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List of Programs

Implementation 1
1 to print name, address, ph no details of student
2. Addition of two numbers
3. Division of two numbers

Implementation 2

Program to find greatest among three numbers

Programs to calculate vol & area of sphere using symbolic const PI=3.14
Program to convert centigrade temp. Into Fahrenheit temp.

Implementation 3
Programs for generating Fibonacci series, prime numbers,
Program to display 4-digit number in opposite order
Program to find the factorial of a number.

Implementation 4
Program to print average Marks of N students
Program to print GCD of Two numbers
Menu driven programs using switch statement to do different arithmetic operations

Implementation 5
Programs to demonstrate the use of continue, break and conditional operators like
days of the week and months based on selection of a character from user.
Program to print the following pyramid:
Program to find whether the string is Palindrome or not

Implementation 6
Programs to demonstrate passing of variables to functions by values and by address
Addition of n numbers using pointer to functions and also to call the function using
pointer variable.

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