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(19:04:20) bigbadwolf: hello!

(19:15:51) Willie: Kinkyclawz logs into the Chat.

(19:16:21) Kinkyclawz: Hiya gang! *hugz Eileen and BBW* How are you both, my Packmates>?
(19:16:32) Kinkyclawz: Have i missed anything?
(19:17:26) bigbadwolf: KC you are AWESOME!
(19:18:08) Kinkyclawz: I am? *blinks* do tell?
(19:18:17) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, *wonders what she's done... or not done*
(19:18:38) bigbadwolf: I've just finished reading wait for sunrise
(19:18:47) bigbadwolf: being reading your stories all day
(19:18:52) bigbadwolf: you're a great writer
(19:19:06) Kinkyclawz: Ooh... in that case, thankyou very much, m'dear!
(19:19:27) Kinkyclawz: Wow, you read... all 61 chapters in a week?!
(19:19:45) Kinkyclawz: Bravo, BBW! Bravo indeed!
(19:20:01) Kinkyclawz: Psst, Eileen, are you here?
(19:20:05) bigbadwolf: I read the first two stories ofthe trilogy in pretty much 24 hours XD
(19:20:29) bigbadwolf: I started yesterday afternoon, slept about 4 hours and then kept on
reading all day lol
(19:20:49) Kinkyclawz: *is stunned* bloomin' heck. i'm very glad they grabbed your attention
(19:21:21) bigbadwolf: some of your cliffhangers are incredible!
(19:22:27) Eileen: Oh!
(19:22:33) Eileen: I missed you coming in!
(19:23:05) bigbadwolf: Hello Eileen!
(19:23:39) Eileen: Hello bbw and KC!
(19:23:42) Eileen: How are you?
(19:23:43) Kinkyclawz: Bet you flooped and dreamt of vampires, ghosts and werewolves
afterwards, eh? Aww, thankyou so much! *huggles* I think you might enjoy some of the ones in
But There Was This then, and perhaps some of the upcoming ones. I'm working on Ch25 of
BTWT at the minute but its not a cliff-hangery chapter I don't think.
Actually, feeling quite proud. *smiles* Cheers!
EILEEN! *huggles her suesse* Wie gehts liebe?
(19:24:12) Kinkyclawz: Flooped?! lmao meant to sat flopped, but I bet you guessed that.
(19:24:36) bigbadwolf: ahah no i lireally dozed off like a ston,e too exhausted from a long day
(19:24:41) Kinkyclawz: not bad thankyou, just finished my tea after getting in from work so am
(19:24:58) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya BBW! Hee, s'made my night though.
(19:25:34) bigbadwolf: made my night too i must say I liked your stories a lot more than the
"official" books
(19:26:06) bigbadwolf: (also because they are very werewolves-centred )
(19:26:15) Kinkyclawz: Heh, wonder if they'd let me have a stab at an official book sometime.
(19:26:37) Kinkyclawz: lmao Yeah.. i'm usually pretty centred on the werewolves. not sure why.
*looks innocent*
(19:27:40) Kinkyclawz: Though you won;t have met one of my own characters (an original set of
short stories of mine too) - Melissa kane, the vampiress.
(19:27:41) Eileen: yes, I'm good thanks
(19:27:52) Kinkyclawz: Hehe,
(19:27:55) bigbadwolf: god I love it in the official books very little is mentioned about George's
change, If I remember well there is not a single transformation
(19:28:06) Eileen: i wish i had more time to read fanfics
(19:28:07) Eileen: lol
(19:28:24) Eileen: but im not a werewolf fan so that would be different
(19:28:29) Eileen: but maybe someday
(19:28:31) Eileen:
(19:28:34) Eileen: how are you bbw?
(19:29:00) bigbadwolf: knackered but ok thx
(19:29:38) Kinkyclawz: Erm.... no, I think you're right BBW, no transformations in the 3 books. :/
Well, mine's not wholly based on werewovles, i do explore ghosts and vampires too. Book 1 is
quite ghost-centric, 2 is werewolf centric, and the thrid one is turning out to be a bit of everything
(19:29:57) Willie: Cieria logs into the Chat.
(19:30:26) bigbadwolf: yep but luckily for us WW fans you put a lot of effort on George
(19:30:28) Kinkyclawz: Then again, S1 was very vampire-based so I took that as my lead to
explore the others.
C!! Hiya sweetie! *hugz* How goes it?
(19:30:32) bigbadwolf: hi Cieria
(19:30:47) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, of course. Can;t ignore our George.
(19:30:50) Cieria: Hello. Things are going well thanks. How are you guys?
(19:31:31) bigbadwolf: and I must say I even prefer you're own "alternative path"of the story to
Nina's revelation of G's real secret, it made a lot more sense than the original imho
(19:32:33) Kinkyclawz: not bad thanks, C. In bed, getting warmed up after work. How's the course
(19:32:40) Eileen: Hey C!
(19:32:43) Kinkyclawz: sorry, the courses.
(19:33:09) Cieria: It's been reading week this week so I haven't been doing coursey stuff Classes
start up again tomorrow.
(19:33:12) Cieria: Hey Eileen
(19:33:35) Eileen: hope your not mad about me KC for not reading your fanfics
(19:33:39) Eileen: sorry *ducks*
(19:33:52) Eileen: but i dont even get to read my fav spn fics
(19:33:53) Eileen: lol
(19:34:02) Eileen: how are you C?
(19:34:24) Cieria: I'm okay thanks Eileen, how are you?
(19:34:27) Eileen: Reading week? Need something like that too
(19:34:32) Eileen: i good thanks
(19:34:40) Kinkyclawz: It was quite sweet, the reveal in the shwo was... well, a bit harsh.
Aha, C! Getting into the student mindset already? Heehee.
*hugz Eileen* not at all, sweetie! If you want to read, they're always tehre but there's no pressure
to. I just hope that if/wehn you do, you'll enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to. #
(19:34:45) Eileen: lol I tarzan you jane
(19:34:58) Eileen: i have great grammar today dont i?
(19:35:15) Kinkyclawz: I Tarzan, You Jane?! *looks around to see if Tarzan is swinging around in
the Insanity Tree*
(19:35:39) Eileen: no KC just to demonstrate at which state my grammar is tonight
(19:35:52) Kinkyclawz: You do Eileen! You've done the wise thing and left your brain in the
bucket by the door. lol You thought i'd forgotten that old ritual of ours.
(19:36:06) bigbadwolf: KC can I ask you a question about ATW?
(19:36:18) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Grammar is overrated sometimes, esp on chatrooms.
(19:36:24) Kinkyclawz: Fire away, BBW!
(19:36:42) Eileen: I only forgot the 'm really!!!!!!!!!
(19:36:45) bigbadwolf: I'm not sure I understood why Zhen didn't change
(19:38:48) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, ooh, now this would be telling as I'm tackling it more in BTWT...
sorry, this answer might be a tad cryptic. If you consider what is different betwene her and the
other werewolves... specifically the other female ones?
(19:39:15) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Eileen, I'm in the same boat as ou tonight-can't spell Between...
betwene? I ask ya!
(19:39:20) Kinkyclawz: ou?
(19:39:27) Kinkyclawz: Yay for typos!
(19:40:18) Kinkyclawz: BBW, hope its not too 'round the houses for you. I'll give a more direct
answer if you need it but you might have gotten it from the cryptic hint.
(19:40:50) Kinkyclawz: C, are you onn for long tongiht, m'dear?
(19:41:00) Kinkyclawz: Oh gawd, bloomin' typos!
(19:41:10) bigbadwolf: no I haven0t yet should I doublecheck a specific passage? (that could be
a good hint lol)
(19:41:50) Cieria: I dunno. I'll probably stay a little bit. Kat's ill and Gani is out running around a
forest fighting with people so I'm on my own here xD
(19:42:01) bigbadwolf: plus I must say i really like the George/Aleks relationship you make it
sound so real!
(19:42:08) Eileen: oh! i have to tell you
(19:42:13) Eileen: brenda will not come tonight
(19:42:29) Kinkyclawz: Aww, hope we've not scared her away!
(19:42:40) Eileen: she is not feeling well but told me to say hi from her
(19:42:47) Eileen: she will be here next week
(19:43:06) Kinkyclawz: Aww, send big get well virtual hugz to Kat, if you can please C! And
Gani's... Gani's doing what?!
(19:43:16) bigbadwolf: I'll be leaving you all guys (or better, girls) in a couple of minutes, my
flatmates and I are going to watch a movie called Salt, they sold it to me as "Jason Bourne with
boobs lol)
(19:43:36) Cieria: He's out fighting monsters in the woods *nods knowingly*
(19:43:41) Kinkyclawz: Aww, give Brenda huge get well hugz too bitte, suesse.
(19:44:21) Kinkyclawz: Aww, hoper you cna come back BBW! Thankyou for making my night!
*hugz* Hehe. And the direct answer, if you want it... she's pregnant.
(19:44:58) Kinkyclawz: I'll elave you to consider where thats hinted at, BBW! Enjoy your film,
(19:45:28) Kinkyclawz: Salt? I've heard of that. its the stuff you put in food to flavour it, right?
(19:45:45) Eileen: Bye BBW!!!
(19:45:58) bigbadwolf: ah true with K's child god my mind didn't click today
(19:45:58) Eileen: It's with Angelina Jolie
(19:46:01) Eileen: argh
(19:46:01) Eileen: lol
(19:46:08) Eileen: Enjoy, BBW!
(19:46:18) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ C. I hope Gani wins so he can come back to us next week. not for
round 2 of course.
(19:46:47) Kinkyclawz: BBW, It might ahve been chapter overload, though. Bless ya for slogging
though it in one day!!
(19:46:52) Cieria: He does it every week xD And remember he's undead so he's gonna be tricky
to kill.
(19:46:56) bigbadwolf: Eileen Angelina is a goddess :p
(19:47:03) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, this is a good point, C!
(19:47:13) Kinkyclawz: Ah, thankyou eileen!
(19:47:22) bigbadwolf: ahah yep I just hope I can make your last story last at least till next week
(19:47:33) Kinkyclawz: I was messing, but i was sure I'd heard of the film, just couldn;t remember
anything else. lmao
(19:48:10) bigbadwolf: Iknow nothing else bout the film except Jolie is the main character and
it'sa decent action movie
(19:48:12) Kinkyclawz: ^^ BBW, it might last longer, its not complete yet-no idea how many
chapters that ones gonna be-so many threads to tie up. lmao
(19:48:32) bigbadwolf: hahaha
(19:48:45) Kinkyclawz: In that case, BBW, you'll enjoy for sure! Angelina Jolie being a Goddess
and all.
(19:49:09) bigbadwolf: well then please make sure you can make it last till january, I'll be eternally
grateful to you if you do that!
(19:49:25) Kinkyclawz: ^^ It'll probably still be going when S4 starts! lmao
(19:49:41) bigbadwolf: hahah better so then
(19:49:59) bigbadwolf: well have a good evening you all ladies!
(19:50:03) Kinkyclawz: Trying to tie BTWT up though then I can jump onto other projects.
(19:50:05) bigbadwolf: see you next time!
(19:50:11) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight, good Sir! Seeya next week!
(19:50:22) Kinkyclawz: ****
(19:50:27) Kinkyclawz: ***** even
(19:50:40) bigbadwolf: and thanks again for the amazing effort you put into your stories KC!
(19:51:14) Kinkyclawz: You're more than welcome, m'dear!
(19:51:23) Kinkyclawz: Glad you're enjoying them so far.
(19:51:57) bigbadwolf:
(19:51:58) bigbadwolf: see ya!
(19:53:33) Kinkyclawz: Seeya! Take care!
(19:53:57) Eileen: LOL sorry im a girl
(19:54:03) Eileen: not an angelina fan
(19:54:52) Kinkyclawz: nope, I'm not a huge fan myself but she did a good job in the Tomb Raider
films... oh dear, i just admitted to liking the Tomb Raider films. lmao
(19:55:03) Kinkyclawz: *hides, giggling in shame*
(19:56:00) Eileen: lol
(19:56:11) Eileen: I will not comment on that
(19:56:22) Kinkyclawz: Well, i say like... they made me laugh.
(19:56:45) Kinkyclawz: & they have Chris Barrie as the butler who is awesomeness personified.
(19:56:50) Willie: bigbadwolf has been logged out (Timeout).
(19:57:00) Kinkyclawz: *shuts up before she loses ALL credibility*
(19:57:18) Kinkyclawz: It think its wise not to Eileen. ;0
(19:57:20) Eileen: haha
(19:57:27) Kinkyclawz: psst, C! You still with us?
(19:57:31) Eileen: to be honest, I don't watch many movies
(19:57:44) Kinkyclawz: *roots around for the prodding stick, just in case*
(19:57:48) Cieria: Yep I am.
(19:57:48) Eileen: anymore
(19:58:00) Eileen: ah! there she is
(19:58:08) Kinkyclawz: YAY! ~*puts the prodding stick off to one side, just in case*
(19:58:28) Kinkyclawz: What kind of films do you like, Eileen?
(19:58:53) Kinkyclawz: What kind of films do you like C?
(19:59:05) Kinkyclawz: hehe, sorry rwas rude not to ask you bhoth at once
(19:59:11) Eileen: mostly fantasy and leonardo dicaprio's
(19:59:12) Eileen: lol
(19:59:21) Kinkyclawz: bhoth? Sounds like some ancient Egyptian god or Goddess!
(19:59:21) Eileen: and then johnny depp's
(19:59:47) Kinkyclawz: lmao not a bad mix, and Leo DiCaprio in fantssy?
(19:59:51) Eileen: lol
(20:00:03) Kinkyclawz: not hearing any bad taste in films at all, so far.
(20:00:05) Cieria: I like most films tbh. I'll tend to watch anything.
(20:00:11) Kinkyclawz: Pirate films? lmao
(20:00:34) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, you see, you're being diverse, Miss C!
(20:00:42) Cieria:
(20:00:42) Kinkyclawz: *pets, scritching behind C's ears*
(20:00:56) Cieria purrs
(20:01:21) Kinkyclawz: I'll watch almost anything except horror. Yep, i'm a grade A wimp when it
comes to wtaching horror films-can read and write them by the ton though. Bizarre, yes?
(20:02:01) Kinkyclawz: *pets eileem with ehr other hand, hoping not to get too near Vampy just in
case he''s hungry*
(20:02:26) Kinkyclawz: *wonders why she's worried about Vampy when eileen is a vampire too...*
(20:02:33) Cieria: I'll watch some horror films but not others. If they're really scary then I won't
mild ones I don't mind.
(20:02:41) Kinkyclawz: *wonders if petting a vampire is such a good idea after all*
(20:03:10) Kinkyclawz: C, I freaked out in the firt 5 mins of Scream... never even got to see Drew
Barrymore get killed!
(20:03:24) Kinkyclawz: Went ans wtached cartoons to unfreak me. Gawd, I'm such a kid! lmao
(20:03:40) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:05:52) Cieria: Not watched scream. But when I watched sixth sense I couldn't sleep for a
week xD
(20:07:44) Kinkyclawz: Cripes, watched a little biut of sixth sense, the bit with the kid with the
back of his head blown out and decided to bugger off onto another channel and fast.
(20:08:33) Kinkyclawz: Strange, i find stuff with knives and suspense and stuff terifying but not
afraid of vampires and wereowlves in the slightest. On the fence about the movie ghosts but not
scared of too many real ones.
(20:09:37) Cieria: I don't do ghosts but vamps and werewolves I'm fine with. Zombies it depends.
Sometimes I'm fine with them and sometimes I'm not.
(20:09:43) Eileen: I can watch horror
(20:09:50) Eileen: but i dont like films like saw
(20:09:59) Eileen: its just blood and gore
(20:10:12) Eileen: i like intelligent horror
(20:10:42) Eileen: well watching bh and spn can prepare you for certain stuff
(20:10:42) Eileen: lol
(20:10:58) Eileen: but i still jump at the ghost scenes in spn and most horror movies
(20:11:17) Eileen: wow that was the most i said all evening
(20:11:20) Cieria: Some of the supernatural episodes terify me.
(20:11:22) Eileen: sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:12:47) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, I'm so with you tehre! Whats the point in watching folks get hacked
ot pieces. I hate suspense, you know the guy with the knife chasing the girl around the locked
house or stuff. *shudderS*
(20:12:57) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, it was, well done eileen!!
(20:13:34) Kinkyclawz: I only saw one, the one with the scarecrow wandering around a little town
killing people and just didn;t go back & try to watch another episode. Was that S1 gals?
(20:13:51) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, don;t be sorry Eileen just glad you're not feeling left out suesse1
(20:13:56) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Cieria too*
(20:14:04) Kinkyclawz: This constitutes a group hug?
(20:14:13) Cieria group hugs!
(20:14:47) Eileen: *group hugs*
(20:15:19) Eileen: You missed alot. SPN is more than scarecrows chasing people around a small
town, i promise
(20:15:34) Eileen: it is very moving and tear jerking and very funny too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:15:44) Eileen: Did I still not convince you?
(20:16:10) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, not 100
(20:16:13) Cieria: I prefer the earlier spn series. The later ones get a bit...
(20:16:21) Kinkyclawz: not 100% but gettng there.
(20:16:25) Kinkyclawz: Sorry hit enter too soon.
(20:16:31) Kinkyclawz: a bit...?
(20:17:44) Eileen:
(20:17:52) Eileen: you should give it a chance!
(20:17:58) Eileen: haha
(20:18:12) Eileen: *tries to suppress her threatening tone of voice*
(20:19:07) Eileen:
(20:19:32) Eileen: Okay! I will stop hoping you will find your way in my fandom
(20:19:32) Eileen: lol
(20:20:43) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, is that suppressed threatening tone because I petted you earlier?
*pokes out ehr bottom lip*
(20:21:14) Eileen: lol nooooooo not at all
(20:21:19) Kinkyclawz: lmao i'll find my way eventually, I ususly catch on late with shows though.
Misfits had finished before i caught up to it (adore it now!!) so who knows.
(20:21:28) Kinkyclawz: Oh goody!
(20:22:46) Eileen: sorry just one more:
(20:23:05) Cieria: brb
(20:23:10) Eileen: hb
(20:25:25) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, wrong night for these links hun (will watch later, comp is strugging
at the minute-too much open)
(20:25:28) Kinkyclawz: HB C!
(20:25:40) Eileen: okay!
(20:25:41) Eileen: lol
(20:25:52) Cieria: Back
(20:25:57) Eileen: but i have fun lol
(20:25:59) Eileen: wb
(20:27:23) Kinkyclawz: lmao Fun is the name fo the game, hun!
WB C! Did you miss us?
(20:28:13) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:29:17) Cieria: I did
(20:29:31) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Now work on your aim, hun.
(20:29:42) Cieria: lol
(20:29:45) Kinkyclawz: OHHHH
(20:29:49) Kinkyclawz: Look at that!
(20:30:02) Kinkyclawz: #Sory, a jumper I had forgotten about has surfaced
(20:30:10) Kinkyclawz: Will wear that when i'm off shift.
(20:30:24) Kinkyclawz: Black with a silver leopard on the front
(20:30:26) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:30:42) Kinkyclawz: ahem, how could we get so far off topic?
(20:30:48) Kinkyclawz:
(20:31:16) Kinkyclawz: BRB folks, pitstop and brewtime for lil ol me. ;0
(20:31:21) Kinkyclawz: even
(20:31:52) Eileen: aim?
(20:32:16) Eileen: hb
(20:32:23) Eileen: ahhhhhh brewtime is a good idea
(20:37:50) Kinkyclawz: back
(20:38:37) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, yeah, instead of miss meaning "longing for someone to return", I
used miss as in " to not hit a target".
(20:38:43) Eileen: BACk!
(20:38:46) Eileen: damn too late
(20:38:48) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, HB!
(20:38:52) Kinkyclawz: Have a lovely brew!
(20:38:55) Kinkyclawz:
(20:39:07) Kinkyclawz: Were you racing me, miss Eileen?
(20:39:11) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:39:13) Eileen: i dont understand
(20:39:30) Eileen: ah now i understand
(20:39:32) Eileen: lol
(20:39:37) Eileen: yes, i was
(20:39:40) Kinkyclawz: Aha!
(20:39:54) Kinkyclawz: But you were faster because I started before you did.
(20:39:56) Eileen: see it took me 17 seconds to realize
(20:39:57) Eileen: ahah
(20:40:03) Eileen: haha
(20:40:16) Kinkyclawz: Your thoughts took 17 seconds to catch up, you were moving so fast.
(20:40:29) Eileen: loooooooooooooool
(20:40:34) Kinkyclawz: LOL and i love how you're so precise! Exactly 17 seconds. lmao
(20:40:37) Eileen: to understand the aim thingy
(20:40:57) Kinkyclawz: Ah but you do understand so s'awl good!
(20:41:18) Kinkyclawz: Hmm
(20:41:37) Kinkyclawz: Brought a box of biscuits abck to the comp with me... only to find tehre's
only one in it.
(20:41:38) Eileen: lol
(20:41:40) Kinkyclawz: Ahem
(20:41:53) Eileen: oh great
(20:42:01) Eileen: not a waste of strength at all
(20:42:41) Kinkyclawz: No, not at all, Eileen. *looks doubtfully at the empty box* Oh well, at least i
ahve my brew.
Ah well, do you ladies want to share a Nice biscuit with white chocolate on top?
(20:42:55) Kinkyclawz: Its not massive but will split 3 ways.
(20:43:01) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:43:12) Cieria: Oh yeah I'll have some!
(20:44:03) Kinkyclawz: YAY! *splits the biscuit 3 ways... gets her bed full of crumbs in the
(20:44:17) Kinkyclawz hands C 1/3 of the biccie
(20:44:30) Cieria smiles and eats 1/3
(20:44:31) Kinkyclawz hands Eileen 1/3 of the biccie
(20:44:45) Kinkyclawz: Mmmm, love white choc!
(20:44:45) Eileen: noooooooooo I don't want to take your cokkie
(20:44:47) Eileen: lol
(20:44:49) Eileen: cookie
(20:44:58) Eileen: thank you though
(20:45:00) Eileen:
(20:45:06) Kinkyclawz: Oh, you're more than welcome to it. I only share my white choc with lovely
(20:45:12) Eileen: just ate 3 chocolate covered banana treats
(20:45:15) Kinkyclawz: Aww, are you sure?
(20:45:23) Eileen: yes thank you!!!
(20:45:24) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, now it comes out! lmao
(20:45:25) Eileen:
(20:45:41) Eileen: brb phone
(20:45:44) Kinkyclawz splits eileen's 1/3 into half...
(20:45:47) Kinkyclawz: HB Eileen!
(20:45:54) Kinkyclawz: Damn, i'm no good at fractions.
(20:46:22) Kinkyclawz gives C the other bit and eats 1/3 and a bit herself. lmao
(20:46:36) Cieria eats the 1/6
(20:46:44) Kinkyclawz: Is it 1/6?
(20:46:52) Cieria: I think so.
(20:47:01) Kinkyclawz: I'll trsut you on that.
(20:47:09) Kinkyclawz: also I might trust you on it too., lol
(20:47:32) Cieria: lol
(20:49:28) Kinkyclawz: Heehee
(20:49:36) Kinkyclawz: Started reading The Eyre Affair by te way
(20:49:53) Cieria: Ooh! Do you like it?
(20:50:09) Kinkyclawz: not gottent oo far into it but liking waht I'm reading. i'm a tad lost at
present but I had that with Terry pratchett too & adore him now.
(20:50:32) Cieria: How far have you got?
(20:50:34) Kinkyclawz: I'm loving the humour and already ahve a reference to Thursday's pet
(20:50:45) Cieria: Pickwit!!
(20:50:51) Cieria: *wick
(20:52:02) Kinkyclawz: Pickwick, thats the lil dude! lol I'm... up to where Thursday is in the cafe,
her dad has just visited and she's now talking with the cafe owner about the Crimean War.
(20:52:10) Kinkyclawz: So not very far at all.
(20:52:19) Kinkyclawz: Will find tiem to settle and read soon, I hope.
(20:52:27) Kinkyclawz: but thankyou for the recommendation.
(20:52:43) Cieria: Hee yeah. Her dad who has a face that can stop a clock
(20:54:22) Kinkyclawz: Thats the chappie. Love the description of time stopping and that poor
blike in mid accident.
(20:54:27) Kinkyclawz: bloke also
(20:54:29) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:54:44) Cieria: hee yeah.
(20:54:46) Kinkyclawz: Ahem, dya think we strayed from topic slightly again?
(20:54:57) Cieria: What topic?
(20:54:57) Kinkyclawz:
(20:55:05) Kinkyclawz: Fair comment!
(20:55:10) Cieria: Ooh!
(20:55:13) Kinkyclawz: We should try to start one I guess.
(20:55:17) Kinkyclawz: ooh?
(20:55:18) Eileen: what you talking abotu? back!!
(20:55:28) Cieria: I just found a box of malteasers in my chocolate drawer that I'd forgotten about
(20:55:30) Kinkyclawz: WB Eileen! *hugz*
(20:55:50) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Maltesers are the best!!
(20:55:58) Cieria offers around
(20:56:18) Eileen: lol
(20:56:19) Kinkyclawz: Ooh thankyou! *takes one and slowly melts it in ehr mouth*
(20:56:20) Eileen: thank you
(20:56:29) Eileen: what are Maltesers?
(20:56:56) Cieria: They're like little round balls of biscuit coated in chocolate
(20:57:28) Kinkyclawz: They're chocolate balls with malt inside - not sure what malt is but its
lovely and creamy yet crunchy... erm, what C said
(20:57:36) Kinkyclawz: They're yummy, Eileen!
(20:58:28) Eileen: i see
(20:58:29) Eileen: lol
(20:58:59) Kinkyclawz: Heh,e they're my treat to myself when i'm feeling yucky (we know that
time fo the month, right ladies?) - I drop maltesers ito plain yoghurt and its soooo nice. lmao
(20:59:29) Kinkyclawz: Speaking of which, does anyone know when the next full moon is?
(20:59:45) Kinkyclawz: Its getting close, I'm sure not not certain of the exact date.
(20:59:51) Cieria: Ooh um yeah Kat looked it up the other day!! Umm it was..... *tries to
(20:59:59) Eileen: i think nov 21
(20:59:59) Kinkyclawz: *is striving for an almost BH topic*
(21:00:09) Kinkyclawz: yeah?
(21:00:20) Eileen: my calendar says so
(21:00:20) Cieria: Yeah Eileen would be right
(21:00:22) Eileen: i think
(21:00:30) Kinkyclawz: Ooh further than i thought. Thankyou Eileen!
(21:00:32) Eileen: its also Totensonntag
(21:00:45) Kinkyclawz: Dead Sunday?
(21:00:52) Eileen:
(21:00:57) Eileen: yes its sunday
(21:00:59) Kinkyclawz: Rememberance Sunday?
(21:01:24) Kinkyclawz: ooh, so we;ll be chatting on a full moon?! ARRROOOOOO!
(21:01:31) Eileen: 6.27 and 24 seconds
(21:01:33) Eileen: lol
(21:01:41) Cieria: Aww but that means Kat can't come!
(21:01:42) Eileen: the precise germans again
(21:01:43) Eileen: rofl
(21:01:49) Kinkyclawz: SQUEE! Eileen, you're lovely and exact aren;t ya?
(21:01:50) Eileen: awwww
(21:01:53) Kinkyclawz: indeedy!
(21:01:56) Eileen: cet
(21:01:57) Kinkyclawz: Aww, why not?
(21:02:04) Eileen: 5.27 and 24 sec for you
(21:02:05) Eileen: lol
(21:02:05) Cieria: Umm full moon....
(21:02:15) Cieria: Things get a little hairy for her on that night xD
(21:02:16) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhhh
(21:02:19) Kinkyclawz: *is slow8
(21:02:30) Kinkyclawz: I'll have to shave a bit myself,
(21:02:36) Cieria: lol
(21:02:45) Eileen: rofl
(21:02:53) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, Eileen!! So the full moon will be out when i come out from work!
(21:02:54) Eileen: And I should stay inside
(21:03:00) Eileen: yes
(21:03:04) Kinkyclawz: Might be wise, eileen.
(21:03:10) Eileen: be glad its not during work
(21:03:16) Eileen: might turn some heads
(21:03:19) Kinkyclawz: You and C both... not sure how vampire elves go on with werewolves.
(21:03:22) Eileen: maybe literaly
(21:03:22) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:03:35) Kinkyclawz: quite possibly. mght remove some too.
(21:03:38) Kinkyclawz:
(21:03:39) Cieria: Oh I could take Kat.
(21:03:42) Eileen: lol
(21:03:52) Kinkyclawz: ooh, confidence from teh vampire elf!!
(21:04:04) Kinkyclawz: *grnnz*
(21:04:10) Kinkyclawz: or *grinz*
(21:04:24) Kinkyclawz: Are you making that claim too, Eileen?
(21:04:31) Eileen: nooooooooooo
(21:04:47) Eileen: i will hide behind my closet
(21:04:58) Cieria: Actually in reality if me, Gani and Kat were attacked then they'd be out in front
and I'd be cowering behind the both of them xD But that's what it comes from having a blackbelt
in Judo and an almost blackbeat in Karate as friends
(21:05:32) Eileen: a blackbeat? ahhhhhhhhh
(21:05:43) Cieria: *blackbelt
(21:06:12) Kinkyclawz: lmao You scared eileen for a moment there. lol
(21:07:01) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya - to be hoenst I' d probably be cowering too. They're both
blackbelts? Oooh awesome! i'm guessing you're like me and, well, not. Are you a blackbelt (not
blackbeat) Eileen?
(21:07:51) Kinkyclawz: Soory almost blackbelt in Karate...
(21:08:19) Cieria: Yeah Kat stopped Karate before she got to blackbelt.
(21:08:40) Eileen: awww
(21:11:30) Kinkyclawz: what a shame, but hey, shes a brown belt so that impressive!
(21:11:55) Cieria: It is! I feel kind of defensless next to them though xD
(21:12:28) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya. maybe they could teach you a few moves which could
make you feel a little safer and less vulnerable?
(21:12:43) Kinkyclawz: Not mening how to take someones' ehad off with a kick, but basic defence
(21:13:14) Cieria: Well Gani does teach Judo so I could enroll in the place where he teaches....
Though apparently first you have to learn how to fall and I think that's gonna hurt.
(21:14:32) Eileen: yeah i thought about self defense courses too
(21:14:50) Eileen: im glad i live in a relatively safe area
(21:15:57) Kinkyclawz: I suppose thats the point-if you know how to fall, you probably won;t hurt
yourself quite as much as if you didn;t know.
(21:16:09) Cieria: yeah true.
(21:16:29) Eileen: true
(21:16:42) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I'm glad too - but to be hoenst, I think self defence courses are a
good thing in any case. Helps build confidence too.
(21:16:54) Eileen: yeah
(21:17:06) Kinkyclawz: hehe thank goodness that other sentences made sense-thought I'd used
the word fall too many times. lmao
(21:17:38) Kinkyclawz: I doubt i'd be able to do them mind. lol They'd grow a beard waiting for me
to get my legs into the right position for a kick., lmao
(21:18:01) Kinkyclawz: It'd be like being fought by an arthritic elephant., lmao
(21:18:16) Kinkyclawz: um, am i lmao-ing too much?
(21:18:19) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:18:20) Kinkyclawz:
(21:18:43) Cieria: rofl
(21:21:33) Kinkyclawz: *looks around* Erm... wonder where everyone is.
(21:21:51) Kinkyclawz: I know Jd still has coputer troubles, poor lad has to buy a new one fi he
can;t fix his.
(21:22:01) Kinkyclawz: oh gawd, look at those typos!
(21:22:15) Kinkyclawz: ahem, moving on. not sure whre Fang is, thoguht he'd be here by now.
(21:22:30) Kinkyclawz: And Deg's normally here early too.
(21:22:38) Kinkyclawz: Hope our boys are ok
(21:22:39) Cieria: It is 20 past nine :/ There definitely should be more than just the three of us.
(21:22:55) Kinkyclawz: Ah well, chalk it up to a slow week, eh?
(21:22:59) Kinkyclawz: Oh oh! By the way
(21:23:06) Kinkyclawz: Its Russell Tovey's Brithday today!!
(21:23:15) Kinkyclawz: He's now 29 years young!
(21:23:48) Cieria: *vibes birthday wishes to Russell*
(21:24:40) Eileen: ah im here!!!
(21:24:42) Eileen: *waves
(21:26:05) Kinkyclawz: *waves back* WB hunny!
(21:26:09) Kinkyclawz: Long phonecall!
(21:26:22) Kinkyclawz: Want me to wish it from all three of us on Twitter?
(21:26:25) Eileen: lol
(21:26:26) Eileen: no
(21:26:33) Eileen: it wasnt a phone call
(21:26:37) Eileen: i was talking to you before
(21:26:45) Kinkyclawz: oh... oh wait the phone was earlier, Sorry
(21:26:52) Eileen: lol yeah
(21:26:57) Eileen: yes, please
(21:26:59) Kinkyclawz: hehe mental meltdouwn, Be Right Back. Heehee
(21:27:10) Kinkyclawz: C, do you want me to include you too?
(21:27:27) Eileen: btw did you vote in people's choice awards yet?
(21:27:30) Eileen:
(21:27:41) Cieria: Oh yeah please do.
(21:29:19) Kinkyclawz: I did indeed! Betcha can guess how I voted, too.
(21:30:50) Eileen: no idea
(21:30:50) Eileen: lol
(21:31:10) Eileen: but i keep voting for leonardo dicaprio and inception and spn of course
(21:31:16) Eileen: and criminal minds
(21:31:44) Kinkyclawz: I've Tweeted with us singing happy birthday to him.
kinkyclawz Kinkyclawz
@cieria @GfromB *we begin to sing* #happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy
Birthday dear @russelltovey, Happy Birthday to you!
(21:32:14) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Eileen Wait, not voting for BH?!
(21:32:16) Kinkyclawz:
(21:32:23) Kinkyclawz: C, have you voted, hunny?
(21:32:36) Cieria: I'm just looking now.
(21:33:07) Eileen: lol oh can you vote for bh?
(21:33:12) Eileen: damn must have missed it
(21:33:28) Cieria: Which catagory?
(21:34:46) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, wait hold on.
(21:36:00) Kinkyclawz: Oh... my bad sorry! Twasn't TV Choice i voted in Twas the national TV
Awards. Will vote now, bear with me ladies.
(21:37:57) Eileen: lol it's okay
(21:40:55) Kinkyclawz: Erm, I don';t know half of the entrants in the voting.
(21:41:07) Kinkyclawz: Guess its quite Americanised huh?
(21:41:19) Cieria: Neither did I. I just skipped the ones where I knew no one xD
(21:41:27) Kinkyclawz: Seems like it is at any rate. No wonder BH isn;t in there. :/
(21:42:15) Eileen: yeah it is
(21:42:26) Eileen: i skip the once i know too
(21:42:40) Eileen: lol nooooooo
(21:42:50) Eileen: i skip the once i dont know too
(21:42:58) Eileen: see my brain is already switched off
(21:43:17) Kinkyclawz: Heh, BBW's film Salt is in the Action movie line up. :d
(21:43:45) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, you don't have to switch your brain off hun. it was already in the
bucket by the door so don't you worry. We're all in teh same bucket.
(21:44:00) Kinkyclawz: sorry, you didn;t ahve to switch it off I meant. mao
(21:44:02) Kinkyclawz: lmao also
(21:44:18) Eileen: lol
(21:44:34) Eileen: *hears her brain converse with KC's brain*
(21:45:55) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, are they talking among themselves agsin? C is your brain in that
bucket too? I think they're conspiring against us. lol
(21:46:19) Cieria: My brain is off wandering around somewhere. I lost it before I came in.
(21:47:21) Eileen: awwww hope you find it again C
(21:47:35) Cieria: Me too.
(21:47:47) Eileen: yes KC I'm sure the brains will take over the world
(21:47:52) Eileen: maybe we should stop them?
(21:49:08) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, you shouldn;t let your mind wander, C. It could get lost, poor thing.
(21:49:24) Kinkyclawz: hehe how can we plan against them?
(21:49:35) Kinkyclawz: We need back up brains to do that... any ideas?
(21:49:37) Kinkyclawz:
(21:49:56) Cieria: We could steal other people's brains?
(21:49:57) Kinkyclawz: Oh wait, C's wandering brain might eb able to save us!
(21:50:07) Kinkyclawz: BRAINSSSSSSSS
(21:50:08) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:50:15) Kinkyclawz: There's an idea!
(21:50:23) Eileen: Ahhhhhhhh
(21:50:39) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, csan you just keep voting infinitely?
(21:50:55) Eileen: yeah you can
(21:51:08) Eileen: but im not sure if brains are up for vote
(21:51:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww. *is disappointed*
(21:54:29) Eileen: sorry!
(21:54:43) Kinkyclawz: Do we need brains to vote?
(21:54:45) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:54:51) Cieria: lol
(21:55:20) Kinkyclawz: Hmm
(21:55:24) Eileen: i dont think so
(21:55:30) Eileen: just fingers and a mouse
(21:55:34) Cieria: brb gotta call my mum
(21:55:44) Kinkyclawz: Okie dokie, HB C!
(21:56:02) Kinkyclawz: Ah, so fingers and a mouse are enough-that'll do for me, eileen! lol
(21:56:11) Kinkyclawz: Its how I get throguh the chats, lol
(21:56:21) Kinkyclawz: or through theits explains the typos
(21:56:32) Kinkyclawz: or THROUGH THEM I meant. lol
(21:56:35) Kinkyclawz: 3rd time lucky
(21:56:48) Eileen: *whispers into KC's ear* if you dont know what to vote in the fantasy/sci-fi show
catagory, please vote for SPN *stops whispering*
(21:56:49) Kinkyclawz: ><
(21:57:17) Eileen: third time's a charm
(21:57:18) Kinkyclawz: *hears strange whisper in her ear... is compelled to vote for Supernatural
for no known reason...*
(21:57:18) Eileen: lol
(21:57:24) Kinkyclawz: lmao it is!
(21:57:34) Kinkyclawz: *yawns*
(21:57:49) Eileen: *hypnotizes C as well*
(21:58:07) Kinkyclawz: Can you do that while she's away from the chatroom and on the phone.
(21:58:15) Kinkyclawz: and I was hypnotised?!
(21:58:20) Kinkyclawz is alarmed
(21:58:30) Eileen: oh! damn
(21:58:42) Eileen: and i was wondering why i was talking to thin air
(21:58:52) Eileen: nope NOT AT ALL KC
(21:58:59) Eileen: *coughs*
(21:59:04) Kinkyclawz: Oh, thats alright then
(21:59:15) Kinkyclawz: *hands Eileen a cough sweet to help her poor throat*#
(21:59:25) Eileen: *cough* Thank you
(22:01:50) Kinkyclawz: Youre welcome. Its not nice having a sore throat is it? *is drawn back to
the voting and clicks on Supernatural again*
(22:02:30) Cieria returns
(22:02:52) Eileen: *grins like crazy but puts on a serious face again when KC turns back*
(22:02:57) Eileen: wb C!
(22:06:40) Kinkyclawz: YAY! WB C!
(22:07:02) Kinkyclawz: Wha..? *smiles at eileen and wonders why she feels the neded to vote
(22:07:16) Kinkyclawz: neded? *blinks*
(22:07:50) Eileen: *fights her need to grin like crazy again as she sees KC's urge to vote again*
(22:08:44) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you're smiling, Eileen. Is your throat feeling better now?
(22:09:12) Eileen: Yes!!!! Much better! Much much better! Thank you!!! *quickly nods*
(22:09:19) Kinkyclawz: Lovely
(22:09:50) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh... I'm sorry ladies but I'm thinking I'm done for the night. A bit tired.
(22:10:07) Cieria: Awww. Well sleep well then KC.
(22:10:28) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks. Gonna have a shower then sleeeeeeeep!
(22:10:31) Eileen: okay I'll head on off to bed too
(22:10:35) Kinkyclawz: until 4am
(22:10:39) Kinkyclawz: Then waaaaaaake
(22:10:42) Kinkyclawz: and go to work
(22:10:45) Eileen: what is 4 am?
(22:10:47) Eileen: ooooooooooooooooh
(22:10:50) Eileen: wow
(22:10:50) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(22:10:57) Eileen: then quickly!!!!
(22:10:59) Cieria: I suppose I'll go to bed too them. Rather than sit here and talk to myself xD
(22:11:01) Eileen: Off to bed you go!!!
(22:11:09) Eileen: lol
(22:11:22) Eileen: talking in sleep is more fun C
(22:11:25) Eileen: believe me
(22:11:26) Kinkyclawz: Well I'm not on shift until 6 but wake at 4, doze/watch TV til 5 then rush
aorund like a mad sod to get ready for 5.30 to go to work, lol
(22:11:40) Eileen: lol
(22:11:51) Kinkyclawz: You could talk to Willie, C, but he's not very conversational usually
(22:11:52) Eileen: make that 3 hours later and it would be me
(22:11:53) Eileen: haha
(22:12:07) Eileen: Good night you two!!!
(22:12:09) Eileen: *hugs*
(22:13:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight ladies! *grous hugz* Sleep tight and sweet dream, you
lovely Chatters!
(22:13:44) Kinkyclawz: *group hugz also, though the grous like hugging*
(22:14:10) Kinkyclawz: Take care and thanks for playing in tonight!
(22:14:20) Kinkyclawz: night night Willie!
(22:15:13) Kinkyclawz: *disappears*

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