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Verbos Pasado Simple 1

Completa con el verbo indicado en el pasado simple:

He his wife to the concert. (to bring)

2. She alone. (to come)

3. I a great time yesterday. (to have)

4. My cousins to India during the summer. (to go)

5. My sister beautifully when she was younger. (to sing)

6. The police the thief. (to catch)

7. She at home all evening. (to be)

8. My friend seven bottles of beer. (to drink)

9. I her an email. (to write)

10. My husband me flowers for my birthday. (to give)

Completa con el verbo indicado en el pasado simple:

1. I to study at 8:00 PM. (to begin)

2. She a big breakfast. (to eat)
3. I her a beautiful watch for her birthday. (to get)
4. My cousin his wallet at the bar. (to lose)
5. My grandparents when they were both 20. (to meet)
6. She me a bracelet. (to make)
7. He up very early this morning. (to wake up)
8. I all my money last night. (to spend)
9. They me the truth. (to tell)
10. David that Nancy was very pretty. (to think)

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