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Online gaming: a different experience

Yesteryear, the arcades where the gathering spot for gamers who
enjoyed being around other videogames enthusiasts. Now there is no
need to leave home to organize challenges, connect the console to the
internet is enough.
Using the experience obtained from the first console and the online
gaming trend imposed by PC users, Sony had a first try adding this
option to the PlayStation 2, but the results where not as expected,
specially because an external device was required and the developers
didn't cared much for online sessions then.
Given the huge popularity of online gaming, each console on the current
generation has its own online service: Xbox 360 has Xbox Live,
PlayStation 3 has PlayStation Network, Wii has Nintendo WiFi even the
portable systems have access to the net thanks to their wireless cards.
The online gaming mode offers experiences not available while playing
alone, for example: if it is wanted to obtain a special weapon in a DS'
role game, it is necessary to complete quests playing with someone else
According to a survey by the NPD Group, the 54% of northamerican
gamers have accessed the internet to play online matches. The number
went down by 2% respecting 2009, but it has a trend that more than a
half of the users have jumped to the network.

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