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Few tips to keep your

email and social account


.Done by: Nada Jaradat

Internet has tremendously changed the way people
communicate with each other. What used to be separated
by time zone and distance is now connected instantly
.and can communicate by a single mouse click
Popular social networking sites like Facebook and
MySpace is continuously growing exponentially. This is
the reason why it has become the target of most hackers
.and spammers out there
A successful attack depends on passwords that contain
recognizable words. Avoid using real words in your
passwords, as well as personal information that's easy
for people to figure out, like your birthday or house
number. Instead, use a random series of characters that
includes digits, punctuation marks and other special
characters, and upper- and lowercase letters. Note that
making strings of characters that look like words (such
as "p4ssw0rd") is a common idea, but a bad one. Most
hacking tools routinely check for this type of
substitution method.
.Making a strong password

 Use at least eight characters.

 Combine letters, digits, and special characters.
 Mix upper- and lower-case letters.
 Avoid using recognizable personal information.
 Set up a secondary e-mail address you can keep for
backup purposes. If you lose your primary email
password and need to retrieve it, the alternate e-mail
address will be used to send your information to. This
way you can get your password again without any
Social network(Facebook, myspace,twitter..etc)

1- PASSWORD , Do not include personal information in your password like

birth date, address, or age.

2- Keep your computer clean from viruses, spyware by using a suitable anti-
virus, anti-spyware like(Kaspersky, AVG, NOD32).
3- Profile settings .

4-Don’t post photos and private information if you don’t want other people to
see or know about it.

5-BE WARE OF SITES YOU CLICK. Do not click any link posted in the
message, comments, or bulletin because this is one method that hackers use
to get information from you. Links from hackers will usually open a
window for you that look like Facebook or MySpace asking you to log-in.
If you fall for it, the information you entered will be sent directly to the
Try this at home …(Is your pc

1. Go to START.
2. Press RUN.
3. Write “cmd”.
4. Write “net user”
5. If you got something like this “support_3388945a0” then your pc
is hacked .
6. Solve: just write “net user support_3388945a0 /delete”
Thank you for
. good listening

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