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Kristin Kopach

POS 368 - Honors Paper

November 11, 2010

Internet Censorship and the Quality of Democracy


The right to free speech and freedom of the press are staples in in the western ideal of

democracy. In a more broad sense, the ideas of the amount of political rights and civil liberties

can be used as a measure. This is how the organization Freedom House rates the countries of the

world1. The internet has undoubtedly become a vehicle for free expression, yet there are some

countries which chose to stifle its citizens’ access to the internet. The OpenNet Initiative rates

State filtering in 4 categories: political, social, conflict/security and internet tools. It then rates the

amount of filtering from pervasive filtering to no evidence of filtering2. In this paper, I intend to

prove a link between the amount of internet filtering and the quality of democracy, specifically

that the higher the amount of filtering there is in a country, the lower quality of democracy that

country has.

1 Freedom House. Methodology. Freedom in the World 2010 Edition. 2010. 11 November 2010.
! <>.
2 OpenNet Initiative. Country Profiles. Research. 2010. 11 November 2010.
! <>.

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