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Where to get the kernel source

When you install Linux, you can specify that you want the kernel source
installed. Or you can add the kernel source later from either the Red Hat 9 CD or
from rpmfind.

Many people recommend downloading latest stable version of Linux kernel

sources, rather than using the version shipping with Red Hat, since newer
kernels support more hardware, etc. To download the latest version see The
Linux Kernel Archives at The latest stable version is
listed first. Then download the kernel source archive by clicking on the F (which
stands for Full source):

Then uncompress and extract the kernel source into /usr/src on your system:

cd /usr/src
bzcat linux-2.4.20.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
Then create a symbolic link:
ln -s linux-2.4.20 linux

How to build a kernel

If this is the first time you're building a kernel on a Red Hat system, it's easiest if
you start with Red Hat's kernel sources and with the kernel configuration
template that your system was built with:
# cd /boot
# ls config*
# cp config-2.4.20-8 /usr/src/linux/.config
Then you can customize your kernel configuration by typing:
cd /usr/src/linux
make xconfig
After you are finished customizing the kernel, you can build it:
make dep bzImage modules modules_install

What to do after you build a kernel

Copy the resulting kernel to the /boot directory with any name you'd like for it:
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/mynewkernel
If your machine is configured to boot with lilo then edit /etc/lilo.conf, and add
a reference to your new kernel. Look at other entries in /etc/lilo.conf to
determine what disk shoud be used, etc. Here is a sample of what one might add
to /etc/lilo.conf:
Then type:
If your machine is configured to boot with grub then modify
/boot/grub/menu.lst file. Here is an example of what you might add to the
/boot/grub/menu.lst file:
title Linux 2.4.20 with all my new configuration
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/mynewkernel root=/dev/hda2

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