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Internado Nacional Barros Arana

English Department
Guide for Readers
“The Selfish Giant”

Names: Alexis Acuña, Diego Espinoza, Héctor Rayo

Class: 3rd D
Dateline: September, Thursday 30th

A. Esperado: Comprensión lectora

I.- Describing People: Describe these characters


The children were a crowd of little curious kids, who loved to play in the Selfish Giant’s
garden. They brought the spring to his garden when it was winter.

-Selfish Giant

He was a giant person who owns a beautiful garden, and he used to get angry when
somebody enters there.

-The little boy

He was a little kid who loved to play in giant’s garden. He was tiny and he couldn’t
reach up the branches of the tree.

II.- Answer these questions.

1) At the end of the story. What happened with The Selfish Giant?

-He goes to the Paradise with the little boy, he lies in his garden all covered with white
blossoms forever.

2) Why is called The Selfish Giant?

Because he didn’t allow anybody to enter in his garden.

III.- Write True or False. Justify false

1. The village children played in the Giant’s garden once a week.

False, they went to the Giant’s garden every afternoon

2. The Giant built a small wall around his garden.

False. Because he built a high wall around his garden.

3. The Giant wrote ‘No Children’ on the wall.

False, he wrote: ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’.

4. The children climbed over the wall into the garden.

False, they made a hole in the wall, to go through in.

5. The Giant asked the children to come back into the garden.


6. The Giant did not have any friends until he met the little boy.


7. The little boy cried when the Giant placed him in the tree.

False, he felt happy and then he kissed the Giant.

8. The little boy was responsible for the death of the Giant.

False. The Little boy asked him to go to the Paradise beside him.

IV.- Who said the following expression?


The children said:

"How happy we are here!"

The Giant said:

"What are you doing here?"


The giant said:

"My own garden is my own garden,"


The Snow and the Frost said:

"Spring has forgotten this garden,"


The Giant said:

"I hope there will be a change in the weather."


The children said:

"he has gone away."

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