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Submitted by, Abdul Samad. Section H

Short Stories
 The Longest Ride: The day when I had the longest and the most tiring bike-ride of my life
 Charsi Sheesha : Sheesha, who is not familiar with it? The glass-bottomed device which is a
craze amongst the youth of today. But this particular one was something else….
 Inferno: When a baby girl is stuck in the apartment of flames……..
 Knocking, Knocking, Responsibilities Knocking: Living by one’s self is a pain. Especially if he or
she is a fulltime student. Juggling, studies, work, bills, laundry can be difficult if multi-tasking is
not your thing.
 The Butt’s Life : Life is about transition. How an individual transforms from childhood into
adulthood, his/her beliefs at different stages of his/her life. Let us look at Mr. Butt.
 Kidnapped: he was worried about getting to school on time, he was worried about the
attendance, and he was worried about his life. His worries kept him preoccupied, so occupied
that he failed to realize that he was being kidnapped.

Travel Log
A trip to New York was like a dream come true.

 Who Am I
 The Bin Laden Rap
 Skinny ME
 Mama Sermad

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