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Doç.Dr. Cem S.

M.Ü. İletişim Fakültesi
Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
Communication is any behavior, verbal or nonverbal,
that is perceived by another. Knowledge, feelings or
thoughts are enclosed and sent from at least one
person and received and decoded by another.
Meaning is given to this message as the receiver
interprets the message. A connection is made
between the people communicating.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
Forms of Communication: Each of the channels of
communication requires effective skills suited to the
form of communication used to send the message.
Communication is classified into three forms:
1. Verbal communication, either spoken or written
2. Nonverbal
3. Graphic.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
Types of communication: A person working in an
organization uses four different types of
1. Intrapersonal communication
2. Interpersonal communication
3. Public communication
4. Mass communication

Ch.1- Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 The communication process takes place in various
situations for different reasons, with the potential for
many interpretations. It has seven main elements:
1. Sender
2. Message
3. Receiver
4. Feedback
5. Channel
6. Context or setting
7. Noise or interference
• Perception influences communication . It
is the way people understand or give
meaning to their environment.
Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 Causes of communication barriers: Effective communication
often passes unnoticed, while poor commuication is obvious.
The compete message and its meaning are distorted and
◦ Inappropriate choice of word
◦ Inappropriate channel
◦ Receiver inattention
◦ Lack of courtesy by the sender or the receiver
◦ Nonverbal communication that does not support the words
◦ Different cultural backgrounds
◦ Poor layout and presentation
◦ Inappropriate timing
◦ İnadequate feedback
 These barriers interrupt the flow of communication and lead to
confusion and misunderstandings.
Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 Communication within the workplace: For business decisions to be
effective and relevant, timely and appropriate information has to be
obtained and communicated throughout the organization.
 The successful organization is the one that has effective
communication both within the organization and with other
companies and clients. In fact, information flow is crucial to any
organization and the better the flow the more successful the
company or organization.
 Being an effective communicator means being honest with yourself
and others; it meanshaving the ability to say what you want or feel,
but not at the expense of others. It is not about getting your own way
and winning every time. Nor is it a means to manipulate and manage
other people so that you achieve your aim while appearing to be
considering others. An effective communicatior avoids a series of
quick-fix tricks or techniques.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 Communication is one of the most important skills in
the workplace. Effective communication establishes a
connection between two or more people and leads to
understanding. It allows individuals to be more
effective at work and in their relationship with others.
 As well as allowing individuals to interact to satisfy
their own needs and to develop their personal, social
and work relationships, effective communication also
enables leaders and managers to control work
procedures motivate others and balance the needs
and goals of individuals and the organization.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 Intercultural communication between people living in the
same country but from different cultural backgrounds.
Over time, a culture develops distinctive national
patterns of communication and social behavior. These
patterns are the customs and the conventions regarded as
the characteristics of a particular culture. They affect way
people communicate and act as individuals or in groups.
 What information we take in, which part of the message
we choose to remember and which response we give are
all a result of our perception. Effective communicators
acknowledge differences in perception. They also use
communication strategies that avoid the communication
barriers caused by the ineffective intercultural
communication strategies.
Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 Nonverbal communication consists of that part of a
message that is not encoded in words. The nonverbal
part of the message tends to be less conscious and
reveals the sender’s feelings, likings and preferences
more spontaneously and honestly than the verbal
 There are four types of nonverbal messages:
◦ Personal (to the individual)
◦ Common to a group of people or culture
◦ Universal (to humankind)
◦ Unrelated to the message (random)

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
Analysing nonverbal communication: People
communicate nonverbally with the body movement
and with personal relationship behaviors. This
nonverbal communication modifies, changes or
complements the verbal communication. Nonverbal
communication always exists in a context, or
framework. The context often determines the
meaning of the nonverbal behavior.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
We can classify nonverbal communication into seven
main areas:
1. Body movement or kinesics
2. Physical characteristics
3. Touching behavior
4. Vocal qualities, or paralanguage
5. Use of space, or proximity
6. Artefacts (e.g. Parfume, clothes, lipstick, glasses and
hairpieces project the style or mood of the wearer.)
7. Environment
Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 Matching the nonverbal and verbal parts of the message: The total message
contains the spoken words and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal
communication adds meaning, modifies or changes the spoken words in six
1. Repeating – for example, pointing when giving directions.
2. Contradicting – for example, looking at your watch and backing away while
telling someone, ‘I’m very interested in what you are saying.’
3. Substituting – using facial expressions as a substitute for words, to show
pleasure, disappointment and range of emotions, feelings and experiences.
4. Complementing – modifying, emphasizing or elaborating words in a way
that conveys attitudes and intentions towards others; for example, standing
in a casual way or using a careless tone of voice that conveys a lack of
respect for the listener.
5. Accenting – moving the head and hands to emphasize parts of the verbal
message; for example, shaking the head as you say ‘No’.
6. Controlling the flow of information – nodding your head or changing
position can indicate that the speaker should continue or give you a turn.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 How to check the meaning of nonverbal behavior: When you are in
doubt about the meaning of nonverbal behavior, check it out with the
person sending the message raher than make assumptions or pass
judgement. The total message is understood more easily when you
follow the four-step process below.
◦ Hear the words.
◦ See the nonverbal behavior.
◦ Check out their meaning with the sender when the verbal and nonverbal
messages are different.
◦ Consider the context or setting.
 Next time you are uncertain about the meaning of someone’s
nonverbal behavior, simply check it out by completing these two steps.
◦ Describe the behavior.
◦ Ask the sender what the response means.
 In this way you avoid making wrong assumptions about the

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 The process of Listening: Listening serves two broad
purposes in this process.
1. As the sender of the message, listening to your
receiver’s answers provides feedback on how the
other person has interpreted your message.
2. As the receiver of the message, listening to the
information from the other person allows you to
understand the meaning.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 There are four listening skills and their responses:
1. Attending listening to focus on the speaker
2. Encourage listening to invite the speaker to continue
3. Reflecting listening to mirror the feelings and
content in the message
4.Active listening to show empathy with the speaker

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
Focus on the speaker: In attended listening, you focus
on the speaker by giving your physical attention to
the other person.
You use your whole body and the environment you
create to provide feedback that assures the speaker of
your total attention.

Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 There are four Listening Responses
1. Focus on the speaker: Eye contact, posture, body
movement, personal space, environment, avoid
2. Invite the speaker to continue: Invitation to disclose,
minimal and brief responses, pause, use encouraging
3. Mirror the content and feelings in the message:
Paraphrasing, reflecting statements, clarifying,
4. Show empathy with the speaker: Active participation,
Ch.1- Apply communication
principles in workplace
 Barriers in the listener
1. Boredom or lack of interest.
2. The listener’s dislikeof the personality or physical
appearance of the speaker.
3. A desire to change rather than accept the speaker.
4. A tendency to make early conclusions or to listen only for
the pause when the speaker can be interrupted. The
intrusion of the listener’s own values or attitudes.
5. A willingness in the listener to hear only that part of the
message they agree with.
6. A perception by the listener that the speaker lack

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
 Creating a communication climate: It is created by
the way people feel about each other.
1. Empathy: is the ability to understand and feel as the
other person feels.
2. Win-win approach: is concentrating on the needs
and interests of other people communicating.
3. Self-disclosure: involves showing how you react and
feel about the present situationand giving any
information about the past that affects this reaction;
in this way you allow others to know more about you.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
 Effective interpersonal communication techniques:
 Expressing openness
 Showing empathy
 Use supportiveness
 Demonstrate equality
 Use “I” messages
 Listen
 Provide appropriate feedback (feedback is the receiver’s
response to a sender’s message)
 Use appropriate self-disclosure
 Communicate assertively
Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
 Giving and receiving instructions: There are two
types of instructions
1. Direct instructions are to the point and indicate who,
what, when, where and how a task will be completed.
2. Conditional insitructions explain the objectives,
provide background information and describe the
intended outcome.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
 When giving instructions follow these simple guides:
1. Determine what needs to be accomplished- the intended
2. Give reasons for doing the job.
3. Use concrete action words rather than abstract words.
4. Have the other person paraphrase the instruction back to you.
5. Demonstrate the skills in the task if your instructions involve
machinery or equipment.
6. Encourage questions.
7. Ensure your timing is appropriate.
8. Follow up as the person does the task on the job.
9. Offer timely and specific feedback.
Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
 When receiving and following instructions follow these
simple guides:
1. Listen carefully.
2. Focus on the person giving the instructions.
3. Avoid thinking about something else or daydreaming.
4. Avoid jumping to conclusions.
5. Ask questions about the standards to be reached.
6. Paraphrase to check your understanding.
7. Double any safety issues.
8. Ask for help if you feel you do not understand or are
unable to follow the instructions.
9. Ask general questions.
Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Characteristics of an Interview: Interviews involve two
sides; the interviewer and the interviewee. An interview is
essentially an exchange of information What distinguishes
it from a casual conversation, which is also an exchange of
information, is that an interview:
 Is planned
 Is prearranged

 Is structured

 Is controlled by the interviewer (it means knowing how to

motivate the interviewee to reply fully to questions)

 Has a predetermined purpose

 Takes place between two or more people of different status

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Stages of an Interview: Intervieiws may take place for
a number of reasons. Their structure, however, will
generally include five stages.
The pre-interview stage
The opening of the interview (p.35)
The body of an interview (p.36)
The close (p.37)
The post-interview (p.38)

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
There are three types of job Interview
The single interview: It is conducted by a single
interviewer responsible for interviewing all applicants
and selecting the new staff member.
The series interview: It is conducted by a number of
interviewers in turn. Each interviewer is looking for a
particular area of expertise and evaluates each applicant
in this area of expertise.
The panel interview: It is conducted by a group of
interviewers. Each member on the panel asks specific
questions relevant to their specialized experience.
Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Goals of a job interview: In conducting a job
interview, you want to attract and choose the best
applicant for the position.
Gather information from interviewees to help predict
their future performance
Inform applicants about the job and the organization
Determine applicants’ ability to work with others and
‘fit’ into the organizational culture

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Potential problems: Interviews are not always
effective in choosing the best person for the job.
 Poor planning
 Too much attention to negative or irrelevant information

 Lack of objectives

 Lack of structure

 Little knowledge of the job under discussion

 Judging the applicant inappropriate criteria

 Poor listening, which results in the interviewer hearing only

part of the interviewee’s answer

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Pre-interview stage: Undertake the analysis of the job. Identify
the tasks performed on the job and the activities, skills and
personal attributes necessary to carry out the job. Create a job
specification or description if one does not exist. The job
specification is the basis for the essential and desirable
quantities listed in the adviertisement as well as the basis for
your questions in the interview. Determine the style and the
structure of the interview. Directive interviews are controlled
and organized by the interviewer. Non-directive interviews
involve the participants and the organization in setting the
goals and process of the interview. Employment interviews are
usually directive interviews.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Preparing the questions: Prepare a fixed set of
questions that ask about the interviewee’s
qualifications, previous job experience, carrier
ambitions, goals, and attitudes towards the
organization’s products or policies. Aim to create
clear, specific questions that will adequately establish
the applicant’s capacity to meet the demands of the
job. Questions should also be relevant, unambigous
and free from bias, so that no one particular group in
society is favoured or others disadvantaged.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Four types of questions may be asked during the
1. Open questions: Encourage interviewees to speak freely and talk
about themselves, while the interviewer listens, observes and makes
2. Closed questions: These type of questions are designed to limit
interviewees’ responses and to establish familiar facts such as their
address, previous place of employment or qualifications.
3. Mirror questions: These type of questions restate the interviewees’
previous answers and invite them to add further information.
4. Probing questions: These type of questions follow on from the last
response of the interviewee. They are spontaneous rather than

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Short-Listing the candidates: Usually you receive
more applications for a position than the number of
applicants you are willing to interview. Therefore, you
prepare a short list and interview only those who best
suit the position. Each application is assessed for
suitability. This cull, or sorting, of applications into
two gropus – those to be called for an interview and
those not to be interviewed – is made by comparing
the information in the applications against the
essential and desirable qualifications for the position.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Conducting an interview: Once you prepared the
content of the interview you are ready to conduct the
interview. Non-directive techniques use minimal
questions, creating a conversational rather than an
interrogatory tone, and adoptpositive nonverbal cues
such as pauses and head nods to encourage the
applicant. Directive techniques include open-ended
questions and specific probing questions to focus on a
particular topic and gain further information or

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Open the interview: Create an open, friendly and trusting
environment and aim to put the interviewee at ease.
 Greet the applicant by name and introduce yourself and the panel by
name and jpb designation.
 Show the interviewee to a chair and perhaps offer refreshments.
 Some interviewers like to talk about topics of general interest such as
local events or sport to make the applicant feel at ease; however take
care not to side-track too far from the interview’s purpose.
 State the interview’s purpose and intended result. Be specific and avoid
 Let the interviewee know if you intend to take notes and explain the
length of time alotted to the interview.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
The body of the interview: Use simple questions
initially to help the applicant build confidence.
 Progress further through the interview with questions on work experience,
education and personal details.
 Throughout the interview, your purpose is twofold: to obtain specific
information from the applicant and to achieve an interview process that is
comfortable for the applicant. So take notes to jog your memory.
 Some interviewee responses may be inadequate, irrelevant, poorly
organized or inaccurate. Listen carefully and with empathy. On occasion,
you may need to vary the type of question, to clarify information or to
allow the applicant to elaborate.
 As an interviewer it is your resposibility to give applicants accurate job
information, to answer their questions and to allow scope to discuss their

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Close the interview courteously.
The interviewer should summarize what has taken
place during the interview to avoid any
misunderstandings or communication barriers.
At the end of the interview, indicate any further
action that needs to be completed. Indicate clearly
that the interview is over and thank applicants for
their application and for attending the interview.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
After the interview, the interviewer or the panel
evaluates each applicant and the results of the
Maintain the confidentiality of the interview and the
documents presented at the interview.
Record or complete notes on all important points
immediately after the interview.
You are trying to form an objective opinion based on the
information provided by the interviewee and any other
information available. At this stage interview evaluation
sheets or rating scales are very helpful.
Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Other workplace interviews: Apart from the job
interview, a number of other interviews are regularly
conducted at work.
 Data collection interviews: They can take place daily within an
organization as part of the problem-solving and decision-making
process.Their aim is to obtain needed information and collect it in a
form that can be analyzed and processed or order the information in
a way that makes it easy to analyze.
 Persuasive interviews: They aim to establish that a particular course
of action or a new idea or change is acceptable. Plan the persuasive
interview by knowing what you want to change or accomplish.
Identify you objectives. They aim to influence the interviewee to
change their attitude or bring them aroun a particular point of view.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
 Performance interviews: They seek to evaluate the employers
performance and provide feedback on the organization’s
perception of the employer’s performance. The performance
interview is often used for a promotion assessment. Plans to
take action to change the behavior. Plan the interview
carefully and choose a place free from interruptions.
 Discipline or reprimand (kınama-azarlama) interviews: They

aim to discuss unacceptable or undesirable behavior and to

discuss plans to take action to change the behavior. Listen to
the employee to determine reasons for the behavior. Deal
with the facts rather than emplyee’s personal characteristics.
This technique helps to reduce emotional reaction and

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
 Counseling (öğüt) interviews: They aim to provide support
for employees dealing with issues and problems to help them
solve the problem. Conseling interviews may also deal with
issues that affect work performance. It is important in a
conseling interview to remain non-evaluative, to use a range
of questions and to develop active and reflective listening
skills. They should be conducted privately, and
confidentiality should be respected. They aim to help the
employee clarify the problem and assist the employee to
select the solution that most suıits their needs.

Ch.4- Implement & maintain
effective workplace comm.
Common mistakes made by interviewers: The aim in
a selection interview is to choose the best person for
the job. By removing these mistakes from interviews
an interviewer is able to choose the best person more
effectively. Some mistakes are:
 Rely on first impressions
 Rating towards the average
 Relying on overall impression to give the “halo” effect. (The halo effect
describes a decision made on an overall impression based on general characteristics, rather than
the specific criteria for the job. )
 Placing too much emphasis on negative information
 Making a rushed decision

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties
try to resolve differences, solve problems and reach
aggreement. Effective negotiation meets as many
interests as possible in an agreement that is durable.
Negotiation strategies: Although negotiation has a
specific aim – to reach agreement – not all negotiation
achieves this aim.
1. Win-win strategy
2. Win-lose strategy
3. Lose-win strategy
4. Lose-lose strategy
Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Win-win strategy: This gives a situation in which
both parties are satisfied with the settlement
negotiated. It is a process that seeks to meet the
needs of both parties.
Win-lose strategy: This gives a situation in which one
party is satisfied and one is dissatisfied. The focus is
on the party’s problem to the exclusion of the other’s,
until one side gives in or is defeated. People who
adopt this strategy often use a confusing presentation
or a dominant speaking style and body movement.

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Lose-win strategy: This gives a situation in which a
party is dissatisfied and the other is satisfied. In an
extreme case, win-lose style of negotiation and the lose-
win style of negotiation can lead to a deadlock followed
by the lose-lose situation.
Lose-lose strategy: This results from a situation in which
the objectives of both parties are too rigid, or when both
parties are unable to collaborate, or unaware of the
opportunity to do so. When agreement cannot be
reached, a third party may mediate to help the parties
reach their own solution.
Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Psychological barriers: When you are negotiating,
psychological barriers may arise. These may include
1. Fear of being taken for a ride
2. Waiting to be liked
3. Guilt about wanting to be assertive
4. Need to be nice
5. Feeling intimidated by so-called powerful people
6. Fear of conflict or confrontation
7. Fear of losing face with the boss or colleagues
8. Lack of self-confidence
Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
A five step approach to negotiation:
1. Plan: Create a set of clear objectives to steer you in the right
direction to achieve the results you want.
2. Discuss: Identify areas of agreement and try to establish some
rapport with the other party.
3. Purpose: Define the issues at a time. Attempt to stay with the
issue rather than generalizing into other situations.
4. Negotiate the issue: Start by asking for what you want, but
accept that your goals may have to be modified. Link
compromises to other objectives.
5. Check: Ceck the agreement that you have just concluded and
confirm that each party is committed to the agreement.

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Another approach to negotiation is principled
bargaining. To implement it you need to;
State your case clearly and persuasively
Organize your facts well
Be aware of the timing and speed of the talks
Access the others’needs properly
Have patience
Not be unduly worried by conflict
Be committed to a win-win philosophy

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
BATNA stands for the Best Alternative to a Negotiated
Agreement. If agreement cannot be achieved by
negotiation, the alternative action to be taken is
identified in the BATNA.
WATNA stands for the Worst Alternative to a
Negotiated Agreement. If the person you are negotiating
with is your manager or supervisor you may have to
think about WATNA. Becasue the other person has the
legitimate power, or because because you want the
relationship to continue as it is, you may decide on less
than your preferred outcome.
Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
 Problem solving by negotiating: It is necessary that the
relationship is important to both parties and there is a
genuine desire to solve the problem rather than to win.
1. Select best time
2. Define needs
3. Brainstorm solutions
4. Evaluate solutions
5. Choose solutions
6. Implement solutions

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
 Negotiating options: In the negotiation process, the parties involved
may use different negotiation styles or options. A skillfull
negotiator is able to identify each of the five options and recognize
the style being used by other party.
1. Compromise: the settlement of differences through concessions by one
or both parties.
2. Collaboration: it results when people cooperate to produce a solution
satisfactory to both parties.
3. Competition: it leads to one party gaining the advantage over the other.
4. Accomodation: is a negotiation style where one party is willing to
oblige or adapt to meet the needs of other party.
5. Withdrawal or avoidance: it is a negotiation style where both parties
lose. In this style, one party retracts their point of view or backs away
from the situation. (lose-lose)

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Conflict occurs when two people, teams or groups have
differing wants or goals and one party interferes with
the other’s attempts to satisfy their wants or goals.
Levels of Conflict: Conflict moves through different
levels before it reaches the crisis level.
1. Discomfort
2. Incidents
3. Misunderstandings
4. Tension
5. Crisis

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Discomforts: Perhaps nothing is isaid yet. Things don’t
feel right. It may be difficult to identify what the problem
is. Do you feel uncomfortable about a situaition, but not
quite sure.
Incidents: Here a short, sharp exchange occurs without
any lasting internal reaction. Has someting occured
between you and someone else that has left you upset,
irritated or with a result you did not want.
Misunderstandings: Here motives and facts are often
confused or misperceived. Do your thoughts keep
returning frequently to the problem.
Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Tension: Here relationships are weighed down by
negative attitudes and fixed opinions. Has the way
you feel about and regard the other person
significantly changed for the worse? Is the
relationship a source of constant worry and concern?
Crisis: Behavior is affected, normal functioning
becomes difficult, extreme gestures are contemplated
or executed. Are you dealing with a major event like a
possible rupture in a relationship, leaving a job,

Ch.5- Negotiation & Conflict
Constructive responses to conflict: Responses to
conflict are learnt early in our childhood. These
responses become habits and reactions used without
thought in our adult life.
1. Assertion
2. Nonverbal messages
3. Listening with emphaty

Ch.9- Coordinate and Manage
Quality Customer Service
An organization that focuses on the customers’ point
of view rather than its own point of view is well on the
way to providing high quality customer service. It
achieves this by clearly defining its customers’ needs
and expectations, and by communicating regularly
with them. An organization’s customer service is
designed around the things customers value, and is
continually improved to meet their needs and

Ch.9- Coordinate and Manage
Quality Customer Service
Establish working relationships with customers
Customer Service Model: Total Quality Management
(TQM) approach to customer service is now being adopted
by many organizations. TQM Involves everyone in the
Know your customer’s needs and expectations
Plan to meet internal and external customer
Classify customer value: Basic service, Expected service,
Desired service, Unexpected service
Internal and external customers

Ch.9- Coordinate and Manage
Quality Customer Service
Ensure delivery of quality product and service
Coach and mentor colleagues and team members
Deal with customer needs and expectations
Maintain customer records
Inform customers

Ch.9- Coordinate and Manage
Quality Customer Service
Monitor, adjust and report customer service
Customer complaints policy: respond to feedback from
Seek customer feedback
Prepare a proposal: that is to recommend and seek
approval for modifications to customer service.
Authorize, take action or refer on the complaints received
from customers.
Implemet proposed changes
PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) for implementing
proposed changes.
Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Determining the purpose: Meetings cover three main
areas of resposibility.
First, the organization’s resposibility is to provide the
policy and procedures.
Second, the meeting’s executive is resposible for
organizing and running the meeting according to its
standing orders and formalities.
Third, members are required to take part in decision
making at the meeting and contribute to areas
requiring their expertise.

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Formal meetings: they have rules and regulations.
Informal meetings: they are less structured.
Planning the seating arrengements:
 Circular or oval seating arrangement: This is the ideal
arrangement. It allows everyone to see everyone else.
 Long rectangular seating arrangement: It is less than ideal. It can

lead to problems such as “meetings within meetings” the members

farthest from the chairperson may talk among themselves.
 U-shaped seating arrangement: It presents problems similar to

those of the long rectangular table. The person on the immediate

left of the chairperson tends to have trouble asserting their

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Conducting a structure meeting: People at a meeting
may take an executive role or a membership role.
Duties of the chairperson: Chairperson is either
selected or appointed. The resposibility is twofold:
1. To prepare and set the scene for the meeting
2. To conduct the meeting according to the standing orders
or rules of the organization.

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Other duties of the chairperson;
 C0nducting the meeting: check that a quorum (minimum
number needed to conduct meeting) is present, declare the
meeting open, welcome people, state the aims of meeting,
delegate when necessary, give feedback, encourage
 Ruling on points of order: The chairperson makes a decision on
any points of order that are rised.
 Following procedures: Chairperson’s role is to ensure that correct
procedures are followed, and maintain control of the meeting:
Allocating enogh time for adequate discussion, be objective and
impartial, put forward the motion for the next meeting.

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Moving and seconding proposals, motions and
 A motion is a specific proposal formally put by a member to
the rest of the meeting. For example: “I move that a pay
increase of $30 per week be accepted”.
 An amendment to the motion can be suggested by any
member. It is an alteration that aims to clarify the motion
(or improve it some other way) by rearranging removing or
adding words.

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Right of reply: Once the general discussion on the
motion is completed, the chairperson gives its mover
the right of reply.
Voting for the motion: The chairperson then asks
members to vote for or against the motion.
Resolution: A motion put to the meeting and carried
becoms a resolution – that is, the discussion about it
has been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

Ch.10- Organize and Manage

Ch.10- Organize and Manage

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Duties of the secretary
Agenda: The secretary prepares the agenda in
consultation with the chairperson.
Documentation: preparing enough copies, sending
members the agenda for the next meeting and a copy of
the minutes of the previous meeting.
Apologies: The secretary records the names of those
present., reads apologies from absentees, records these
Correspondence and minutes within 24 hours or sooner.

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Duties of participants at a meeting
Task-related roles: Before attending, read the agenda
minutes, prepare and write proposalsor motions, and
oral presentation.
Maintenance-related roles: Support and encourage
others’ contributions.
Defensive and dysfunctional roles: Defensive roles such
as tension reliever or scapegoat and dysfunctional roles
such as show-off, blocker or rebel – to achieve their
own agendas prevent the meeting from achieving its
Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Communication skills that achieve results
1. Practice courtesy and good meeting manners
2. Express your ideas and give feedback
3. Ask questions
4. Listen
5. Match the nonverbal messages to the spoken
6. Follow up

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Communication barriers
1. Poor verbal skills
2. Inappropriate nonverbal skills
3. Poor listening
4. Unwillingness to participate

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
Decision-making and problem solving in a meeting
1. Nominal group technique: It anables members of a
group to work independently as individuals at the
meeting, to think about and present new ideas.
 Discuss and clarify the situation or problem
 Work as individuals (think on your own)
 Present and record ideas
 Rate the ideas
 Choose the most preferred option

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
2. Brainstorming: It lets each person contribute ideas
and feel part of the process that produces the
results. It is a quick and easy method.
 Define the main issue
 Brief the meeting
 Encourage all members to participate
 Evaluate the ideas
 Choose the action

Ch.10- Organize and Manage
3. Problem-solving process (by Dewey, 1933): It is
creative, helps the participants understands the
reasons for the final decision, and encourages them
to discuss the results with others.
 Define the problem
 List all the possible alternatives
 Discuss an analyze the alternatives
 Choose a solution
 Plan the course of action

Ch.13- Organize Workplace
There are several ways you can tackle the task of
planning a document. The following steps are a useful
way of getting started and of ensuring that the result is
appropriate, readable and clear.
1. Identify your reason for writing the document.
2. Consider the needs of yor receiver.
3. Decide what points and ideas you need to include.
4. Decide the best way to organize these points.

Ch.13- Organize Workplace
Metods of organizing information
1. Direct method: Begins with the main points and/or
conclusions, and then provides detailed evidence to
support it and discussion about it. This method is often
useful at work.
2. Indirect method: starts with the introduction, then
provides the detailed evidence and discussion, and finishes
with the conclusion or recommendation.
3. Problem-solving method: is used when you wish to focus
the reader’s thoughts on a problem. Start with a detailed
discussion of the factors that caused the problem and
conclude with the solution.
Ch.13- Organize Workplace
Strategies for sorting information: During the planning
stage of a complex document you will sort your
materials before you decide what sequence or order to
put it in.
Traditional written outline
1. Formal outline: shows the main ideas, the supporting
information, their position and the connections between
them. It is useful for dealing with many complex ideas or
2. Informal outline: It lists the main ideas and their supporting
information. It is one of the easiest ways of to orgainze
simple, uncomplicated information.
Ch.13- Organize Workplace
Tree diagram: is a plannig strategy that groups
particular points or ideas together. It is a technique
suited to complicated ideas and it is best to use it after
you have fully developed them. This is because it shows
up any similarities, differences, overlaps or gaps in your
ideas, and identifies their order of importance. The
main topic or theme becomes the trunk of the tree.
Then each idea that stems from this trunk becomes a

Ch.13- Organize Workplace
Triangle: The shape of the triangle emphasises the lead-in or
introduction to your topic and the conclusion. As a closed
shape, it contains the main ideas in boxes along the bottom,
as a unitConsequently, it helps you to limit your material to
what is necessary.
Mind Map: Instead of the linear approach to note-taking, the
Mind Map offers key concept overviews to which descriptive
details can be added. It helps us to make associations
between key concepts and relevant experiences. This way of
sorting and selecting information is more efficiant than
making the traditional kind of structured notes which contain
unnecessary words that interrupt the key words.

Ch.15- Writing Business Letters
At work we write letters for many different reasons to
initiate a business contact, to reply to someone, to give
directions, to make requests. Some are written to
persuade a potential customer to buy something, or to
encourage a customer to pay an overdue account.
The four main types of business letters are;
1. Good news letters
2. Bad news letters
3. Neutral letters
4. Persuasive letters
Ch.15- Writing Business Letters
Layout of a business letter: The layout of the letter
provides the frame for the body of your letter.
Essential Parts Optional Parts
Writer’s name and address Subject line
Date Attention line
Inside (intended reader’s ) address Reference initials
Greeting Enclosure
Body of the letter File number
Complimentary close Sender’s telephone extensions
Writer’s signature and job title or Sender’s e-mail or website details

Ch.15- Writing Business Letters
Types of layout
1. Full block layout
2. Full block layout with centered letterhead
3. Modified block layout

Ch.15- Writing Business Letters
 Planning the business letter
1. Decide on the purpose of the letter
2. Decide what you want to say
3. Note down all the ideas in point form
4. Order these ideas into a sequence appropriate to the
type of letter
5. Write the first draft, using plain English
6. Read the letter to ensure that you have achieved your
7. Rewrite if necessary

Ch.15- Writing Business Letters
 Writing good news or neutral letters: Direct order of
1. An inquiry
2. A request
3. An acknowledgement
4. A letter of introduction to someone

Ch.15- Writing Business Letters
 Writing bad news letters: Indirect order of
1. An order refusal
2. A credit refusal
3. An adjustment refusal
4. Refusing an invitation or request

Ch.15- Writing Business Letters
Persuasive letters: to collect someting (money,
cooperation etc.)
1. The remainder
2. The strong remainder
3. Inquiry
4. Urgency

Ch.16- Writing Memos and
Short Reports

Ch.16- Writing Memos and
Short Reports


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