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CS620 Exercise 1

Install virtual machines and Linux on your system

Out date: Nov 13 100 points Due date: Nov 20

This exercise intends to let you learn virtualization software and how to use it to
create a Linux environment on your PC or notebook. This exercise is an individual
exercise. You are required to do the followings:

1. Install vmware on your computer

2. Install Ubuntu on your vmware virtual machine
3. Open a terminal window in your Linux OS and run “ifconfig” command. Take
snapshots of the screen showing the output of the command.
4. Study and use the following commands, describe what they do, and attach
snapshots of the output screens in your report.
- ls, ls -l, cd, mkdir,
- cp, mv, rm
- nano
- date, uname -a, uptime
5. Write a report describe what you have done and create a “pdf” file of your
6. Printout your report to submit to me in class
7. Create a blog containing your report description and email the URL of your
blog to me at with subject name “cs620-ex1-
<student id>”, where <student id> is your student id number.

Submission: You must clearly write your name and student ID on top of your report
and submit it to me in class on the due date. You must upload your “pdf” report file
on courseweb by the due date.

All materials must be submitted by the due date. Otherwise, you will be deducted
20 points daily.

Course Policy: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Copying of homework’s or

assignments is considered cheating and will be penalized. Students will be warned
and deducted points for the first time, and given an “F” grade for further misconducts.

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