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Sanctions 1


Tanesha Brenno


Monty Mathis
Sanctions 2

Intermediate Sanctions are sentences that are in between probation and incarceration.

Some of the things that fall under this category are: House arrest, probation with more serious

stipulations, boot camps, or rehabs. Intermediate Sanctions serve dual purposes in the justice

system. One of the main reasons for them being a good idea is because when the criminals are

granted the sanction over incarceration may help by turning to reduce overcrowding and it also

eases the weight of pressure of our nation’s prison systems. Another reason is it helps reduce

recidivism, when they target the behavior of the alleged criminal that leads to that particular

crime. For example, if a drug addict has been given the chance to go into a drug treatment

program, when they get out they will be less likely to commit any crime that has to do with

drugs, if they complete the program fully, with no problems of course. I personally feel that they

could be a helpful tool if used appropriately. There are always those people out there who could

benefit from all of the additional support they would get. Of course, it would be extremely

complicated for a judge to weed out the alleged criminals who want to be transformed into a law

abiding citizen and the ones who simply are looking for a way out. The risk is always worth the

potential for reward. I think intimidate sanctions would be a great tool for non-violent offenders.

The idea that everyone who breaks the law is going to continue, it isn’t always true. The prisons

encourage a life of crime by stigmatizing the individual and putting them in with the truly

heinous criminals.

I just wanted to give a little example of why I believe in intermediate sanctions, my ex

was very abusive and I had an order of protection against him, which he broke a few times. The

first time he was put on house arrest and finally they threw him in jail for almost a year.
Sanctions 3


Norval, Morris.” Intermediate Sanctions in Sentencing Guidelines” 2006. Pg 2-45 Retrieved on

June 24, 2010 from historic anonomies.

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