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ENG1A Communication Skills Part 1



To show time or sequence after, before, finally, in the After several attempts the writer has
meantime, next, now, soon, finally completed his masterpiece.
then, today, tomorrow,
yesterday, first, later,
eventually, lastly
To show location or above, adjacent to, ahead, The writer completed his masterpiece
direction below, behind, beyond, underneath the old mango tree in the
elsewhere, far, in front of, middle of the farm.
in the background, in the
middle of, near, nearby,
next to, opposite to, over
there, straight ahead, there,
to the left/right, underneath
To introduce an example especially, for example, for The writer wrote poems especially for
instance, for one thing, in his deceased mother entitled namely: My
particular, namely, to mom, To You, Beloved and Farewell
To add an example and, also, as well, besides, In addition to the poems that he has
furthermore, in addition, written, the writer is known for his
likewise, moreover, that is, stories too.
To show comparison as, by comparison, Compared with Rizal’s, the writer’s
compared with, equally, in poems were just as commendable.
comparison to, in like
manner, in the same
manner/way, just as, like,
likewise, similarly, the
same as
To show contrast although and yet, as though, Although uneducated, the writer is far
but, by contrast, conversely, more intelligent than his most of his
even so, however, in spite town mates.
of, instead of, on the other
To show results or effects thus, hence, therefore, The writer practiced his writing early on,
accordingly, thereupon, as a hence, his becoming a great one.
result, and so, as a
To indicate an explanation in other words, simply The writer was in fact considered the
stated, in fact best one the whole region has ever
To indicate a summary or all in all, in conclusion, Therefore, for one to become like the
conclusion indeed, in short, in writer, one must learn from his failures
summary, on the whole, and victories.
therefore, in conclusion, to
sum up

ENG1A Communication Skills Part 1


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