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Unit Four Reading Response

Bridge” (SS 118-120)
For this unit’s reading response, respond to the following:
 At what point do you realize that the boy is blind?
I knew the boy was blind when the boy said, “Ohhh, I lost
[the fish] […]” and McDonald said, “[…] You didn’t lose
him[…]” (119). How did the boy not see that he still have the
fish if he is fishing? Unless he was blind and this is when I
realized that the boy was blind.
 What role does the tarpon play in this story?
The tarpon is the one that pulled the two characters
together by fate. If the tarpon wasn’t there when the boy
was fishing, McDonald would’ve been angry at the boy for
stopping him from jogging. And without the tarpon,
McDonald wouldn’t be able to appreciate what he has that
the boy did not: sight.
 Why does McDonald say, “No, my friend, thank you for
letting me see that fish”? (Paragraph 43 on p.120).
McDonald finally learned to not take for granted what he
already has, such as the ability to see. Because the boy
helped him to realize that not everyone is as fortunate as he
is. And therefore the boy helped him see that he shouldn’t
be nasty to people just because of how they are dressed
and act.
 Provide an example of an event that helped you to see
something in a different/new way or that helped restore your
sense of wonder or appreciation for someone or something?
An old lady at my church likes to bring Jesus into people’s
lives, so she asks my family to sing Christian songs in Loma
Linda hospital. When we started to sing for a lady that was
diagnosed with breast cancer, she started crying and saying
that she appreciate what we are doing and that we should
continue what we are doing. Then I realized how lucky we
are to know Jesus and there are millions of people out there
who don’t know Jesus and they’re sick and dying. So going
to Loma Linda hospital to sing helped me appreciate what I
have and not to take my health for granted because
anything can happen to anyone.

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