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1Ii).,~'A. (i!' jj;,~: U) 'I;I ''IIi, ,~'L,r .. , ~- - ~II h ,. 11·!~111, .,' ,11Il.

t-1ii -I ~ ill

o:mr _'P,,!IU I~~") A iIJ)Jii'~ ~~.

. ,. LiI'lli 7" ~;.]- ,,,--.,' (II-\; • I. ql!!l 1-

l1:F~:b rr,f.,,;1"~~·n ~,i;JA, ~I" ,f.; ftillffi'.,. ~,.., A'~n ~,..,

''''-1i'7t ,~_ .JI, 1·ll~ _

:u _ -n;,.,..'"l· (IJ~lc~'"l'

~l'·,~'{F'" fl~J,A' ~ 1""· ,-111",",6.,"" ,ill};. "m.,~i .~~t'?'!J; ~'rJ,A· ~":'I·l·i.'" £;f}"'"" ... ,~.~. P"AA.:rt ~ 1'1\! .f,:1\(: ih· iI~,~·I~Jt.e e ~111 il, It,~

ii.,,,,"..!'I.,."i;,., "" ~I JII.. 1,I~iI"-'r.II'

2_ ·l·d.,;t"',f'h, 1; V~ A,~'''J' iK.;'J ""',Pili;, l.Ji~ (~h ilh. '\j'l M -1·,d.tM,ih"

~"nJ.~, 'Il!dt,i'!

r'fiA~t ~ ~tj"~·t'flj)~' ~iiJfh:. ')c. ~"1I(?V·:'· r:"'''1t\, m"}4'" (I'll. ~~~,,"",~, ~~~ 'MIC.fuA oaGi;,h:t1 ~i:!aii

~~,..q:t-~ he jIl"h:. t~l

,(JiiI£,:.j':t. -I' In!aii~~

(I~~+'~ln "~11I ,7t"llf.t:..\'11{Ji.-C ~O'l"'~ ~ ... ~~, A) ~~,~fi+ ~~

2. '1\3"} fi,,!·.ua~:11

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it'~ .t n .eUA W: ,:-

'~~A~ A ~.:".,"}


!._,;u,j:r ,iI4~",i;;.;':' ii" A ,if!'IJ !Il :J-I-"!~ ~~~ r ~I(,!II~

.eiiJA'7j' ~l'

~,"lti.l.;(MbC ~~"}"': ."J:C '~e~; !!; j) .erilA''{J. :,~ Lye-",

f",'~' ,~1'''I,A ilr ~ '''~~''l~,ol-a'~' ,~,~·"~'''111·,r-.' I}.t~'.( ,;"i".t ~ ~.'1~ dilt\hh· '!'IU:,h,A:"

,~,~"""C'11A 'if~;}, 'rll;-",hf.' .'t":tr.i'} .ua'jn' hmr~'o"}~ii i'j~';;.

",I" .,~:tA~; ~ ~ (tl!!. hl~'N~' 6J.',~, ,~,·"; ~ ,h4·l'(I"}:: ~~,~.

it'lt "~1A'Je'~

'fj} ~7i'~; f~OD~, '11' .f'",!1 :«.111'

lUWoIli" 'i,~"

~Wolli,· (lj" ".,




t. Pu lI,e .a nd sh I'ilil n9~'

holy and pi ra i s~woiithly Qliit thou in everythi ng~, 0 thou who hast (I as'IP~dI the, Lord lin hell hand. All oCre,fJl1t'ion lI@jo'i()eth with h er, aad onleth out", sayi'ng~, IiR€!J(]Iire~, o fUll of gra(~~ rejoi'ce thou", for thou hast FOUln ~ faVO~ II ~ re~ol'ce thou, 'for' God

- ~, "*'h !l-I-..- ~. 'II' !:S' WI,,". I 'I..! II@e.

2,. W,~ as:criioo bll~ssi ogs to 'lLh y gn;·al~nleS$f. 0 ,awesome Vi II'Qi n, and w,e send to thee joy 'l-vith the €l n~,el ~ABRI E-L-;I tor thl~' Fru I'lL of llihy w'Om b hath become the, salvaltl'on of eur race, and n€lt1hl brc U Q hit IU s il'lgh Ii.mto, Goo HI'$ F,Bthe r. lRejo'iGe thou,

1. ~''tHill]''l~ ,lt1-.,AP TA,""'''}' ODl'~'.lI ~'~.i'I "l'f~l ,~o~_.t~ ID;~!til t\~~A :~ii\f1I~. ,~ 6OJ',C f'l'"

'i:-. ~ I\I!. .... ,,,," ",.!l.1. ,,).;Ii, (!I·lio.;iJ' ~- ;~., .. {I ~ ~!~ .!p0 ilirll b'~~~

?i~1 rJ;e~~IU: "',~9'-' OTI~,}\ !lJ'~f;"'n~ ~r~"I~ ,~;"i.';'= ,lil"il. ~~ ,,,,,~tt~·;;

4t ?i":H:; {I.·~·1~,e 11,1l,1"",,!.""f! liP} jPE ;,}. , ,

aJA s ~b. ,,."t lIUU,:J'

dB .t"~~'. ~ "';lrtw"i~ :hC~.f'''' ~,il",~' ;~A ~!~1" hill. 1~~,'r'~'f;~lD 11'1.9'" ",A01< "l11" c,~~ W'i/~" ~9'-'~.~. ,f!!C,t-d" 1i~I~':: (I"~ n,~ ~~h":"'~":

5_ !~}t:1;. ~"1~'-I' ~,~,.6 ~Jl~ r'.(-c lr.. (I~,~kJ,' ,I,i."'i'lb l'it,,"HiI" ,(:tl4l:: ·~;Ii·.(A· A"t ~r'l.tllj. ~Mi" ~,1:+ il!~JA"'':':~l roc ,.:t-·Hl-jl.

'lfl:.y~. :U'h 101*. lil('~, IDkilln'jl~' ~ ~ n~~ A')

.]) J!" lI"-":~::

.3. lP{j~ IPC""I 1IL,.:t-

"r- ~'4-:: f,j\.A 'flit '~':lf i'J"D·J~.n ~1'-~~

'" iii'. , '", .mIlT'..... Ic' n~', .~," ,']11.'.,,.,. •

'fAO-4 ;'f;A')

:I\AIM, .. 'if:A ~i :,~

~Cf"" ilP;" :

,Alt~·'iW'I-" 'f~?; l!~C ,j'ID"l",Nr'"l·· f'~'~'} f,!\·ll ,Al;

iI-",A"} 11~.D·~' .. l·

,!L~t..(-·li" ~,1:h,:r·

(If Y.. "'~~A" :,;

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"';t" • '-'';1'.'".'.

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flf£l h "}'J: '~"N ,OD,f:~\I1,i)' "·r.-:t

,k. fll-.1 hen1!- ~.,'


n',Af~ .!1 A (:!. A,~: ::

'hh'lII t'~htP,,..r.;,

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.:)" h,.~·~tr} ,"!C!h'· ..... 1'-'

'l1'irl ... Jt'~if;fil. IlF f,. "C-

'Ii"r ~',r: .:I\,i\..,··;t

l((rfllJ ,e,"} ~.,'·N

M[!!; ~''''If ,O.J.I!~.,

I-:r~q:: aJ·!~·r.A'(;,A (:!.

'ril. 'Q,. "" LA iF""J· •

n, '"n "!lI~.' .,.

~·',rt .,;}gu s«

!IC~.: fi,A oa,~Jflll" ,!un.(-·lia;.,,:~

'iI-,~"tt~· If!l.

.... ,;i"I'I;I~".~.II."'" 11'1,f - :f1-i1 .,. !II' !II'

~ h ~ ~ ..,. :;> m I €lllri€ln.e'

J. ,nS. if:! ,,", i(i:I ~ ~ ':!!'

und~r.led the Holy Ghost took up H iis ebode i iil thee, ,alild the' DQ'Ylelf olf the Mlo~s,1t ~ i9 h oversha dowed thee. 0 MARY,r ve rl'ly tho u has,t brotlg ht flO rth 'for IUS the Wo.rdl~, the' Son of the' F,atlh~ r ~ Who dw~llletlh (or, eXist.eth) for' ,eve r. He ca me and saved ILlS, fro,m 'Sifll " Rej:oice tho Ul.;,

4-, Tlh !)IUI art tne yOi!.iIi!9 Shoot. fro m th Ii; root 'Of DAV['O,;, Tlh!O u h ast b mug ht. ftHith flO r lUIS in the' fles h our Say lor J ES US CIH IR'FST I llih e Olilly-

ban .... ii-i-.c.... W,""'d Wlh "" ""::1""~''!.-'l,r!' . ' ..... r1 .! .......

wa~ of '~h e' f~ther~, Vilho w,as, hid den be:fore 'thl€i' wOiil d,1 and hiidi Iil~ IH ii msel f too k from the~ the tib'iim (Oll~, appealrance) of a slave, R,ejoit.e' 1itiHJU 'I'

S. Th QIU a lit the Second

Heaven over th e'

,~a I1ti! ~ 0 SlPotless God- bea rer, From thee hath risen upon

1,1$ the Sun o if'

figlh[eo!!Js n ass, and

tho UI did:st b riliilg Him flO,rth~, accord ifllg to the' ~r!O phecy !O,t' thle'

Pf'o~het$~, without.

seed and without

defileme fnt. thoUI.

6" h+,i\~ 'r·f·~~A ~ii ,~~,~~

~~"'·/u~~r· 'rh.~'" ~" ",lI'l1:

I~ • , •

6. Th GIUI art that

Ta bEll'll! ade w Ihiclh "",as ca II ed ;.; 1H0ly of' Holies" i whell'ein was the' ,Ark (fa,bot) ow hieh was cove red on elil sid ~S' with ~Iates of' 'gol dJ' i3nd had [h ered 111

tl!., - T - bJI - - ;i:: t'h -

II ~e' _ ;fll_ @ 0', . Ie'

Covenalnt. and the ~o1L ,of go Id O'T the, hid den menn a, th,at ils to

:S""V f he s: "" ... 1 1"'1'~ ;G'o'".I

.~J'I Il ~ . U.III! vii U. !LIII

1-fI'~ ca me, a iildl dWE! It with MARY,~ the' VI tJ'g'ln

il-I!., -I- bJI - - -" -I-, -H-I-

~'\!'n.II~C'Hlh, _ @mIS~II. - e'

was i nea rnate' of her, and she brought ~OIith iii! th~ 'Wo!!'ldi the KIM G of 'Glcwy .. , He C'anu~'

,al1!d del lve r~d us",

Th e Garden (l.e,

pa radlse) shelill

tEl;]oi ee',f fur th~ Lamb thi3C' is endowed with tEla:SOI1! ! the son of'

the' fath,er l' Wlh o

dwe II sth 00'11 eve II ~ hath ,t;;O me and del ive r-ed us '(rum sm. Rejoice tho UI."

~i ~"}',[;, m'~i~ ,',,"lll:h:::· tl'l.J,· '1'~aU f;b. '. ~!~I"

'l·Jl.~iil:.: !lhU'{i *,;3" ;J"~l';)-

niJJC~' Afl~""'~ ,~t,""tf lM:~, (Pl1)</ii,.lu;J· ~ii,4" tl,~"}:::: i"PI{!O 'flIC~ 1'1''''.1'· t"JDti' 'illo~ ~!tU·~.~ lDA,s.. ~·nJ.1I.'1~{h,I! ;(~~,~~

i]Ji'·~ft.l. ~tli i71J'C,'_""

.("J·7'tI" .lf1ttr~A €! ti" iI '1'~'lIIh ~P""}'1 ... +A h1'l 6Jl(DA~i'1" dJ',,~',I'" ~l"~' 1i"'''',I'~'~iil' h'fl!!"bq-· ~,h, (Dil;f:'n!~, "1~'~"4 '1:~~ "r~,~" ~t"J'II! ~1,"'/lj), ')11iiJ. ,fIIAf; h 'I~ I'if, 't1ilt: A"fI.Q!I~ aUR',~, w~;.e;·n~ 1l""~~'i1il.i\")' ,:. n~", if) .)-t,"n+ ~~'

'r.f~iilffl/~ Uff,(:.:

'r';.~-'''J· V·tD,C:Ji.,

... ' I nJI, ·,1 _,__ -r

'i".l'D,{!·,f~ ,fA'1r~

~,"~'J'?' I~J"}tr}!

,~'J~ 'i:li'~ ~

.e,"fi.t!}i?,~ aU ~i'

'ir'N~Am' ,t".,!P'r1"

IIU~~/,A ~"!P

Oif'ilJ"} " ~~,l:!D'

'r~'"'II~,h,1!M~' #ill; ~t"· ~ r,~:{jl~ ,?A, IliC'~ I~nl' o·~,]

,;i'iI':i.i! ~I' "1Y; .r',~l'l'"

'Imit~r. ;C. '}''T~~ui'

U1,~fU "U'fi'!~

,·u .... :jJo'~~(I)<:'

!I, - ,.'lll";1i I!!!I~ ~ - _!"

'11'0'1; ti'·.Il~; r~~

'rtl-c'~.f;'" ~~~.~

'n":'" t:.... .e~;J'·A' : ,AliA"fI.Q!I· 'ri'l}; ;!f'r. 'Ii'i\·n ,Al; ~l!t· ,aU~I' "1Y; h.:},ilil.h,o}-


,;z.'~',A~· If !l

,A:!,lY':1A",:: ::'

7. ·,hll~.ett. ~~' tthCll.,. ... .,~~/ ..... ':,: "?'~J!''"i(;, i]IAJ~h

it: 0.,' 1'diI'i"olI. o1i; ;ol;."Ii:. --,~ ... ~,. d .. ~, (_' ;11: l!!l.,..... 1U1.'"-'~ - ,'":1,'" i'

Ot"JD'}'hC r.t .... ~ni.: (fIilg;~~. r-' ,"(J~~\o'\'A, fIJ-j]il'l'J,"" 04'"m~ 1t~I' (1"'11(:.: :,: lihA, fI,,}


1., '1i'1 1\'...... bl!'~:,I'''1l

,~t~'''1,: "'11A"N

~£;" ~r} tl6J.'A.g; 7i

u~~r' U~'~f~,A (.~.

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iii I!C .. !I',!., ;;.., T"r ~IIII!I' ,,,-

"·,~""'~n;;C /·,I'·9?lhP·/ I(~J\.A,} ,!unf:·lia;.';:~ ,~j\11.~IW

?i":H:; (I.·~·1: ~i!p'ilaJn llt:~r Yo4H~ ~·'.m.ll,ll'(lbC ~JItAtJ·~,~ ~iitil"J'D fl;:ll

- -

nt:tc/""'tt "1-1:9'--'

11,h- £"'); '}OJ.)' 1.,.,1:1'" ~,'1;;';:

Il'·~tl,. lI:~' ~J~,A,. -r' '10 ~·nt1. ~ hftH) hCr."f{l 1';'-hr.rll'h ,~t'~":''tl. O~ ']!Ol'

... m ,0,. , ... l., ~\;, l. • '. "'" '''',.A ,.;. I~ - ~ iiJ. '0. !"il ., r'r Illn.!ll~J rl,.'


~)_ i!i~tJ. ~'~I'l.~ tPJ,j)i\ ,~"';'6h. ~ kh"lr ;S_;lC ~ 1Ri'li~' Yl~"~f} U· t..'~ 'qAdi) il!6.tlill, n~l,f ~Jiiilt!,· ~U1N~j.· !il!¥J.lpj,,l~fil:: ,~~,OR 1I1'~~I:'

... u: (I~~:4"'" ~ 'It~ ,~ {ih~ tl,,} .:I~JC'il+,;::,

s. ~";co;nr.l\"fh1bC la!l,.fi,''P ·"'·.~'~~Qr"l· "~1'1 ,',f,q"· ,~m~A h'·~~: ·t"tJ'~ ,fIU"A, I1Ih-A, 'ra-} f_;pA'l.OIIf:

,~,f! ':",'1 ,r-,L/}',!h

dA. AO~'" 011'11."'(;

',NIfil~m7l9l,#\ f;'::::

,~,:~~l." ~~~~.,'

't.'}~:: 1'1 In· ~llf'i f~'I.;J" if:', h f~ .. r. hC'~4-'" lnJ!'

,hry,,~, tr"W:'}'~ ~

,t ~'I!it~· If f. ,Ar'A ~}:,::

'9. 'Ii"N~tJrW:i!i~

'~,;l~l:r- r,W'f(;

h,~6·,71 If,~ ';"

,~,~tr ?:J" 'rt,(!~ .(;If"I~·'' ~"-" ~j!.tl". nt..)f!;J·m· L1]IFr ~fl'~'" ,In,l~ ltn';)~ ,!Uiifl J..I'.,oJ'.(J, ~ '",~ ;(;IlI'}

~"'1',(llr. p,"7ieJ.·

~=C(.I' filli·~t (O;~l: '~iJl·(.I~ :,; ~',S:-i:l,-l-

itt; ~~"A 'J ~'~

io. e« ,r;t.-. i'i.:r ..

,~'-l'''I,A '~'U~';"W:

::I\.3'~ f'~I'>i:JR~ :if

"i',~ _', IO'A Ojili.",.'l(

~ p.. ~II r.'-P.n}~\ [II'

'r(~i\r~"i\·'Mf 'J!~ ~~"!r"l' :iii 'Pb ~/ij'~ 'f-!l"/ "}',!1116'. i, ti" "11' ~

EM MAN U E L~ and because ,or' thls thotl didst pres@rve' thyselifunde:fi led. R,~joi c:e' thou,

8.. Th OIU a rt the Ladder on which .]ACO B saw the, So n of God for thou Iha:st' canioo Iiii' thy sealed womb Hi Ii11 Wb:J 00[.1 Id Inot be' touched", Tho u Ih ~:S:t becern e for us alii ili!t:e.~,c:e:ssor with 0 u r Lord J EStiS. CHI KIST~, WhO beca me, iflic~r n'~t,e of thee 'for 'O~ r Sa Iv~rti'on ,;, Rejpice tho l,J1"

St Be h old, the Lord

,~~. -- -, forth from thee,

came IIO '"" _ Ib __ . , ~

(; blessed La dY,r thotl un dell led Bridechem bet,1 to, sarv'tii 'thle' whol e world which He' had created iili Hi's ebundant oof1nl~a's5ion and m en:y. We' '910ri11V IH i man d we, pta rse, IH im for HI,e rs the' ~ne:fioonjt one, the' Lover of me n, ReJoice tho U ,;,

10, Re-joioo 'tho u 1 -0

fu II ow g raC-B. Vii lfigii n un blem lshad, V,essel under. led, 'Glo ry or' the, world i ILjQiht wh'lch shalll nev,er be' ,exlilll·· u is h ed. Shrine'

jp"'h""I~OIM ll~' ~'ill ;(PI'.(_;'~, 'i (D.e"Wh,I~, ;~I1.~·~)'; ~ ii.,,,,,,;,.,!i;,_, ""

~I JII.. 1,1 Irll "- 'P.II'

li,Jp~~'}' liii1-d .. (D,A~h '1>1(: fAF'!"Jil;,) J;,jP"t..e

llil!\ it. A'}


,,,:m~'~i'l ~7i~:


,0».(, 'I,d ~'''~'(D<' It"ID tilll'~' ,,p~~W"i

- - - - -~l"'" -


'r'l.eryif~· ~F};C ')':!Y ~ ~1~~ ,_ 1f~~j1t,~,

I(II!., If~' t\.l'.!iji

,Ar'~~A" ~ A._.1t~1,!

~.,.l'l~' ~.h:·}f~·

fl.,?/;.·l rr)'~

:'QI.,1-I,:J'- ~'~:'~ ffl"i"J.!'f: f&A l'

Ul,., ~ ~ _",""(l,"_

(Ir'J;. fI~"1'A, ') ~::

that slll,alil never be' ,ovelithr~wln " St~'Fr or' the' Falith, thou neVBIffall I log su pport of 1th~' saii nts, plfay fh 0 Lli 'for

,c' ... ..-. thv I;! - i' --11 -- nt us uv Ib __ y !l;l'ellle! __ Ge __ -

5~ n, our R<e~eemer /' that He may lII.arve' mer(;y I,IpOf1l I,lI So!' and show us compasstort, ,al1!d f(j rgiv~ IU s (Hur si ns if1l ~ls me rey 'for' 'eve r Clnd eveL, ,Am,en.

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