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Executive summary:-
The term paper is about conflict management.Conflict management is solving or
sorting out conflicts in an organization.

In an organization Conflicts occur because different people have different point of

views and perceptions due to which different people take things or situations
differently which results in conflicts.

Conflict management is important for the organization to solve issues so that all
the employees could come together and work efficiently and effectively for the
attainment of the common objective or goal of an organization.

The ways of solving conflicts, the different types of conflicts, the conflict
management styles and various other contents of conflict management would be
discussed further.
Definition of Conflict:
Conflicts can be define as a process that begins when one party perceives that
another party has negatively affected or is about to negative affect, something
that the first party cares about. This definition is purposely broad. It describes
that point in any ongoing activity when an interaction ‘crosses over’ to
become interparty conflicts. It encompasses the wide range of conflicts that
people experience in organization incompatibility of goals, differences over
interpretation of facts , disagreement based on behavioural expectations and
the like.

Conflicts can be a serious problem in an organization. It can create chaotic

conditions that make it nearly impossible for employees to work together.
Conflict represents an integral part of human experience and concern both
personal and public relationship. They range from the micro level of
individual to the macro dimension of international and global concern .They
can be a source of positive development and growth or, on the contrary, a
source of uncontrolled violence and destruction depending on how they
managed. Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or
groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs. It can also originate
from past rivalries and personality differences. Other causes of conflict
include trying to negotiate before the timing is right or before needed
information is available.
Conflict management refers to the long-term management of intractable conflicts.It
is the label for the variety of ways by which people handle grievances—
standing up for what they consider to be right and against what they consider
to be wrong. Those ways include such diverse phenomena as gossip, ridicule,
lynching, terrorism, warfare, feuding, genocide, law, mediation, and

Conflict management is the process of identifying and addressing differences that

if unmanaged would affect project objectives. Effective conflict management
prevents differences becoming destructive elements in a project.

Conflict management is often considered to be distinct from conflicts. In order

resolution for actual conflict to occur, there should be an expression of
exclusive patterns, and tell why the conflict was expressed the way it was.
Conflict is not just about simple inaptness, but is often connected to a
previous issue.

The contents of conflict.

Needs-needs are things that are essential to our well-being. Conflicts arise when
we ignore others' needs, our own needs or the group's needs. Be careful not to
confuse needs with desires (things we would like, but are not essential).

Perceptions - People interpret reality differently. They perceive differences in

the severity, causes and consequences of problems. Misperceptions or
differing perceptions may come from: self-perceptions, others' perceptions,
differing perceptions of situations and perceptions of threat.

Power - How people define and use power is an important influence on the
number and types of conflicts that occur. This also influences how conflict is
managed. Conflicts can arise when people try to make others change their
actions or to gain an unfair advantage.
Values - Values are beliefs or principles we consider to be very important.
Serious conflicts arise when people hold incompatible values or when values
are not clear. Conflicts also arise when one party refuses to accept the fact
that the other party holds something as a value rather than a preference.

Feelings and emotions - Many people let their feelings and emotions become a
major influence over how they deal with conflict. Conflicts can also occur
because people ignore their own or others' feelings and emotions. Other
conflicts occur when feelings and emotions differ over a particular issue.

Advantages of Conflict-
Conflict is not always negative. In fact, it can be healthy when effectively
managed. Healthy conflict can lead to.

1. Growth and Innovation

2.New ways of thinking
3. Additional management options

If the conflict is understood, it can be effectively managed by reaching a consensus

that meets both the individual's and society's needs. This results in mutual
benefits and strengthens the relationship. The goal is for all to "win" by
having at least some of their needs met.

Managing Conflict
There are five steps to managing conflict. These steps are:

1. Analyze the conflict

2. Determine management strategy

3. Pre-negotiation

4. Negotiation

5. Post-negotiation
Step 1: Analyze the conflict.
The first step in managing conflict is to analyze the nature and type of
conflict. To do this, you'll find it helpful to ask questions.

Answers may come from your own experience, your partners or local media
coverage. You may want to actually interview some of the groups involved.
Additional information regarding analyzing conflicts can be found in the
Guide to Information and Resources.

Step 2: Determine management strategy.

Once you have a general understanding of the conflict, the groups involved
will need to analyze and select the most appropriate strategy. In some cases it
may be necessary to have a neutral facilitator to help move the groups toward

Conflict Management Strategies


Collaboration - This results from a high concern for your group's own interests,
matched with a high concern for the interests of other partners. The outcome is
"win/win." This strategy is generally used when concerns for others are important.
It is also generally the best strategy when society's interest is at stake. This
approach helps build commitment and reduce bad feelings. The drawbacks are that
it takes time and energy. In addition, some partners may take advantage of the
others' trust and openness. Generally regarded as the best approach for managing
conflict, the objective of collaboration is to reach consensus.

Compromise - This strategy results from a high concern for your group's own
interests along with a moderate concern for the interests of other partners. The
outcome is "win some/lose some." This strategy is generally used to achieve
temporary solutions, to avoid destructive power struggles or when time pressures
exist. One drawback is that partners can lose sight of important values and long-
term objectives. This approach can also distract the partners from the merits of an
issue and create a cynical climate.

Competition - This strategy results from a high concern for your group's own
interests with less concern for others. The outcome is "win/lose." This strategy
includes most attempts at bargaining. It is generally used when basic rights are at
stake or to set a precedent. However, it can cause the conflict to escalate and losers
may try to retaliate.

Accommodation - These results from a low concern for your group's own
interests combined with a high concern for the interests of other partners. The
outcome is "lose/win." This strategy is generally used when the issue is more
important to others than to you. It is a "goodwill gesture." It is also appropriate
when you recognize that you are wrong. The drawbacks are that your own ideas
and concerns don't get attention. You may also lose credibility and future

Avoidance -These results from a low concern for your group's own interests
coupled with a low concern for the interests of others. The outcome is "lose/lose."
This strategy is generally used when the issue is trivial or other issues are more
pressing. It is also used when confrontation has a high potential for damage or
more information is needed. The drawbacks are that important decisions may be
made by default.

Step 3: Pre-negotiation.
To set the stage for effective negotiation, the groundwork must be laid. The
following should occur prior to negotiation.

Initiation - One partner raises the possibility of negotiation and begins the
process. If no one is willing to approach the others to encourage them to reach an
agreement, a trusted outsider could be brought in as a facilitator.

Assessment - Conditions must be right for negotiation to be successful. Key

players must be identified and invited. Each side must be willing to collaborate
with the others. Reasonable deadlines and sufficient resources to support the effort
must exist. Spokespersons for each group must be identified and involved. Parties
need to determine which issues are negotiable and which are not.

Ground rules and agenda - The groups must agree on ground rules for
communication, negotiation and decision making. They should agree on the
objectives of the negotiation process. An agenda of issues to be covered needs to
be developed.

Organization - Meeting logistics must be established, including agreed upon

times and places. People must be contacted and encouraged to attend. Minutes
must be taken so that information can be distributed before and after meetings.

Joint fact-finding - The groups must agree on what information is relevant to

the conflict. This should include what is known and not known about social and
technical issues. Agreement is also needed on methods for generating answers to

Step 4: Negotiation.

Interests - When negotiating be sure to openly discuss interests, rather than

stated positions. Interests include the reasons, needs, concerns and motivations
underlying positions. Satisfaction of interests should be the common goal.

Options - To resolve conflicts, concentrate on inventing options for satisfying

interests. Do not judge ideas or favor any of the options suggested. Encourage
creativity, not commitment.

When evaluating options...

• Use objective criteria for ranking ideas

• Make trade-offs among different issues
• Combine different options to form acceptable agreement

Evaluation - Only after the partners have finished listing options, should the
options be discussed. Determine together which ideas are best for satisfying
various interests.

Written agreement - Document areas of agreement and disagreement to ensure

common understanding. This helps ensure that agreements can be remembered and
communicated clearly.

Commitment - Every partner must be confident that the others will carry out
their parts of the agreement. Discuss and agree upon methods to ensure partners
understand and honor their commitments.
To set the stage for effective negotiation, the groundwork must be laid. The
following should occur prior to negotiation.

Step 5: Post-negotiation.

Once negotiation is complete, the group will need to implement the decisions
made. Some key steps include:

Ratification - The partners must get support for the agreement from
organizations that have a role to play in the agreement. These organizations should
be partners and should have been involved in the previous steps. Each organization
will need to follow its own procedures to review and adopt the agreement.

Implementation - You and your partners' jobs are not done when you've
reached agreement. Communication and collaboration should continue as the
agreement is carried out. The partnership will need to have a plan to monitor
progress, document success, resolve problems, renegotiate terms and celebrate

Negotiation skills.
Negotiation is an important skill for coming to an agreement when

Evaluation - Only after the partners have finished listing options, should the
options be discussed. Determine together which ideas are best for satisfying
various interests.

Written agreement - Document areas of agreement and disagreement to ensure

common understanding. This helps ensure that agreements can be remembered and
communicated clearly.

Commitment - Every partner must be confident that the others will carry out
their parts of the agreement. Discuss and agree upon methods to ensure partners
understand and honor their commitments.
Conflict Management Styles
A conflict management style is the pattern of behavior an individual develops in
response to conflict with others such as differences of opinion. Conflict
management styles tend to be consistent over time. Conflict management is
the skill needed to resolve different situations.

The Cooperative Shark

Sharks use Cooperative Problem Solving management styles

• Sharks are highly goal-oriented.

• Relationships take on a lower priority
• Sharks do not hesitate to use aggressive behavior to resolve conflicts
• Sharks can be autocratic, authoritative, and uncooperative; threatening and
• Sharks have a need to win; therefore others must lose, creating win-lose


If the shark's decision is correct, a better decision without compromise can


• May breed hostility and resentment toward the person using it.

Appropriate times to use a Shark style

 when conflict involves personal differences that are difficult to change
 when fostering intimate or supportive relationships is not critical
 when others are likely to take advantage of noncompetitive behaviour
 when conflict resolution is urgent; when decision is vital in crisis
 when unpopular decisions need to be implemented

The Avoiding Turtle

 Turtles adopt an avoiding or withdrawing conflict management style

 Turtles would rather hide and ignore conflict than resolve it; this leads them
uncooperative and unassertive
 Turtles tend to give up personal goals and display passive behaviour creating
lose-lose situations

Advantage: may help to maintain relationships that would be hurt by conflict


Disadvantage: Conflicts remain unresolved, overuse of the style leads to others

walking over them.

Appropriate times to use a Turtle Style:

 when the stakes are not high or issue is trivial
 when confrontation will hurt a working relationship
 when there is little chance of satisfying your wants
 when disruption outweighs benefit of conflict resolution
 when gathering information is more important than an immediate
 when others can more effectively resolve the conflict
 when time constraints demand a delay

The Accommodating Teddy Bear

 Organizations use a smoothing or accommodating conflict management

style with emphasis on human relationships
 People ignore their own goals and resolve conflict by giving into others;
unassertive and cooperative creating a win-lose (bear is loser) situation.
Advantage: Accommodating maintains relationships

 Appropriate times to use a Teddy Bear Style

 when maintaining the relationship outweighs other considerations

 when suggestions/changes are not important to the accommodator
 when minimizing losses in situations where outmatched or losing
 when time is limited or when harmony and stability are valued

The Compromising Fox

 it use a compromising conflict management style; concern is for goals and

 they are willing to sacrifice some of their goals while persuading others to
give up part of theirs
 Compromise is assertive and cooperative-result is either win-lose or lose-

Advantage: relationships are maintained and conflicts are removed

Disadvantage: compromise may create less than ideal outcome and game
playing can result

 Appropriate times to use a Fox Style

 when important/complex issues leave no clear or simple solutions
 when all conflicting people are equal in power and have strong
interests in different solutions
 when there are no time restraints

The Collaborating Owl

 Organizations use a collaborating or problem confronting conflict

management style valuing their goals and relationships
 they view conflicts as problems to be solved finding solutions agreeable to all
sides (win-win)
 Advantage:
 both sides get what they want and negative feelings eliminated


 takes a great deal of time and effort

Appropriate times to use an Owl Style:

 when maintaining relationships is important

 when time is not a concern
 when peer conflict is involved
 when trying to gain commitment through consensus building
 when learning and trying to merge differing perspectives

What do organizations use conflict management for?

For any organization to be effective and efficient in achieving its goals, the people
in the organization need to have a shared vision of what they are striving to
achieve, as well as clear objectives for each team / department and individual. You
also need ways of recognizing and resolving conflict amongst people, so that
conflict does not become so serious that co-operation is impossible. All members
of any organization need to have ways of keeping conflict to a minimum - and of
solving problems caused by conflict, before conflict becomes a major obstacle to
your work. This could happen to any organization, whether it is an NGO, a CBO, a
political party, a business or a government.

Conflict management is the process of planning to avoid conflict where possible

and organizing to resolve conflict where it does happen, as rapidly and smoothly as

Difference between conflict and competition

"Competition" usually brings out the best in people, as they strive to be top in their
field, whether in sport, community affairs, politics or work. In fact, fair and
friendly competition often leads to new sporting achievements, scientific
inventions or outstanding effort in solving a community problem. When
competition becomes unfriendly or bitter, though, conflict can begin - and this can
bring out the worst in people.

Common causes of conflict

Causes or sources of organizational conflict can be many and varied. The most
common causes are the following:

 scarcity of resources (finance, equipment, facilities, etc)

 different attitudes, values or perceptions
 disagreements about needs, goals, priorities and interests
 poor communication
 poor or inadequate organizational structure
 lack of teamwork
 lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities

Conflict between individual

People have differing styles of communication, ambitions, political or religious
views and different cultural backgrounds. In our diverse society, the possibility of
these differences leading to conflict between individuals is always there, and we
must be alert to preventing and resolving situations where conflict arises.

Conflict between groups of people

Whenever people form groups, they tend to emphasize the things that make their
group "better than" or "different from" other groups. This happens in the fields of
sport, culture, religion and the workplace and can sometimes change from healthy
competition to destructive conflict.

Conflict within a group of people

Even within one organization or team, conflict can arise from the individual
differences or ambitions mentioned earlier; or from rivalry between sub-groups or
factions. All leaders and members of the organization need to be alert to group
dynamics that can spill over into conflict.

How to identify signs and stages of conflict?

"Disputes of right" and "disputes of interest"
Especially in the workplace, two main types of disputes have been noted (although
these two types may also happen in other situations). These are:

• "Disputes of right", where people or groups are entitled by

law, by contract, by previous agreement or by established practice to
certain rights. Disputes of right will focus on conflict issues such as
employment contracts, legally enforceable matters or unilateral
changes in accepted or customary practices. A dispute of rights is,
therefore, usually settled by legal decision or arbitration and not by
• "Disputes of interest", where the conflict may be a matter of
opinion, such as where a person or group is entitled to some resources
or privileges (such as access to property, better working conditions,
etc). Because there is no established law or right, a dispute of interest
will usually be solved through collective bargaining or negotiation.

Stages of conflict
The handling of conflict requires awareness of its various developmental stages. If
leaders in the situation can identify the conflict issue and how far it has developed,
they can sometimes solve it before it becomes much more serious. Typical stages

 Where potential for conflict exists - in other words where

people recognize that lack of resources, diversity of language or
culture may possible result in conflict if people are not sensitive to the
 Latent conflict where a competitive situation could easily
spill over into conflict - e.g. at a political rally or in the workplace
where there are obvious differences between groups of people.
 Open conflict – The conflict which can be triggered by an
incident and suddenly become real conflict?
 Aftermath conflict - The situation where a particular problem
may have been resolved but the potential for conflict still exists. In
fact the potential may be even greater than before, if one person or
group perceives itself as being involved in a win-lose situation.

Signs of conflict between individuals

In the organization leaders and members should be alert to signs of conflict
between colleagues, so that they can be proactive in reducing or resolving the
conflict by getting to the root of the issue. Typical signs may include:

 colleagues not speaking to each other or ignoring each other

 contradicting and bad-mouthing one another
 deliberately undermining or not co-operating with each other, to
the downfall of the team
 Signs of conflict between groups of people

Similarly, leaders and members can identify latent conflict between groups of
people in the organization or the community and plan action before the conflict
becomes open and destructive:

 cliques or factions meeting to discuss issues separately, when

they affect the whole organization
 one group being left out of organizing an event which should
include everybody
 groups using threatening slogans or symbols to show that their
group is right and the others are wrong

Conflict Resolution

Conflict exists whenever incompatible activities occur (Deutsch, 1973). An activity

that is incompatible with another is one that prevents, blocks, or interferes with the
occurrence or effectiveness of the second activity. A conflict can be as small as a
disagreement or as large as a war. It can originate in one person, between two or
more people, or between two or more groups. Conflicts are abundant in schools.

Conflicts in schools can be classified as (Johnson & Johnson, 1995a):

1. Controversy: A controversy occurs when one person's ideas, information,

conclusions, theories, and opinions are incompatible with those of another
and the two seek to reach an agreement. When managed constructively,
academic controversy facilitates learning in the classroom and decision
controversy facilitates high-quality decision making in the school.
2. Conceptual Conflict: A person experiences conceptual conflict when
incompatible ideas exist simultaneously in his or her mind or when
information being received does not seem to fit with what one already
knows. An individual experiences conceptual conflict when engaged in
controversy as ideas and arguments are presented that are incongruent with
one's original position.
3. Conflict of Interests: Interpersonal conflict occurs when the actions of one
person attempting to maximize his or her goals prevent, block, or interfere
with another person attempting to maximize personal goals. Common
examples among students include control over resources ("I want to use the
computer now!"), preferences over activities ("I want to eat outside on the
picnic bench, not in the cafeteria!"), and a range of relationships issues that
often result in name calling, insults, threats, or physical aggression ("You are
a real jerk!").
4. Developmental Conflict: Developmental conflict exists when incompatible
activities between adult and child based on the opposing forces of stability
and change within the child cycles in and out of peak intensity as the child
develops cognitively and socially.


The name Reliance is synonymous with success, a story as unique as its founder
Dhirubhai H. Ambani, who built the Reliance Empire from an initial capital of just
$300. It is a story of dreams becoming reality, of vision igniting passion, and an
Indian enterprise transforming itself into a global conglomerate.

Today, Reliance Industries Limited, led by its Chairman and Managing Director
Mukesh D. Ambani is India's largest private sector company in all major financial
parameters with revenues of $16.7 billion, cash profit of $2.8 billion, net profit of
$1.7 billion, net worth of $9.2 billion and total assets of $18.4 billion. It covers the
entire energy value chain, starting with oil and gas and continuing on through
refining, petrochemicals, chemical intermediates and textiles.

Reliance is the first and only private sector company from India to feature in the
2005 Fortune Global 500 list of the 'World's largest Corporations' for the second
consecutive year.
The first major step towards a final resolution of the festering conflict between the
Ambani brothers Mukesh and Anil, who control the Rs 100,000 plus crore
Reliance Group, was taken on Saturday, with a Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)
board panel being asked to work out the details of a “reorganisation of
Reliance’s businesses”.

This came after an RIL board meeting and a statement on Saturday morning by
Kokilaben D Ambani, the widow of Reliance Group’s founder, late Dhirubhai
Ambani, which said the family had arrived at an amicable settlement of all the

The statement added that Mukesh Ambani, the current chairman and managing
director of RIL would “have responsibility” for RIL and Indian Petrochemicals
Corporation Ltd (IPCL), while Anil Ambani would have responsibility for
Reliance Infocomm, Reliance Energy and Reliance Capital.

Much of the settlement is widely believed to be the work of K Vaman Kamath,

managing director and CEO of ICICI Bank, who has known the Ambani
family for decades. The announcement sets at rest seven months of intense, and
public, wrangling between the Ambani brothers that had taken a toll on the
group’s stock market performance and had investors, lenders and the corporate
world on tenterhooks.

There are many reasons behind the conflicts between two brothers or reliance. one
of the main reason is to divide the whole empire between two brothers , both of
them wants to earn more profits individually that’s why they wants to divide
their business.

There was no ambiguity in the agreed price, tenure and quantity of natural gas to
be supplied by Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) from the Krishna-Godavari fields,
counsel for Reliance Natural Resources Ltd (RNRL) told the Supreme Court
on Tuesday.

"The only issue in the case was the absence of a bankable agreement," RNRL
counsel Ram Jethmalani said, continuing with his arguments before the three-
judge bench of the Apex court on the high-profile gas dispute case Effects of
conflicts between reliance:


Indian economy will certainly have a negative impact on the global investment
inflow in India’s oil and gas sector. It took years to create India as a good
brand for investments in its oil and gas sector. The Reliance Anil Dhirubhai
Ambani Group has asked the oil ministry to appoint an expert panel to
revaluate the high capital expenses claimed by Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance
Industries for the Krishna-Godavari gas basin. Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh suggested the warring brothers that they should make serious effort to
reach a "middle ground" over the KG gas dispute. So this brand has now been
hit by the ongoing controversy between the two Ambani brothers.


Conflict situations result in negative and positive effects. They may help diffuse
more serious conflicts, stimulate a search for new facts or resolution, increase
group cohesion and performance, and demonstrate the power or ability of the
conflicting parties. Conflicts could hinder smooth working or the decision
making process, or create competing coalitions or reduce productivity.
Effect of conflict management in an organization


Optimum level of conflicts leads to effective

decision making

Level of Organizational and high performance.



Low level of conflict high

Too little conflict causes performance to too much conflict

suffer causes performance to suffer
Positive effects:

 Diffuses more serious conflicts

 Stimulates a search for new facts or resolutions
 Increases group cohesion and performance
 Demonstrates measure of power or ability

Negative effects:

 hinders smooth working

 hampers the decision making process
 causes the formation of competing


Conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. We've all seen situations
where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict.
And we've all seen the often-intense personal animosity that can result.

The fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing: As long as it is
resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth.

In many cases, effective conflict resolution skills can make the difference between
positive and negative outcomes.

The good news is that by resolving conflict successfully, you can solve many of
the problems that it has brought to the surface, as well as getting benefits that
you might not at first expect:

Increased understanding: The discussion needed to resolve conflict expands

people's awareness of the situation, giving them an insight into how they can
achieve their own goals without undermining those of other people;
Increased group cohesion: When conflict is resolved effectively, team
members can develop stronger mutual respect, and a renewed faith in their
ability to work together; and

Improved self-knowledge: Conflict pushes individuals to examine their goals in

close detail, helping them understand the things that are most important to
them, sharpening their focus, and enhancing their effectiveness.

However, if conflict is not handled effectively, the results can be damaging.

Conflicting goals can quickly turn into personal dislike. Teamwork breaks
down. Talent is wasted as people disengage from their work. And it's easy to
end up in a vicious downward spiral of negativity and recrimination. If you're
to keep your team or organization working effectively, you need to stop this
downward spiral as soon as you can.






Hence to achieve success, it is very important for each and every

member of an organization to be emotionally stable i.e to have
strong control over their emotions because it is the employees who
are the most important part of any organization and form the
Therefore they should behave in such a manner so that there occurs
no conflict amongst them and if any such conflict takes place then
the organization should be capable enough to solve these issues
becoming hindrance for achieving the goals.

Robbins. Stephen (2009), Organizational Behavior,12th



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