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November 10, 2010

South Korea is a Thriving, Dynamic Market

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• "o$t& 'orea+ t&e ,$rrent ,&air of t&e 0123 an4 t&e &ost of t&is 6ee78s 0123 "$99it+ :oasts Asia>s
fourth-largest economy an4 15th largest in the world;

• A 9e9:er of t&e =rgani?ation for @,ono9i, AooBeration an4 CeDeEoB9ent+ 'orea is ,Eassifie4 as a
high-income economy :y t&e GorE4 Han7 an4 an advanced economy :y t&e IMF;

Gross Domestic Product of Largest U.S. Trading Partners

(USD Trillions), 2009
China Germany Mexico Japan France Canada South Korea
R4.98 R3.35 R.87 R5.07 R2.65 R1.34 R.83
"#o%&ce) *+e ,o&l. /an2

• L&e '=MN" FLA 6o$E4 :e t&e second-largest FTA in N;"; &istory O 'orea is t&e third-largest trading
partner of China and Japan+ t&e seventh largest of the U.S.+ an4 t&e eighth largest of the EU;

" #o%&ce) *+e 345o&t78m5o&t /an2 o: ;o&ea an. <inist&? o: ;no@le.Ae 3conom?

• 'orea8s &eaDy e9B&asis on e4$,ation is ,re4ite4 as a Bri9ary fa,tor in its e,ono9i, s$,,ess O t&e
Nnite4 Pations ran7s 'orea8s e4$,ation syste9 first in Asia an4 seventh worldwide;

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