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The first description of cervical incompetence appeared in the medical literature

in 1658 Over 200 yrs passed b/4 it was mentioned again by Grenin in 1865, who
speculated that division or dilatation of the cervix might structurally weaken it, making it
incapable of supporting a pregnancy to term Only in the past 40 years has the clinical
entity of cervical incompetence received significant attention.

Lash aLash and Lash, in 1950, described the technical details of repair of the cervix
between pregnancies (wedge excision of the damage) Shirodkar in 1955, described a
method for the management of the incompetent cervix with surgical repair during
pregnancy. Shirodkar contribution, in combination with the modifications described by
Barter colleagues, became widely accepted among American obstetrician contributions
by McDonald, Mann, Hefner and associates, Page, Barnes, and Baden added
significantly to the options in the surgical management of cervical incompetence.

The definition of this is inability of the cervix to support a pregnancy to term due to
structural and of functional weakness. It is an important cause of recurrent mid trimester
abortions (miscarriages). Recurrent abortion is the occurrence of 3 more consecutive
spontaneous pregnancy losses before the age of fetal viability.

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