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)Introduction about the topic :

What is mercy killing?Mercy killing or Euthanasia is nothing but the

practice of killing a person or animal,in a painless or minimally painful way,
for mercif
l reasons,usually to end suffering of a patient before death.In wider
sense it depicts assisting sufferers to commit sudden death rather than sufferin
from long,in particular physician-assisted suicide.
In some cases,Mercy killing has been legalized in Netherlands,Belgium,
but in no other countries.There are many other reasons that why mercy killing
is not the best resort and also why it is beneficial in some cases.This decision
is based on the patients' rights and dignity,doctors' rights,religious beliefs,s
ociety's views,
morality and other resolutions available.
Now requesting all of you to give positive/negative opinion regarding mercy kill
2)Opinions against of mercy killing :
i) Scoetiy's view:Active euthanasia is akin to murder
The term which is basically synonymous with the phrase "mercy killing" that is
Euthanasia.The term Euthanasia is a greek term,which means "good death".
But many people aren't finding anything good about Euthonesia except its name
meaning "good death".As commonly defined and used, euthanasia involves that
actions of one party to hasten the death of another,so many people of today's wo
are not cosidering mercy killing as merciful,in their view mercy killing is also
a kind
of killing or murder process.
ii) Society's view:Family persons may misuse this:
They are also right that "mercy killing" might be abused
by some families.To get property they may ask doctor to kill the eldest family p
by this method.And as corruption is everywhere,so this may happen true.In such c
only the patient will be victim.
Not all killing is murder in a strict legal sense, but euthanasia defintiely com
es quite close as there is premeditation, intent, and action.The only place I ca
n justify the taking of a human life is the case of capital punishment for murde
r.I know of no cases where the victim of euthanasia was a convicted murderer.Mos
t often it is a person terminally ill or in great pain or suffering some other s
eriously debilitating and irreversible condition which makes death look preferra
ble. The problem is that we live in community, and are inherently relational bei
ngs.Our life is a gift given from a source quite apart from us.Life is a trust.S
uicide, 'assisted suicide,' euthanasia, and homicide all have in common an actio
n taken to end a human life.Motives and methods do not change the outcome.That w
e do it because we care;that we do it 'gently' does not alter the fact that a li
fe ends unnaturally.
So on the point of morality,major part of common people are thinking that everyo
ne's life has quality,no matter what their social status is.Life is a gift from
God and only God can take it from us.If you allow exceptions to the principle th
at human life is scared, you weaken the principle itself.Only a minor part of po
pulation is able to expend any amount they can to stave off death,even when ther
e is no hope for recovery.But major part of peopple are not able to maintain tre
atment with huge cost.There are those - and their number is growing - who opt to
receive neither treatment nor hastening death.They choose to allow nature to ta
ke its own course.They are just given medication only to ease their visible suff
ering, but that's not enough to prevent respiratory failure.They have chosen wis
dom over knowledge.Theirs is truly death with dignity.Coz they enjoy each and ev
ery moment of life till his/her last breath.
4)In favour of the topic:
It is an important question in today's society that whether mercy killing is rea
lly merciful or not.I think mercy killing is an exceptional type of killing meth
E.g.,Maja, a married lady said in an article published on 23rd may,2005 that she
forced her husband to kill a hummingbird.Because,their neighborhood cat had it
and made half-killed, but just kept playing with it while it was horribly suffer
ing.And it became extremely painful/severe condition for the half-dead bird.So M
aja requested her husband to kill the bird with knife and he did.---So this can
be said as mercy killing and it is not wrong.Her husband killed the bird to give
it relieve from severe pain.
But u all may say that the humming bird is an animal and we are human being.So,b
oth can't get treated in same manner.
So,i m giving another example is,if a cancer patient is suffering fromintolerabl
e pain few hours before his/her definite death and doctor is also declaring that
he will survive maximum few hours more----he will just suffer now with this pai
n and gradually he'll die with hours.In case of such patient,it is really tough
for the patient to count his time with such king of severe pain.And it is really
meaningless to suffer with this kind of intolerable pain specially when death a
fter few hours is definite.Only In such a condition---there is no question of en
joying or feeling last breath.In such case,living few more hours becomes highly
painful to the patient.So,only in such case mercy killing should be applicable t
o give him peace for ever,to give him relief from such a painful death.Offcourse
human being loves life,offcourse human being feels and enjoys each and every mo
ment of life.But life is not as it is to everyone.Only the sufferer know that ho
w much horrible it is to hear that he/she will live for few hours more and until
then he/she has to tolerate an intolerable physical pain coz he/she is cancer p
atient.So,in such a case if euthonasia is applied,it is for good purpose only bu
t not for harm.

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