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Tip #1: Do your homework.

We're impressed when candidates have taken the time to do some research and learn about us. Since you are here on this site, you
obviously find value in this too. Take a look around and learn as much as you can. Being prepared will also minimize your anxiety.

Tip #2: Make an impact.

Dress for the occasion. The rule is, when in doubt, overdress. Recent trends have dictated business-casual attire, but it's still
appropriate to wear a business suit. If you mean business, show us. And remember…it's not always what you say, but how you
present yourself that makes an impression. Be sure to shake hands firmly and maintain eye contact. During the interview, sit up and
stay focused. If your mind starts to wander, it shows.

Tip #3: Be confident.

Composure in the business world is crucial. And an interview is a good measurement of how you handle pressure. You don't want to
appear too nervous. At the same time, don't be too relaxed. Maintain an appropriate level of professionalism without being
unapproachable. The best advice is to be yourself. You're an outgoing, likeable person. Let that come through in your interview.
We're looking for individuals who will thrive in our team-based environment.

Tip #4: Ask questions.

When you want to learn more about who we are and what we do, it lets us know you're interested. Depending on what you ask, it
may also prove you've done your homework. Before the interview, make sure you've prepared a list of questions that we may not
have addressed.

Tip #5: Sell yourself.

Your qualifications got you in the door. Make sure you can speak confidently about any experiences you've had in the workplace
and in the classroom. Specific examples of how you've contributed to an organization or learned something exciting are of interest
to us. We see potential in you, so be sure to sell yourself by promoting your skills and abilities.

Tip #6: Get clarification.

If you don't understand a question, don't hesitate...ask us to repeat it. You have a better shot at giving your best answer if you know
exactly what we're asking.

Tip #7: Follow up.

It's good etiquette to thank interviewers for their time. Make sure you get a business card from the person or people that you meet
with and send a letter to each one as soon as possible after the interview. This will also let us know that you liked what you heard
and you want us to keep you in mind.

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