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English Spelling Games for Kids

By Diane Todd, eHow Contributor
updated: April 1, 2010

Games help children to enjoy learning.

The ability to spell words correctly is an essential skill, regardless of what line of work you plan
to pursue. No matter how brilliant the plan, thought or idea is, if it is written with misspelled
words, the writer is perceived as being less than highly intelligent. Teaching children to be good
spellers can be turned into a game. The children may not even notice they are learning while they
are playing fun spelling games.

Dress the Clown

1. Dress the Clown is a game children love to play. Start by drawing a stick figure with no
face on the board. Think of a spelling word and, to the side of the drawing, draw one
empty slot for every letter of your word. Go around the room and have children guess
letters. When they get one right, add the letter to the right slot. When they get it wrong,
add a piece of costume to your clown. You can add a shirt, pants, tie, big shoes (one for
each wrong letter), a wig, a hat, eyes, nose and a mouth. Children must know the proper
spelling of the word to guess correctly. If they don't already know the proper spelling,
this game is a fun way to learn it.

Spelling race
2. Using a list of current spelling words, you can play a game that gets kids up out of their
seats. Give each student a stack of index cards (one for each spelling word) and a marker.
Line them up along the back wall of the room, with all of them facing the front of the
room. Call out a spelling word. The students have 10 seconds to write down the word on
the card and hold it in front of them. Every student with the correct spelling gets to take a
step forward. The object of the game is to reach the front of the room where you can have
a prize waiting, like a "get out of homework" card or a lollipop. Having the opportunity
to write down spelling words instead of calling them out may help students who have a
difficult time seeing the word they are trying to spell out loud.

Choose or Lose
3. Finally, this last game allows students to differentiate between possible spellings of
words and recognize the correct version. Choose three students to come to the front of the
room. Give them each a list of the spelling words. For each word, two students will have
a wrong spelling and one will have the right spelling. Have the students write the words
on the board one at a time, then let the rest of the class choose option 1, 2 or 3 as the
correct version and write their answers down at their desks. When every word is on the
board, go through and circle the ones that are spelled correctly. Have the students count
up their answer sheets to see who had the most correct. That student wins the game.

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