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Overall Project Design

Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office

Project purpose and intended audience description go here. Design choices:
Color scheme (include examples or hex numbers):

Background color – White #FFFFFF

The purpose of this learning activity is to prepare a lesson for
employees of the Nashville VA Dental Clinic(s) that assist in managing
Text- Black 0a0a0a
employee relations more positively by promoting prevention of
disagreements and drama in the workplace setting.
Font styles, sizes, colors (include font style name, size, and color for each element):

Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a

Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Size 40

Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text

Font- Arial
Size 32

Viewer will click “Next slide “ or click current slide in order to advance to slide 2

Additional Developer Notes:

Align left- Include text or, if using image, align right. Content should display the Image of TN stars from:
Tennessee Valley Health Care (TVHC) dental clinic in some way to be relatable to
employees. (used image to right since can be shared.
Content Slide #2
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font- Arial,
Font Size 32

Align left- Align under title slide description: Ways to detect, diffuse, and
prevent disagreements and drama in the office setting to create a more
harmonious work atmosphere.
Image- Align right: Image of employees in heated

Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.

No audio. Read text from slide: “Ways to detect, diffuse, and prevent disagreements and drama in the office setting to create a more
harmonious work atmosphere”.

Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

Click next slide to advance to Slide 3

Content Slide #3
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font-
Arial, Font Size 32 (see text below)

Align left- Align under title : Do you ever feel stressed at the thought of coming
into work?
Do you feel stressed at your job?
Do you think those in the workplace-coworkers, patients, management-
contribute to that stress?
Image- Align right: Image of
employees in tug of war
Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.

No audio. (Prior to reading text from slide, explain that the questions are rhetorical as to maintain coworkers anonymity). Begin by, Ponder
these questions, the Read text from slide. Speak with audience and introduce how this course will aid in helping limit and control those
negative feelings they and their coworkers are having

Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

Click next slide to advance to Slide 4

Content Slide #4
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font-
Arial. Font Size 32

Align text left: What is Drama?

Image- Align right: Image of the

word drama
Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.

No audio. Read text from slide: “”.What is Drama?”. Give a few seconds for answers, if none; Ask, “Anyone”?
Then take any ideas form audience and then click slide to reveal animation that opens with the Defiinition of drama as
“Drama can be anything that causes conflict or an obstacle to your well-being.

Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

Click next slide to advance to Slide 5

Content Slide #5
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font-
Arial, Font Size 32

Align text left- There are three subjects that make up the drama triangle:
The Persecutor: Uses power negatively, uses destructive behaviors
The Victim: vulnerable, doesn’t take responsibility or action against the persecutor
The Rescuer: tries to “save” victim, offers help, even if unasked

Image- Align right: Image of

Drama Triangle
Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
No audio. Read text from slide. Then add: The perpetrator initiates the drama and hurts the victim in the process. Instead of dealing directly with the
perpetrator, the victim tells the rescuer about the "wrong" that was done to them. The rescuer goes to the perpetrator and attempts to right the wrong.
The dysfunction with this interaction is that the victim pulls another person into the drama, the rescuer, and doesn't resolve it directly with the person
causing it, the perpetrator. The victim allows the rescuer to speak on his behalf. The victim avoids responsibility for his own feelings and actions. Not only
is this unprofessional, it's also powerless.
Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

Click next slide to advance to Slide 6

Assessment (Quiz) Slide #6
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Include any proposed images for drag and drop type activities. <Question text goes here>

Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a

Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40 List the three players in the Drama Triangle
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font- Arial. Font
Size 32
1 2
Please match the term to its definition. Use the drag and drop Drama

(1) Person in dismay (a) Perpetrator

(2) Tries to help the situation (b) Victim
(3) Initiator of Drama (c) Rescuer
Describe both positive and negative feedback for each question here. Include whether the feedback and/or questions should be narrated.

Correct answers, open text box that says, “ Correct” and continue
Incorrect answers, open text box that says, “Incorrect try again”, allow for redo and once all completed, slide advances

Click slide to advance to slide 7

Describe the question type and required interactivity (ie. drag and drop, multiple choice, etc.)

Drag and Drop. List the subjects (players) aligned on left side and the definition of each aligned on right side. Use drag and drop
buttons to place answer near one another. If incorrect, allow to do over. If correct, progress to slide 7
Content Slide #7
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text
Font- Arial, Font Size 32

Align text left- Renowned Leadership Expert, Meredith Elliot Powell, has
performed numerous team building seminars, including TEDTalks to various
corporations, to promote healthy communication and relationships in the
workforce. Let’s explore some of her policies
Video file:

Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Video file attached, allow to play for participants

Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

Click next slide to advance to Slide 8

Content Slide #8
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Center image to slide if
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font- possible
Arial, Font Size 32 Resize to view adequately
Add image reference


Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.

No audio. Read text from slide: What management can do to deter drama in the dental office:
1)Loss of production- The agency suffers when you allow negativity to flourish in the workplace.
2) Loss of respect- You lose respect from employees if you do not deal with negativity up front and directly
3) Loss of good employees- Productive employees want a work environment that they can feel successful and respected at. If this is
overshadowed by negativity, they will seek employment elsewhere.
Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

Click next slide to advance to Slide 9

Content Slide #9
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font- Center image to slide if
Arial, Font Size 32 possible
Resize to view adequately
Add image reference


Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.
No audio. Read text from slide: What management and employees can both do to deter drama in the dental office:
1) Do Not Engage- Don’t allow other employees to gain you interest in office gossip or venting.
2) Get Face to Face- Don’t allow coworkers to talk about other coworkers in your presence. Tell them you’d rather discuss it with all parties
involved to nip the negative behavior in the bud.
3) Take Action- Management must enforce steps to make the negativity stop. Employees must be consistent with their boundaries and not
allow perpetrators to influence them at all. If assistance is needed, seek if from chain of command.
Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

Click next slide to advance to Slide 10

Assessment (Quiz) Slide #10
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
<Question text goes here>
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Include any proposed images for drag and drop type activities.
1) You’re confronted by Cindy who tells you Kim said you were
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a lazy and couldn’t keep up with your work assignments. What
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Size 40 do you do?
2) Autumn continually complains about how much she hates the
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font-
job, yet she is always being promoted. It is causing dissension
Arial, Font Size 32
with the other office staff. What do you do?
3) Ron never helps others in the office when needed. How do you
react when he ignores your request for help?
4) Jerry is always on his cell phone in front of patients? Do you
say something to him? To a supervisor?
5) Beth told you a few employees said you have an attitude. How
do you deal with this information?
6) Meg is always chumming it up with the boss, even giving
suggestions to discipline other employees; Do you address this
behavior? How?
Describe both positive and negative feedback for each question here. Include whether the feedback and/or questions should be narrated.
Proper responses: (1) Ignore it or take action by going to the source to discuss it. To prevent escalation, get a supervisor to aid in the discussion (2) Do not allow
Autumn to complain to you. Shut her down. If employees are unhappy, a group of you should approach management with the concerns (3)Leave Ron alone by no
longer asking him for help, but bring it up to management so they can resolve his lack of cooperation (4) I would call him aside and remind Jerry that cell phone
use is prohibited at the workplace. If it continues, I would inform management. (5) Don’t get angry with Beth, sure she may be making it up because it is her
thoughts, but just say thank you. Keep an open mind and look into what you do and how you respond to coworkers and work on better communication with
them. (6) Keep emotions aside and don’t jump into finger pointing. If the favoritism is obvious, seek help from HR or above to handle it. Don’t risk losing your job

Describe the question type and required interactivity (ie. drag and drop, multiple choice, etc.)

Activity questions will be asked verbally, being read off the slides and pause as to allow to all employees involved in the learning program at the
end of the presentation so all can interact and input in the responses.
Content Slide #11
Diffusing Differences in the Dental Office
On screen content (What will display on this screen?) Proposed image or graphic for this slide
Title Text -Align Left , Text color- Black #0a0a0a
Text Font- Arial Rounded MT Bold, Font Size 40
Course Description-:Text –Align left. Text color- Black #0a0a0a , Text Font- Arial, Font
Size 32

Align left text-

Image- Align Center of slide

Audio narration script or other multimedia elements (ie. video) description. Narration script should be written out fully in this section.

No audio. Speak to audience, “ These small steps will make huge progress towards better office relations”.

Interactivity, animation, and additional navigational instructions should be fully described in this section. Include any branching instructions. (For example, if users click on item 1 then display slide 4; if users
click on item 2 then display slice 5; if users click on item 3 then display slide 6.)

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