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Senior Helpers In Home Elder Care of Fairfield County and Litchfield

County, Connecticut, Talks About Living with Alzheimer's Disease

November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

Surveys in recent years show that, even more than death, older adults fear the possibility of developing
Alzheimer's disease. And with good reason: each year, approximately 350,000 Americans are newly
diagnosed with the condition. Can Alzheimer's be prevented or delayed? Intriguing new research
suggests that it can. But even for people who have the disease, managing the condition is an important
goal-and for the patient and family members alike, knowledge is the first step.

What is Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain that causes dementia. Dementia
is the deterioration of memory, language, personality and the ability to process information. Alzheimer's
disease is not the only condition that leads to dementia; other causes include stroke, chronic alcohol
abuse, vitamin deficiencies, and Parkinson's disease. Depression, too, may share some of the same early
symptoms. So if Alzheimer's disease is suspected, it is important that thorough testing be performed to
rule out other conditions that might be reversible.

What Causes Alzheimer's Disease?

As we grow older, certain changes in brain tissue occur in all of us. But in people with Alzheimer's
disease, the changes occur in large numbers of cells and in specific areas of the brain. Alzheimer's
patients develop what are called amyloid plaques (abnormal clumps of protein) and neurofibrillary
tangles (nerve cells that become tangled and dysfunctional). Certain chemicals that are responsible for
transmitting nerve impulses in the brain are reduced. No one knows exactly why this happens, and
research efforts are still underway to discover the cause or causes of Alzheimer's.

What Are the Symptoms?

Alzheimer's disease usually comes on slowly, with a gradual deterioration of memory and difficulty
learning new information. The patient develops problems in carrying out familiar tasks, understanding
concepts, and taking care of grooming or household chores. Personality changes, restlessness, and
disorientation may also occur, and as the disease progresses, these symptoms become more
pronounced. In its later stages, Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a lack of concern for appearance
or body function, significant sleep disturbances, extreme irritability, and loss of ability to speak.
Gradually, the person stops eating or drinking regularly

What Can Be Done?

Alzheimer's disease must be diagnosed by a physician who is experienced in identifying and treating this
disease. At this time, there is no cure for Alzheimer's, though certain treatments, including some drugs,
can help control symptoms. Drugs now being tested may someday offer more concrete hope for
patients and families. But in the absence of a cure, some forms of treatment can help, including treating
any other illnesses the patient might be experiencing, using medication to help control anxiety or other
symptoms, and participating in certain therapeutic activities. It is important to provide a supportive
environment for people with Alzheimer's, in which as much dignity and self-respect as possible can be

The adjustment of both patient and family to a diagnosis of Alzheimer's may be very difficult. It can help
to talk with others who have a family member with Alzheimer's, and to join a support group. Help is out
there, and this is a time to take advantage of community resources.

For more information, visit the Alzheimer's Association website that offers information and resources
for people with Alzheimer's, their families and professionals.

(c)2008 IlluminAge Communication Partners


About Senior Helpers:

Senior Helpers provides many in-home, caregiving services for the elderly in the Brookfield, Ridgefield,
Trumbull, Southbury, New Milford, Litchfield areas.  We offer extensive in-home health care services for
seniors who embrace their independence and the personal dignity that goes with it.  Our in-home care
services are provided by bonded and insured caregivers all of whom pass a national background check.

If a senior family member needs in-home care services in Fairfield County or Litchfield County, we are an
excellent choice with exemplary references.  In-home care is the compassionate choice for your elderly
loved ones' continued independent living. We promise we will do our best to make it a positive
experience for them and you.  For more information, please visit:

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