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Google Chrome OS Login problem –

Network not connected and offline

login failed
Many of the users who have who downloaded Google Chrome OS and have tried to virtualize it
via VMware / VMPlayer or VirtualBox, are facing an issue with logging in.

What ever user name and password you are entering, it is returning that “Network not
connected and offline login failed”

How to solve this issue of error “Network not connected and offline login failed” ?
If the OS has not detected any Network device then for offline login purpose, please user
following user name and password.

User name :- chronos

Password :- chronos
User name :- chromeos-blog
Password :-
Update Dec 11, 2009
It seems that the user name and password is different for different compilation of this product.
Meaning the developer who is compiling can or rather need to assign an off-line user ID and
password by him/her self.

As already an user have pointed out,

For the one I had I found the username was chromeos-blog and the password was chromeos-

So if you have found any other user name and password to be working, please do mention the
source of the copy and off-course the user ID and password.

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