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Inflammatory Essays

Jenny Holzer, Inflammatory Essays (1978–82).

elles@centrepompidou, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

These essays disgusted me when I read it the first time, partly my mistake because I failed
to understand the artist's intention, now after a bit of research I find it rather stimulating.
Feel free to skip the text below if it isn't your cup of kaapi.

P.S: I forgot to get my audio guide here, so couldn't learn much about this work then. (Do
yourself a favor if you ever visit Paris Musee's, rent those awesome iPod like audio guides
they will make your experience so much richer.)

"The tone of the ‘Inflammatory Essays’ is aggressive and challenging. The texts are the
invention of the artist, although they do not necessarily reflect the artist's own views. From
one Essay to another they ‘display a spectrum of views, from far-left to far-right. I wanted
to talk about things that are very important to people but in a non-didactic way (the series
as a whole with its conflicting views is not didactic). I tried to show how dangerous and
absurd it is to be a fanatic, but how important it is to get things done’. They often have the
air of slogans found in graffiti form on walls in the city.

In preparation she read ‘Mao, Lenin, Emma Goldman, various religious and right wing
fanatics, miscellaneous American anarchists and some “folk” crackpot literature’. Her
intention was to ‘write things that were very hot - in tone and subject matter - to (hopefully)
instill a sense of urgency in the reader. I wanted the reader to jump, at least, and maybe
consider doing something useful.’ To this end the posters were first ‘wheat-pasted in the
streets of Manhattan. They were placed wherever posters normally appear’ but the choice
of text was not always arbitrary. ‘Sometimes I'd choose certain texts for certain
neighbourhoods. It was fun to put particularly frightening ones uptown.’ Each week Holzer
pasted up a different poster. In order to make clear that a new poster was on display she had
them printed on paper of different colours and ‘to let the viewers know that the posters
were part of a series, I made each poster exactly 100 words long and 20 lines’ "


Essay #1
The most exquisite pleasure is domination. Nothing can compare with
the feeling. The mental sensations are even better than the physical
ones. Knowing you have power has to be the biggest high, the greatest
comfort. It is complete security, protection from hurt. When you
dominate somebody you're doing him a favor. He prays someone will
control him, take his mind off his troubles. You're helping him while
helping yourself. Even when you get mean he likes it. Sometimes he's
angry and fights back but you can handle it. He always remembers what
he needs. You always get what you want.
Essay #2
Thou art that kind of privileged woman who is really really sure that
nothing will ever happen to thee. Thou imagine that thou art sacred,
that they body is a temple where none but the anointed may enter.
Surprise! Thy temple gates are about to be opened. Before thou can
shiver, everyone will be exploring thy secret altar. Free admission!
Thou will be common property, everyone's whore, before thou art
used-up, messed-up and thrown in a pile with other junk that used to
look good but is useless. It is thine own fault. Thou thought thou
were better than us.

Essay #3
Repressing sex urges is so bad. Poison dams up inside and then it must
come out. When sex is held back too long it comes out fast and wild.
It can do a lot of harm. Innocent people get shot or cut by confused
sex urges. They don't know what hit them until too late. Parents
should let children express themselves so they don't get mean early.
Adults should make sure they find many outlets. All people should
respond to big sex needs. Don't make fun of individuals and send them
away. It's better to volunteer than to get forced.

Essay #4
Rejoice! Our times are intolerable. Take courage, for the worst is a
harbinger of the best. Only dire circumstance can precipitate the
overthrow of the oppressors. The old and corrupt must be laid to waste
before the just can triumph. Opposition identifies and isolates the
enemy. Conflict of interest must be seen for what it is. Do not
support palliative gestures; they confuse the people and delay the
inevitable confrontation. Delay is not tolerated for it jeopardizes
the well-being of the majority. Contradiction will be heightened, the
reckoning will be hastened by the staging of seed disturbances. The
apocalypse will blossom.

Essay #5
A real torture would be to build a sparkling cage with 2-way mirrors
and steel bars. In there would be good-looking and young girls who'll
think they're in a regular motel room so they'll take their clothes
off and do the delicate things that girls do when they're sure they're
alone. Everyone who watches will go crazy because they won't be
believing what they're seeing but they'll see the bars and know they
can't get in. And, they'll be afraid to make a move because they don't
want to scare the girls away from doing the delicious things they're

Essay #6
Freedom is it! You're so scared, you want to lock up everybody. ARE
SOLUTION? Definitely no. WHAT CAUSED THE SITUATION? Lack of freedom.
WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Let people fulfill their needs. IS FREEDOM
CONSTRUCTIVE OR IS IT DESTRUCTIVE? The answer is obvious. Free people
are good, productive people. IS LIBERATION DANGEROUS? Only when
overdue. People aren't born rabid or berserk. When you punish and
shame you cause what you dread. WHAT TO DO? Let it explode. Run with
it. Don't control or manipulate. Make amends.

Essay #7
Destroy superabundance. Starve the flesh, shave the hair, expose the
bone, clarify the mind, define the will, restrain the senses, leave
the family, flee the church, kill the vermin, vomit the heart, forget
the dead. Limit time, forgo amusement, deny nature, reject
acquaintances, discard objects, forget truths, dissect myth, stop
motion, block impulse, choke sobs, swallow chatter. Scorn joy, scorn
touch, scorn tragedy, scorn liberty, scorn constancy, scorn hope,
scorn exaltation, scorn reproduction, scorn variety, scorn
embellishment, scorn release, scorn rest, scorn sweetness, scorn
light. It's a question of form as much as function. It is a matter of

Essay #8
Change is the basis of all history, the proof of vigor. The old is
soiled and disgusting by nature. Stale food is repellent, monogamous
love breeds contempt, senility cripples the government that is too
powerful too long. Upheaval is desirable because fresh, untainted
groups seize opportunity. Violent overthrow is appropriate when the
situation is intolerable. Slow modification can be effective; men
change before they notice and resist. The decadent and the powerful
champion continuity. ``Nothing essential changes.'' That is a myth. It
will be refuted. The necessary birth convulsions will be triggered.
Action will bring the evidence to your doorstep.

Essay #9
Don't talk down to me. Don't be polite to me. Don't try to make me
feel nice. Don't relax. I'll cut the smile off your face. You think I
don't know what's going on. You think I'm afraid to react. The joke's
on you. I'm biding my time, looking for the spot. You think no one can
reach you, no one can have what you have. I've been planning while
you're playing. I've been saving while you're spending. The game is
almost over so it's time you acknowledge me. Do you want to fall not
ever knowing who took you?

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