sharing!Only knowlede

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Clinical Tips from the Party

and happiness becomes double when shared! keep


Jayanthan Arivanantham @valar mam: i do totally

agree with u and thank you for sharing!Only knowlede
and happiness becomes double when shared! keep

Valarmathy Rachel Fernandes thanks jayanthan and


Mittal Shekhar DIPHTHERINUM--------

Adapted to patients prone to catarrhal affections of
respiratory organs, scrofulous individuals.

Ankica Mušić Cham: desire to be carried, desire for being

Varun Gupta In elders, the person fights over some
tussles at home, leaves home, stays with a friend or
other relative for a few days, come back and then this
is again repeated after some days.....

Priteesh Chotai Better by smoking- Aranea

Beatriz H Hill Mancinella - Sees the devil feels in dreams

that the devil with do something to him.

Anne Sash How unfortunate Mancinella was disallowed

here when I tried to order it some years ago.. strange
how homeopathics are classified here in Australia..
Agaricus, Cannabis and Opium were stopped also, even
in high potencies, but Hydrocyanic Acid, Arsenic,
Mercury & Tuberculinum is fine.. o.o

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Uta Mittelstadt ... and at the same time they claim

that there is nothing in it and its "only" placebo...???
How is this to be understood???

Beatriz H Hill Euphatorium Perfoliatum for DENGUE all four

stages of dengue hemorrhagic, stages where there is bone
 Antonio Armando Alvarez Dlt MIra que muchos

compatriotas mios lo necesitan con urgencia Gracias


Beatriz H Hill Hemos hecho aqui en Guatemala un

estudio científico en un área afectada por el Dengue y
el remedio que mejor va tanto como profilactico como
cuando aparecen los síntomas es Eupathorioum

Antonio Armando Alvarez Dlt Gracias Por

confirmarlo saludos

Lakshmi Inala One pill is enough for fever due to

severe bacterial or viral infection

Varun Gupta Onlooker feels person is drunk by seeing his

eyes, but the person is not and fully conscious too.........
Crotalus Cascavella

Myra Nissen I see myself without boundaries; I am

merging with the surroundings. I have no roots or identity. I
fear losing my very existence. I am Anhalonium.
Myra Nissen Someone give me the differential for

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Mittal Shekhar The Sabadilla patient is a shivering patient,

sensitive to the cold air, a cold room, cold food...

Balaji Anantharaman Lachnanthus is a wonderful drug for

Cervical spondylitis

Jitendra Srivastava Patient wants to kiss everybody ----

crocus sativus
Myra Nissen Are we playing spin the bottle at the
Jitendra Srivastava What do u mean

Myra Nissen It is a kissing game played at parties.

Satinder Kaur Bajaj raphanus for those who wish relieve

from bloating and gas
Pragya Jain after raphanus partially >.. give Arg nit

Jennie French BTW, nothing wrong... homeopathics are

best distinguished from the FDA control by being called
remedy’s :) This looks like fun but I may not be available at

The person had mononucleosis before puberty...Carcinosin

Myra Nissen They are called medicines in other
countries. We have many represented here.

Jennie French Ahhh true enough but is it correct to

call energetic remedies medicines? What did
Hahnemann say?

Myra Nissen I have a book called Homeopathic Drug

Pictures by Tyler...

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Anne Sash ...and so Carcinosin had a spectacular

effect for me, 24 years after Glandular Fever,
Mononucleosis :)

Iman Navab for "Extreme Restlessness / Anxious /

Impatient", the most fast-acting remedy in Materia Medica,
is Tarentula.
Anne Sash So we should expect to see a change
before our eyes? I’ve had in the past a young patient
with very itchy eczema and this restlessness, excellent
result with Tarentula hisp that night. Prescribed without
much thought to the "presenting condition" which was
the itching skin.. A good lesson at the time :)

Varun Gupta Eyelids stick to eyeballs, especially left.........


Amar Bhatia Ingrown Toe Nails - Silicea 10m - single dose

will suffice.

Amar Bhatia Has anyone used CARCINOSIN in Cancer? It

works well, but be very careful while prescribing.
Jennie French I have used it 2x successfully on my
son for melanoma (10 years ago) and many times on
others for skin cancers...with minimum of 10 year
follow up...excellent!
I do find it is fragile and requires repeating...I never go
below 200C and on Con...See more

Jitendra Srivastava if any body has family history of

cancer than it may be used as preventive for cancer in

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Jennie French Jitendra, good point, I have also used

increasing dosages: Carcinosin 200C, 1M and 10M with
excellent results...also, for lung and especially colon
cancers I'd use the tools on this site in conjunction with

Dr. Simoncini: Can...See more

Amar Bhatia Diabetes Mel - Cephalandra Indica Q

Jitendra Srivastava IIT kharagpur trying to prove its
homoeopathic anti diabetic effect under Prof. S dey

Amar Bhatia This has already been proved by

Homoeopathic Drug Research Lab at Lucknow - go and
see there.

Amar Bhatia Jaundice - Myrica Q

Amar Bhatia Enlarged Prostate - Ferrum Picrata 30 & Sabal

Ser Q .

Amar Bhatia Renal Calculi - Berberis Vulg.Q - never fails -

use -Lycopodium, Sarsaparilla, & Calculi Renalis where
indicated. Mag Phos 10M - best for renal colic.

Myra Nissen Thuj. Needs to look perfect and hide their

imperfections on the inside. Overgrowths - warts, polyps.
It's a tree remedy maybe straight and tall yet have issues
with spine and limbs.

Biljana Knezevic
To be or not to be– that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous
fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And, by
opposing, end them. To die, to sleep No more – and by a

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Clinical Tips from the Party

sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural

shocks.. To die, To sleep, perchance to dream.. For in that
sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, ..There's the


That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the
whips and scorns of time,

...The pangs of disprized love, the law's delay, The insolence

of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th’ unworthy
takes, When he himself might his quietus make ..To grunt
and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of
something after death,..And makes us rather bear those ills
we have than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,..
Jennie French Hmmmmm...and I was thinking
Causticum! I use Aurum when the love of music is so
powerful they will "die without it" and Opium when the
person can barely stay awake or is awake but very
lethargic and unmoving...not the Bryonia/will not move
and will bite your head off if you sit on the bed and
disturb them! Oye, my books are at the office!

Biljana Knezevic

Yes Jennie it could be Caust

Main topic is" to be or not to be" ,so rubric is
INDECISION, or irresolution and Caust is there too.
Next things are DEATH & SLEEP
you described one side of the Op its passive reaction
but there is also an active reaction of the remedies.
So active reactions here we have:RAGE, REVENGE and
Hamlet is contemplating revenge upon the murderers

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Clinical Tips from the Party

of his father so:

HATRED, REVENGE, AND (21)1 Op......there is no Caust
nor Aur
Also important rubric is COWARDICE it is passive
reaction and Caust is there too.
If we take a rubric "ailments from death of parents" it
could be Caust
But Hamlet told us:
"The heartache and the thousand natural shocks.. To
die, to sleep "so:
AILMENTS, FROM SHOCK, MENTAL (12).......only......2
It is about searching for the truth about murdering and
who killed his father. He has his own inner dialogue
what to do: to fight or to flight?
"To take arms against a sea of troubles/and by
opposing end them" or goes into sleep"
We have topic GHOST, Caust have a fear of ghost like
Hamlet also says:
"Who’d bear the scorns and flattery of the world,
Scorned by the right rich, the rich cursed of the poor?"
So is it SCORN? if it is we have Aur.
Or is it aversion to the rich? If it is than we have Op.
And we have WEARY of life: Aur,Caust & Op

Sameena Arif Cannabis Indica : Very forgetful; Forgets

string of words and ideas; Begins a sentence, forgets what
he/she intended to say; inability to recall any thought or
event on account of other thoughts crowding the mind.

Jitendra Srivastava Paracusis willisii (hears better in

noise) --- graphites

Anand Joshi i am too hot inside, no space, once everything

comes out it is better! Then again will start accumulating

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Clinical Tips from the Party

inside. which will take years then again same cycle

repeats.... --- hekla lava
Uta Mittelstadt ..Volcanic eruption..!!

Nidhi Tanna Nice anand

Dr. Nancy Malik Calc. Phos: Increases bone marrow

activity to produce more RBC

Kiran Sidhu Violent colic as if the abdominal wall was

drawn by a string to the spine

Binal Shah glonoine for sun headaches............ sum thing

which cured one of my patient for life.......
Binal Shah dad has urinary tract infection...... treated
with cantharis 200............ felt better with one dose

Jennie French Don't forget Natrum muriaticum's

sensitivity to sunlight and sneezing when exposed.

Beatriz H Hill Glonoin, successfully used in sun

isolation and its consequences

Raavi Sharma Mr. chelidonium majus is really impressive! i

enjoyed reading it,

Klub Zdravlja Beograd So: I refuse to see cleary,to see

the truth,the light..well I have spiritual blindness.I am not
wasting my time analyzing emotions. People would say that
I am less
intelectual and more practical,sceptical,rational and not
impressed by
authority.Maybe I am dominant?...but not only at home.But
when the night come I have a ...dreams of

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Clinical Tips from the Party

corpses,funerals,cemeteries and weddings.The worst thing

that can happen is "being buried alive"...So....I am a master
of the PURE LOGIC and my name is Mister Chelidonium

Nidhi Tanna Hey! Soo.... Nice..

Raavi Sharma Painless bright red blood discharge

(especially menstruating uterus)- Mill. Q
Beatriz H Hill Good for bleeding after heart surgery

Katja Schütt Fainting from hunger, pain and fright -


Antonio Armando Alvarez Dlt When there is mourning

and sadness for the loss or death of a loved one, take ten
drops every four hours Ignatia Amara 200c

Shreya Deshpande Well just had a thought.. Compile all

these tips in a book and it will be a great gift for partying
people! ;)
Jennie French Hopefully a bit more flushed out,
wouldn't want to misdirect beginners! :)

Kiran Sidhu Ascending type of paralysis conium

Jitendra Srivastava Asthma better by dancing-- sepia

Vrushali Kalsulkar here what is the meaning of

Jitendra Srivastava dancing means fast movement

and exercise in general asthma aggravated by fast
motion and exercise but in case of sepia patient it is
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Clinical Tips from the Party

better by fast motion that’s why it is a striking singular

uncommon peculiar symptom of sepia

Jennie French The other biggy is licking the paint

brush loaded with ink!

Lea Horvatic Gurgling, when drinking. Cina

I LOVE HOMEOPATHY That must be the sound of the
champagne flowing..LOL.. Enjoy the party...Kartik

Pragya Jain hairfalll during pregnancy- LACHESIS 3+ single

drug in synthesis
Vrushali Kalsulkar why will a lady suffer from hair fall
in pregnancy?.....think....
as much as i fall usually follows when there
is self dejection, indignation

Pragya Jain @vrushali - mam malnutrition n anemia

can also be the causes?

Vrushali Kalsulkar rather going on the specific

rubrics....just explore the whole remedy through this will get lachesis n al d other facets of
lachesis...through and through.....then prescribe

Pragya Jain thanx mam :)

Jennie French Question, I give Lachesis with great

care...if I give a 200C I will wait a few months unless I
can confirm an ante does that sit with you’

Varun Gupta One to two mm shining white balls like

substances in stool....... Mezereum

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Binal Master any remedy for jus deep scars-acne?

Jitendra Srivastava thiocinaminum

Ayub Khan It depends. You know, there are more than

a dozen proven remedies in this subject, Acne. Deep
scars indicate syphilitic origin and most stubborn one.
Look for the symptoms whether it has totality of the
symptoms of any the following remedies: Berberis
Acquifol, Q,Ext. 1:7; 30 Ch, inter nal, once in every 5
days for 5 times.(2.) nitric acid, Kali iod, Sulpur. iod
and Kali bromatum.

Rupali Puri @ayub sir :sir m suffering from same

thing and location is also same as in kali brom ie upper
back ,face ,...i tried kali brom 30 tds for 15 days !!
bt no improvement !!!!

Ayub Khan @Rupali: Kali. brom may not be your

remedy ! Please check out my previous remark. Every
body has a unique constitution. You have to talk to an
experienced homeopath who will find your right
remedy. Even a homeopath may not know herself well
enough to find a Similimum! Please study MM and read
Calc.phos, Calc. picreta along with the above list. OK ?

Pragya Jain @ayub sir- i have used calcl picrata in

acne in young boys with good results..

Binal Master thanks’ a lot dr ayub sir, Dr. Rajesh &


Miriam Monks Is honoured

Kristalina Evdokieva rheum-need for little sleep, need for

little food, desires impatiently many things, perspiration
staining yellow.

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Kristalina Evdokieva taxus baccata-rambling abdomen

while fasting,ravenous appetite two hours after eating.

Richenda Gillespie Conium for easy intoxication when the

champagne starts flowing... it is a party after all?! :)
Marte Agnell Engebretsen what about argon to really
fly with the bubbles? :)

Hiten Lalani For easy labour CAULOPHYLLUM 200 almost

specific. Start in 30 potency during last month OD or
BD.Then when labour pain start give in 200 every hour, then
every 15-20 minutes during 2nd stage of labour till child's
Pragya Jain also arnica for nythn associated wid
pregnancy n labour n puerpurium

Louise Ketcher Arnica is brilliant for bruising :)

Pragya Jain also-ledum pal

Vrushali Kalsulkar don’t restrict remedies like

arnica,ledum pal rhus tox to physical bruises....think
subtle....coz homoeopathy is subtle

Alison Robinson Hydrogen for the feeling 'I don't exist'

Louise Ketcher But...u do exist :)

Alison Robinson I know, but I had a feeling I didn't...

Shu Hua Chang Then I think most of us may require

this remedy...

Amar Bhatia Constipation of children - Mag Mur,

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Amar Bhatia Intestinal worms - Filix Mas Q

Amar Bhatia Ringworm - Tellurium, chrysorbinum,


Amar Bhatia Cough at night, with chest congestion & nasal

obstruction - Sambucus.

Amar Bhatia Cough, in children, rattling, paroxysmal, with

chest congestion - Antim Tart & Baccilinum.

Amar Bhatia Wakes up from bed sneezing - Ammon Mur;

Sneezing,<morning, after waking up - Ammon Carb.

Shivangi Sidana Senna-for infantile colic due to gas and


Uta Mittelstadt Okoubaka - Gastroenteritis following

ingestion of food. Food intolerance.

Eleana Needham Hot, itchy skin eruptions<at

night<warmth of bed, >>>for the application of SCALDING
HOT water: Rhus venenata

Anne Nidecker He has a delusion of snakes in the nose:

I LOVE HOMEOPATHY That's a very unfortunate
delusion to have :O poor Sulph !

Maureen McElroy Arnica! Says there is nothing wrong with

them in spite of having been in an accident. I have seen this
in reality. Teenager, caught up in an explosion from a can in
a bonfire, covered in small blisters from burning plastic, in
shock, yet saying she was absolutely fine!
There is something truly wonderful about the r...

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Val Lovelace Chlam Nosode: Low back pain, menengial

aches, soft swelling over cervical vert, may have acute pain
in liver/ribcage region, sensations of disappearing, cannot be
heard, cannot be seen, may talk about ticks/lyme disease,
and 'something sucking my energy.

Uta Mittelstadt Madar - Metabolism / Adipositas...does

anybody know more?

Jitendra Srivastava patient eat suddenly leaves the table

and with one effort vomits all the things eaten and after it
again starts eating upto stomachfull----- ferrum met

Uta Mittelstadt Ledum - Lumbago with intense, tearing

pain. Muscle and joint rheumatism. Diagonal rheumatoid
pain -> eg. left shoulder & right hip.

Uta Mittelstadt Niccolum met. - for the central nervous

system and the digestive system...periodic headaches with
vision impairment. Migraines. Pain in the throat with great
sensitivity to touch. Singultus...

Jitendra Srivastava asthma better by smoking ---


Gurleen K Arora Asarum europeaeum- scratching of linen

or silk, crackling of paper is
senile pruritis-Mezereum ONLY DRUG IN KENT'S

Lu Ann Groves Colocynthis people who have been "rear

ended" more than once in an automobile accident Lu Ann
Groves DVM

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Sara Kabariti Aurum; philanthropist, high ideals, vs.

contradiction, intolerant, to; jump from great height :-(

Kamlesh P. Mehta Lac h - Human values - helpfulness,

conscientiousness with dual track of thoughts opp to each
other (two wills)
Cendy Davis Morphinum - (nervous side of Op); tachicardia
and bradycardia alternate

Cendy Davis Opium - breathing stops during sleep;

Dromomania (has to walk)
Pragya Jain also sulphur.. as given in allens

Cendy Davis Cannabis Indiaca - symptoms start after move

to a strange place; is disoriented in life

Cendy Davis Coca - lost his sense for what is right and
what is not

Martin Schiewek Lac lupinum - mind - delusions - belong

to her own family; she does not

Pragya Jain coryza < summers- gelsimium.. single drug 3+

in kents

Giovanni Pino Lachnantes Tincture: acute torticollis and

neck pain of various kinds ..

Rochelle Hadjiloukas Nux. Vom. anyone

I LOVE HOMEOPATHY oooh yes pls Rochelle, it's been
a loooooong party- do hand them out freely ;)

Javad Babri Gelsemium, paralysing anxiety

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Rajiv Vijayakar Arnica - From chronic headache to

backache and hernia with a back-history of blow, fall or
blunt injury.

Shilpa Chheda Acetic acid - anxiety about family & children

DrAditi Gangrade Ficus religiosa - excessive haemorrhage

in any form

Denise O'Dwyer Medorrhinum - THE party animal... cross

by day, merry by night.

Dharmendra Gupta AURUM MET one of the most

materia medica.
Chander Vansh ya right sir most dutiful remedy

Lisa Damiani Montalbano Opium: Insensitivity to pain.

jumping out of bed, hard, dry stool.
Zahid Panchi tarentula hispanica: foxy

Amarinder Singh insensitivity to pain +hot +

constipation + sleepiness on these symptoms my
teacher gave single dose of opium to my grand father
and it cured gangrene of foot .

Lisa Damiani Montalbano That is great Amarinder.

Yes sleepiness, I didn't want to put too long of a list,
but that is definitely a keynote!! Wonderful remedy. I
am working with a toddler who had severe drug
exposure in utero up to 3 weeks before delivery and it
is doing amazing things for her. Takes your breath
away! :)

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Luz María Román Díaz Luna... Magic medicine in all

disorders are accentuated or worse during the lunar phases,
especially the full moon, especially the nervous system or

Cendy Davis Syphillinum - insensitivity; ruthlessness;

destruction (proper remedy for all corrupt politicians and
managers) ;-)
Renate Andrasevits Reed Good one!

Cendy Davis Causticum - main remedy for "raw" feeling;

seeking the past; main remedy for very deep mental injury

Cendy Davis Cina - overweight, rosy, scrofulous children

who are hungry, upset and mean; want to be rocked or
carried around; but do not want to be touched

Cendy Davis Viburnum Opulus - good remedy for uterus;

often prevents miscarriage; menses too late, too little, only
a few hours; dysmenorrhoe with pain that goes into the

Cendy Davis Symphytum - bone defects of all sorts, esp.

when callus is missing or insufficient

Cendy Davis Thx for the invitation, better late than never.
Sulphur - the philosopher in rags with the hot feet

Amar Bhatia ADCD - Aethusa, DNA(use 1M infrequently)

Nicky Rice Begging and Pleading- Stramonium

Amar Bhatia Jalalpa - child sleeps all day, keeps awake,

crying all night.
Pragya Jain also as in psorinum..opp lyco
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Clinical Tips from the Party

Jitendra Srivastava dyslexia ( mistakes misplaces words )-

- cinchona officinalis
Amar Bhatia Have you heard of Aethusa Cynap?

Beatriz H Hill Yes, Aethusa, good for babies that

vomit coagulated milk after being nursed.

Jitendra Srivastava the things appear larger than that

they are—agaricus

Jitendra Srivastava the things appear smaller than that

they are --- platina

Jitendra Srivastava hansi to fansi---belladona ( patient

who laughs first during narrating his problems )

Jitendra Srivastava sensation as if stomach is hanging

with constant nausea feeling --- ipecac

Vatsala Sperling Aconitum - for chronic, deep seated

phobic states - expressed as a delusion, 'I am so high
strung, I have no covering on my nerves. I am so
frightened, I shudder at the thought of crossing a street at
night by myself.'

Shivangi Sidana Drosera - for tuberculosis of bones.

Marie-Louise Ambrosius We were talking about how my

daughter's baby would feel being born from water into air
Extreme anxiety, esp from motions which have a downward
direction, as rocking, being carried downstairs, laid down.
Starts and throws up hands on laying down. Borax

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Drsushma Sarkar HISTAMINUM-- its is one of best to act

fast in allergic conditions like hay fever,cold , n skin rashes
due to other medications. in its single use with 30 potency.
Abhishek Yadav thinks of Psorinum also, very good
remedy, to break chronic allergic condition.

Drsushma Sarkar thanx dr.Abhishek but can u

expand it, wat kind of allergic conditions.. plz share ur
experience ...

Devanshi Jhalani silicea-caries of bones(upper limbs-

shoulder jt,elbow,wrist,hands,fingers
LL-femur,knee,fibula,foot.spine(lumbar region)-only drug
given in kent rep

Renate Andrasevits Reed Principal remedy for loosening

bony structures of the body - particularly in the head and
pelivs. Useful in resolving head trauma and injuries including
those that occur during forceps delivery, and dental work -
Sycamore Seed.
Eleana Needham And it sounds like Nat sulph and
Hekla lava rolled into one!

Renate Andrasevits Reed I dearly love this remedy!

Works nicely from trauma horses endure too!

Michelle Bondy Does anyone know the symptoms that go

with the remedy Taenia Solium? Thanks :)
I LOVE HOMEOPATHY Hi Michelle, I have some notes
taken from a seminar on tapeworm, and have posted
this on the discussion board of ILH for you

Kate Volikakis:
Great the party is still going :)

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Clinical Tips from the Party

Plumbum met: Sensation as if a string is drawing umbilicus

towards the back

Kate Volikakis:
Eupatorium perforatum: hoarse, hacking cough ameliorated
on all 4's
Sameena Arif Thanx for inviting me. "SABINA" -: Has a
marked action on the Uterine Pain; There is a Shooting Pain
from Sacrum to the Pubis. Hemorrhages; where blood is
fluid and clots together. Cheers!!

Mamta Gupta craves fresh air; opens clothing, removes

bed covering and opens windows in the coldest weather -
amyl nitrosum
Eisha Anand a remedy for euthanasia....

Mamta Gupta rite eisha

Mark O'Sullivan Lac Vaccinum Defloratum. Delusions - All

her friends are dead and she must go to a convent

Eisha Anand guaiacum- pain calf's< night> external wonders...
Cendy Davis Thx for the invitation, due to other
engagnements I could not start in time, but better late
than never. :-)
Sulphur - the philosopher in rags with the hot feet

Cendy Davis Ooops, sorry, Eisha, I wrote in the wrong


Pragya Jain guiacum- pain wid numbness

Amar Bhatia Idiotic behaviour & autism due to adenoids –


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Amar Bhatia Hairfall - use Arnica Q + Jaborandi Q +

Brahmi Q - in Olive oil.
Jane Kay Ross Interesting - can I ask what the Q
stands for?

Eisha Anand tincture preparation

Amar Bhatia Jane Kay Ross - Use equal quantities of

the mother tinctures of Arnica,Jaborandi & Brahmi -
mix all - put 5 ml. of this mixture in 100 ml. Olive Oil -
apply on scalp. See the results & get back.

Amar Bhatia Gangrene - Secale, Carbo veg

Mark O'Sullivan Arsenicium?

Eisha Anand > warmth- arsenic

Amar Bhatia Fear of Noise – Theridion

Amar Bhatia Eczema & eruptions on folds of skin---

Manganum Acetate

Kate Mercury - Takes people by the nose :)

Cendy Davis Did Napoleon not do this?

I LOVE HOMEOPATHY He did indeed, Cendy !

Rosalba Ranieri `* • ° ¸. • * ¨` * ♥ ¸. • * ¨ `* •.♫.

• ° ¸. • * ¨` * ♥¸. • * ¨ `* • °♫ ¸. • * ¨♫` *♥•*
¨ `* • ♫..• °¸. • * ¨ `* • nice party ... I gift :
ADAMAS`* • ° ¸. • * ¨` * ♥ ¸. • * ¨ `* •.♫. • ° ¸. •
* ¨` * ♥¸. • * ¨ `* • °♫ ¸. • * ¨♫` Company;
aversion to
Irritable and taciturn. Lethargic in morning.

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Impatient; intolerant; critical. Does not stick to one

Makes mistakes in speaking.
Feeling of independence
Clarity of thought. Clarification of issues. Clear decision-
making. Feeling of power. Anxiety about health. Dreams of
friends betraying him
Chilliness. Loss of appetite
craving fruit dried; raw
Unrefreshing sleep.
Headache with hunger > eating
Pain in throat > hot drinks
Urgent desire to pass stool
♥¸. • * ¨ `* • ° Homeopathic a hug from Italy♥¸. • * ¨ `* •

Amar Bhatia Diarrhea, sour, in children - Rheum & Mag


Amar Bhatia Croupy cough, coldness, colic, collapse,

cholera like stools - cuprum met.

Amar Bhatia Backache - lumbar - can be pointed by a

finger - Kali Bich.

Amar Bhatia Acne < before menses - Mag. Mur

Jitendra Srivastava flies attract the body-- caladium

Reecha Sharma it is"sweet sweat attracts the flies"

Anne Sash Stramonium : Hyperesthesia (to touch) WITH

analgesia (no sensation of pain) in Autism. Cured case.

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Jignesh Devendrabhai Pandya ASF - THE MASTER IN

I LOVE HOMEOPATHY Hi Jignesh, which remedy is

I LOVE HOMEOPATHY Ars Sulf Falv..Kartik

Preeti Shenoy hows d prognosis in extensive n

familial leucoderma?

Priteesh Chotai Could you please share some


I LOVE HOMEOPATHY I was wondering if Jignesh or

anybody else would like to post about this remedy and
their expereinces with leucoderma on the I Love
Homeopathy discussion bord . I have a number of
cases of leucoderma and would be very interested to
hear of this, thanks. Kate

Jignesh Devendrabhai Pandya i have given result in

no.of cases of leucoderma

Jignesh Devendrabhai Pandya

i tell u one story one day 1 pt come in my clinic she

come from bacward area & she is illetrate and she is no
belive in hom. remedy but i convince her & she taken
treatment after some time she fall in my leg
the result is given by asf

Lenny Marlow Nux-Vomica thwarted ambition - oh and a

morning after remedy

Saw Huan Tian Arnica , A need in every home !!

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Nitika Bansal coca;;;incresing stamima in atheletes

Rupali Puri good !!!!told by dr bm sharma na !!!






Mahta Mozaffari For sure Arnica montana ! the great

remddy in lov’in it!

Krish Sampath Homeopathy turns the poison ivy into

potential pain reliever and only Homeopathy cares and cures
to celebarate the health for all "the champion champagne "
on a 24*7- mission- a-celebaration-365 days yet with least
weight-loss on your purse and the inexpensive nectar of
body, mind and soul

Shreya Deshpande It's just amazing to read through the

page! What an idea Sirji! ;) made my morning fresher!

Amanda Hockley I'm with Medorrhinum, this all night

party's made for me, no limits - I'm going to stay up all
night, find romance, try it all, fill the emptiness, it's a

Breda McManus: I,m coming to the party and I,m bringing

Spectrum, made from all the colours of the rainbow.

Shreya Shah Best Party I've been to in

ages........Staph..suppressed/abused...changed my life.

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Aconite...exposure to cold wind....kept my children from

never ever needing allopathic drugs

Christina Teixeira thank´s for invited me. Bacillinum;

intense and hectic activity

Eleana Needham Oh I do love this! So which remedy is the

one for a 24-hour homeopathic party??
I LOVE HOMEOPATHY Champagne. Lets have another

Eleana Needham Maybe we should prove it? How

about we call it Campania kneesupicus officinalis? We
could all take material doses and prove all the sceptics
wrong about homeopathy being a useless placebo...

Lulu Roberts Bovista--awkwardness with a tendency to

drop things

Luis Carlos Grajales Ruiz Tarantula Cubensis, excruciating

pain and intense burning sharp, early and persistent
prostration, better smoking, is the remedy for the pain of
death. relieves the last.
José Osmán Pineda Flores Have fun everybody

José Osmán Pineda Flores and by the way Sulfur is

the greatest

Medicina Naturo-Homeopática Behhill Sarsaparilla -

Zarzaparrilla (Smilax)
several urinary problems wich will cover either psoric,
psicotic, or syphylitic miasma.
Like severe pain of bladder, urinary tract, disuria, etc.

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Eleana Needham Anacardium please! Oh, no, f*ck off, but

I love you, go on do it do it do it, NO NO NO DON'T! Please
dad I want to be an artist, Rubbish, boy this is for sissies,
you will become a lawyer and join the family firm!

Clare Walters Silica - bashful stool. Gotta sit somewhere!

Binal Master BEST AWARD in Best BrOoDer with

disappointment in luv goes to: Natrum Mur:(
Amanda Hockley what's that I hear? - a disappointed
sigh from Ignatia - and here come the sobs...

Homoeopathy Beyond Atoms pulstilla the best wife.

Vrushali Kalsulkar i think carsinosicn is d best wife
mostly if d hubby is lyco!

Homoeopathy Beyond Atoms :)

Vrushali Kalsulkar :)
u got wat i wanna say!!!!

Hetal Jariwala yeaa pulsatilla is gud wife......

Mohammad Tahvilzadeh he he he.... staph is d best

wife :):):)

Shreya Deshpande Had heard so about Graphites.. n

Calcarea carb! :)

I LOVE HOMEOPATHY Gosh.. Now what do I do with


Preeti Shenoy the grass is always greener on the

other side ;-)

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Vrushali Kalsulkar staph has ambition n dat too for

fame!......u think she can b a gud wife?

Vrushali Kalsulkar pulsatilla is sometyms problem to

handle coz she is in MOOD,repulsive!...u never kno wen
she changes her mood!

Vrushali Kalsulkar nat-mur can b a gud wife.....but d

best is carcinosin!

DrNeha Vijayakar GRATIOLA- Mental troubles from

OVERWEENING PRIDE. There is a lack of will power and
aversion to work; mental depression
and capriciousness; he is very irritable and hypochondriacal;
fear of
the future. Nymphomania- when desire is so violent it drives
her to secret vice. CAUSATION- drinking coffee, alcohol.
Often called the fFEMALE NUX VOMICA...

Pankaj Titar rubram phytum-whatever remedy you give to

your patient....this rubram phytum always stays with him as
a great buddy...keeps the faith..;)

Achira Shah Nux vomica - striking oversensitiveness of the


Prema Bhms Ash or grey coloured membrane seen on

throat examination - phytolocca
white coated membrane - kali mur
reddish mucosa- belladonna
purplish mucosa -lachesis
Drgowri Shankar Bhms If the patient is having the
habit of betel nut chewing............!!!!!!!!????????

Prema Bhms hahahaa....gone!!

see the link with this post, it was an online party for

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Homoeopaths. everyone can share some points useful.

recently i was discussing this differential MM with few
homeo enthusiasts. so i posted this.

Marta Alonso Seoane Sepia...indifferent own family.


Alias Bin Azhar light;desire for-bell

DrJunaid Memon Lyco- Cries when thanked ;)

Katharina Riedener-Brunner Geo.C, dreams of driving


Nitika Bansal pulsatilla: CHANGEABILITY :)

Sachin Achrekar Hyoscyamus-Needs 100% Guarantee.

Desai Karunakar NAT SULF: true lover...... cant forget her

1st love

Jane Kay Ross Rhus Tox - fidgity, itchy, walks with a funny
gait . . . great for shingles initially . . . then find the cause . .
Vincenzo Marino Medorrhinum: sleeps on genupectural

Beatriz H Hill Turnera Aphrodisiaca. Damiana

cures de incapacity of of ne normal functions of reproductive
organs in both sexs.
Amenorrhea, dismenorrhea, fatigue, sexual impotence,
leucorrhea, prostate disfunctions, espermatorrhea, etc.
I LOVE HOMEOPATHY give me a minute.. will be right
back.. Wheres the pharmacy...LOL..
Thanks for coming.. Enjoy The Party Beatriz...

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Beatriz H Hill Jajaja,

Dr.Suraj A. Dhirwani Staphysagria : History of sexual

abuse & ailments from

Michael Law Lachesis - Great loquacity.

Catherine Evans Rött Dnm HIGH STRUNG, TYPE A

Personality...NUX VOMICA!
Maulik Koradia Fluoric Acid - A Hedonistic pleasure seeker.
High libido. A Compulsive flirt.

Karla Bartlett Phosphorus---effervescent, lightning, without

strong boundaries! Feeling of intense heat running up the
back (only remedy with exactly this symptom). It will be
useful after I drink too much champagne and stumble over
the electrical wires, throwing the entire party into
darkness......greatly illuminative! ♥
Lynn Syme Maybe a little Nux after the party too

Karla Bartlett Do not feed me Nux unless you wish to

observe a or not. You will unleash a
beast, and not the ubiquitous "party animal" but a real
demon with fangs and claws. It's a scary proving when
it enters my field. I used to think I was a constitutional
Nux....then I tried some! I'd rather have a hangover.

Un Amigo Phosphorus...very good homeopathic r

emedy, you think this is similar to Lycopodium or
Nux vomica? wonder ... there is a perfect remedy? or
not having any homeopathic constitution would be

Good morning

Karla Bartlett

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My ending statement about Phosphorus applies to its

physical properties in material dose, ie it is a highly
illuminative substance, it will glow in the dark,
therefore providing us with a good flare after I
accidentally unplug all the lights in my champagne-
driven escapades! Potentized Phos is an excellent
remedy, but I would consider it more closely similar to
Sulphur than to Nux or Lycopodium. There are many
differing opinions regarding whether or not there is a
"homeopathic constitution". Please correct me if I am
mistaken, but the "homeopathic constitution" is a
concept that grew out of more contemporary
interpretations in Kent's (et al) era, versus an
observation formed by Hahnemann himself. Which is
not to say those contributions are not useful and
guiding tools, but we should always look at each case
in its entirety and weigh the symptoms accordingly. My
opinion is that there is often more than 1 remedy that
will fit a case, precisely BECAUSE the polychrests are
such huge remedies and have many overlaps. We take
great delight when a client "spills the beans" and gives
us a pretty keynote that belongs to only 1 remedy!
That is what makes Homeopathy more difficult to
master than allopathy, where the same condition in
everyone is treated with one substance, one-size-fits-
all. I'd rather say, "This is the homeopathic constitution
of this person right now, in this place and time", rather
than assuming that someone always resonates to the
same drug picture. Sulphur and I are very good friends,
so some might say that is my homeopathic
constitution, BUT it will not answer to all of my
idiosyncracies, for which I resort to Silicea (and of
course, here I am speaking of chronic affairs, not
acute). I am about as far away from the Silicea
personality picture as can be imagined, yet that remedy
works beautifully for me when the symptoms require it.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Silicea

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is probably the deepest, most profound remedy we

have, in terms of areas touched by its influence, and
that because of the over-emphasis of its "mental"
picture, it is very under-prescribed. Great remedy for
adrenal fatigue, which is such a common ailment in our
fast-paced "modern" lifestyle. So perhaps I shall bring
some Silicea to the party as well, as others have
already contributed Sulphur

Miriam Monks Ah Kate tell us more - we have three

weeks!! haha

Miriam Monks Oops Karla - that was a freudian slip!!

Lynn Syme Im all those things without Nux Karla. A

good 200c aggravates me more for a few hours and
then I seem to settle. If I take 1M, no aggravation and
I settle immediately. My constitutional remedy through
and through.

Karla Bartlett

I think Nux is a splendid remedy, and works quite

excellently for many. A couple people in my family are
"Nux" and I like and get along well with "Nux", which is
why I felt like I might resonate well with it myself. But
when I take it, it goes to its very extreme, and I
become quite unlike myself and even more "Nux" than
"Nux" probably is in reality. I have proven many
remedies over the past several years (mostly in the
search for the proper "constitutional remedy" for
myself) and I can tell you that I am a very sensitive
prover. This may be why I have such strong reactions
to it. Sulphur is probably the closest fit for me,
although I also like Aurum quite well, Silicea is a great
friend when I get "scurfy" from being too acid (if I
could just stop drinking coffee and tea and eat more

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vegetables I probably would not get scurfy) and I also

like Ignatia, but it doesn't really go deep enough to
impact anything more than my mood. Sulphur and
Silicea have been the stars when it comes to deep
penetration into tissues. When I take Sulphur I have
visions, or rather profound understandings of things,
but real, not delusional. I love Sulphur, it is probably
my favorite remedy, and I very much have a Sulphur
personality, so if I were to pick my constitutional
remedy, it would probably be Sulphur, but like I said
earlier, it doesn't always answer everything that comes
up for me. Oh, and Medorrhinum....I LOVE that
remedy! Very sexy! Helps the others work better! (and
no, I have never had gonorrhea, so it must be in my
inheritance---not exactly one of those things families
discuss at the dinner table!) I may spend a little time
with dear Phosphorus as well and see where it takes
me. Sepia makes me want to sell my kids and divorce
my husband and Nat mur gives me unspeakable grief,
but I don't feel any better AFTER the release, in fact, it
makes me feel worse. Lycopodium feels a lot like Nux,
but more "livery" and self-righteous; Lyc makes me
angry, Nux makes me very aggressive. Thuja is very
interesting and feels much like Cannibis, I didn't
particularly dislike it, esp in the early part, but as its
action wears on, it becomes rather paranoid and
delusional and very inhibited. I haven't messed much
with the metals personally other than Aurum and
Mercury, because they aggravate me quite badly, esp if
I push too hard. Calc gives me congestive headaches
(which I never have) and heart palpitations with
shortness of breath. I Love Homeopathy! Skeptwits are
just not paying attention to their rhythms.

Rina Valia Borax: Fear of downward motion in nearly all


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Meakin Mittu Calc-Sil.: Very insecure about the image of

his home esp fianancially. Feels must be sound financially so
that impression of his home remains maintained.

Ved Sharma Nat mur- she knew her love never mature,
malancholic, sad, desire to alone, symptom worse when
cosolation, irretable when anyone speak sweet with her,
everytime listen sad songs, sad but not weep, cry only when

Dipika Velkar Platina - Superiority Complex , looks down

upon others , wants to be the best, the number one by hook
or by crook , delusions as if others seem very small ..Others
should not have better things than me ...No wonder its the
most expensive metal around !!
Un Amigo Much like Lycopodium? homeopathic
medicine very interesting ...

Myra Nissen Not like Lyc. Lyc. not so secure in their

superiority as Plat.

Jane Taylor Thea - insomnia and murderous feelings, plus

electric shocks on drinking cold water! A great remedy but I
prefer champagne!

Deepak B Shah sulphur............aversion for bathing

Deepa Nair Late for the party !!!! Pulsatilla...feels better in

open air though generally feels chilly
I LOVE HOMEOPATHY Not at all.. Stay and Enjoy..

Kamlesh P. Mehta Crocus sat - Alternating states besides

Kamlesh P. Mehta

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Thanks. You may add:

- Menses indelible (Puls, Sil. Mag p, Mag c...)
- Groping in dark - trying various measures for solution
without knowing which one is right.
- Del. unfit for business - Finds herself inadequate for
the task/business
- thready discharges,

Claudine Goze-Weber ribes nigrum: shingles

Jane Kay Ross Oh not heard of this one for shingles . .
. have a friend who is suffering at the mo. but she's in
France and I am in UK - are there any other symptoms
which would differentiate it from Rhus Tox . . . ??

Shreya Deshpande I think Ribes nigrum is for initial

stages or where the inflammatory changes are minor...
would love to know more..

Uta Mittelstadt Emerald - Balances the heart !!

(..and makes you have green dreams after the initial
ingestion!!..:-))It also has modalities for eye-sight and is a
cancer remedy!
Barb Kindle Forrest and shooting pain into the hip
which took me months to rid myself of after
participating in a proving!

Kristalina Evdokieva Lycopodium-Lack of self-

confidence,egotism,poor memory,intolerance of

Mark O'Sullivan Agaricus - Delusions, He is commanded by

a mushroom to fall on his knees, confess his sins and rip up
his bowels (which has to be the most bizarre Sx in the MM)

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Wouldnt it be amzing to have a patient actually say this

in a consultation :O
Mind you I have had this told to me by a patient: ' It
feels like there is an angel on one side and a devil on
the other both teliing me to do good and bad things at
the same time…currently doing well on Anac.

Maria Cronyn which MM is that? that's hysterical

Mark O'Sullivan It's in the repertory. Linda Gwilliam

told us in class that she'd actually had a case where her
patient told her this is what had happened to him
during a hallucinogenic experience on mushrooms - fits
the remedy perfectly.

Riya Chonkar Palladium Metallicum--Love of

approbation,Desires flattery....
Vishal Verenkar Gives everything when flattered :lyco
, puls,sulph

Mark O'Sullivan Sulphur - laughs upon falling asleep

Preeti Shenoy thank u for d invitation! - sil in anxiety

neurosis- incapablility in performing extreme anxiety with
hesistancy n apprehension

Alpa Kumar Kaji Elaps Corralinum , Feeling of icy cold

water in tunnel in oesophageal tube , craving for salad ,
orange, curd and milk products

Punit Middha Bryonia-bussiness talks of !!

Ayub Khan In a party I go early and leave at last ! Thanks

for invitation!

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Bert De Prins Aconitum napelus: fear of death, hyperacute

symptoms, restlessness and panic, high fever; shock after
accidents ... earthquake etc...

Vishal Verenkar Thank you for the invitation !

Montse Cobo Ramon Thank you very much!. Aurum

Metalicum, despresion, constantly thinking about suicide,
extreme guilt.

Anat Edwy Hi There!

Carc-Emotional, passionate individuals with strong desires,
push themselves and work very hard. Amazing remedy!

Sunil Singh Thanks for the invitation!!!!!!!!!The Drug-KALI

CARB.-Gastric disorders from ice-water,better by lying
down...constant feeling as if stomach were full of water...

Gudny Osk Didriksdottir Arnica - says she´s well but isn´t


Pradnya Joshi-Deshmukh Glonoine..sunstroke and

headaches ..extreme aggravation from exposure to sun

Jitendra Srivastava Calcaria carb..........oversensitive on

hearing cruelties

Siddhartha Misra rhus tox...agg on first motion.

Sonali Zunzunwala Thanx alot...:)Arsenic Alb.......

Restlessness, cannot relax, anxious.

Tajinder Pal Singh lycopodium.... coward....

Manuela Morgado Aconitum... Panic, shock.......

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Heidi Stevenson Aranea diadema: Pain in the os calcis

(heel bone), right side, continued motion ameliorates.
Obscure, but definitive. It cured a cased of gradually
crippling pain that began there and spread up the leg, with
alleviation from continued walking. What could be more
exciting than that? Homeopathy is great!
Shashi Mohan Sharma Dear Heidi,
Thanks for reminding me of a case, where I used
Aranea with similar success. This 45 years old lady was
in much pain, and even advised surgical correction of
the heel bone.
Heidi Stevenson

I'm delighted to know that someone else found that

remedy for that problem. I cannot tell you how many
hours I spent on that case, until finding that one
symptom that exists - as far as I can tell - in only that
one remedy. It's so exciting when that happens - and
points out just how a well-selected remedy can do

Not to mention how incredibly effective homeopathy

can be.

Shreya Deshpande Yes true! It is one of the best

used remedies for plantar fasciits!

Heidi Stevenson Thank you, Shreya - I didn't know

that. It sounds like Aranea diadem may be one of those
remedies with a far bigger range of action than we're
generally familiar with. I noted changes in the loquacity
of my patient after the remedy, which would indicate
deep-action. Have you seen anything along those lines?

Shreya Deshpande Yes Heidi. many patients of

Aranea also complain their parts grown to abnormal
size when actually there is no such enlargement. Have
seen in some of the patients, n all symptoms r better
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by smoking.. in one of my patients with plantar

fasciitis, to my surprise, I had found smoking cessation
with a kind of nausea for tobacco, after a single dose of
the remedy..

Heidi Stevenson That is fascinating! It's great to learn

from you.

Urs Schrag MIND - AMUSEMENT - desire for

pip-m :-))
I LOVE HOMEOPATHY Urs - All people with Pip-m
constitution extra welcome at this party !

Sahana Pai thanks a lot...enjoy the

celebration..CAUSTICUM....intensely sympathetic

Kate: Great, how I love a party !!!!!

Folliculinum - Feels as if she is living out somebody else's



Bidyut Mukherjee Thanks for the Invitation! Sulphur-The

master Polychrest
Natasha Muchnik Hi Everyone, Hi Kids of
UNIVERSE!!!!!!! Let's party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about Laser Rx....speedy, right into the target,
new age

Shreya Deshpande Calcarea phos- Loves to travel! :-)

Nidhi Pathak Thanks For the invitation!! The Drug,

STAPHYSAGRIA - suppressed emotions!
Vishal Verenkar a/f anger ,vexation

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Nidhi Pathak yes absolutely, the staphysagria person

gets into a fight and then can't express his anger on
the other one

Shilendra Gupta Nux Vom



Nirit Ovadia Thanks for invitation, Rose-cal – harmony

Toni Kocheva Thanks! Remedy: Rhus-tox - Movement is


Gagan Nakra thanks, cocculus indica--cares and worries for

every one around

Dushyant Kamal Dhari thanks. stramonium

fear of dark.

Marina Afanasieva Thank you, Kartik, for invitation. In my

turn I invite for dancing on this Virtual Party the Aurum
muriaticum which does not lose his faith in life in spite of
long suffering.

Ravi Meena Anacardium Good V/s Evil.

Miriam Monks What about Arnica - when I fall off the
pole from dancing and hit my head but will keep on
going - cause I'M FINE!!! LOL

Sushil Bahl Thanks.Looks interesting.Aconite :Agonizing


Jelena Popovic TNX for invitation((:

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Saccharinum officinale-lack of selflove!

Dipti Rami thanks for invitation

remedy: palladium met: wants appreciation and approval all
the time.

Rajendra Prasad Verma sorry!!!!!!!!!!! I am not available

online at the time,i have other prior commitments:-

Lalitkumar Mishra Thanks for inviting me. . Remedy -

Beladona. one deciding mental symptoms; Hide things;
Vishal Verenkar in sycosis

Vaikunthanath Kaviraj Sepia, one deciding symptom:

Indifferent to those loved best

Elizabeth Brandegee I'm for any celebration of

Remedy: Silica.
One deciding symptom: Shyness
Saravanan Ramachandran ARUNDO :
Hay fever beginning with burning and itching of palate
and conjunctiva.

Hiteshkumar Patel thanks for invitation


Maurice Andre Thanks for inviting me..... Europhium-

Sulphuricum (wants to strong autonomy and many
works for that)

Ayub Khan Mojko pine ka khub adot nahi

Agar, shaki zarah meherban ho to
Ohi kadordan se johar bi pi shakti !
Let's roll guys ! I have some nux.v with me !

This EBook is freely distributed and is not to be sold

Clinical Tips from the Party

At the next party

This EBook is freely distributed and is not to be sold


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