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Odette Lara

June 9, 2010
Out-Of-Class Essay #4


Many times we have heard about how important is to have good manners. This

may do not seem very important at first, especially when you show good manners to

everyone, and most of the people do not care about showing them in return. However,

before you starts thinking that way first formulate these questions to yourself: In what

way are good manners a matter of how we look at ourselves, and in what way are they

a matter of how we look at other people?

Good manners are the expression of respect that we have in consideration of other

people’s needs. According to the article “Courtesy: Key to a Happier World” Dr Peale said

someone that had a difficulty may have been able to get better if the people involved had

treated with delicacy and courtesy; Dr. Peale also mentions the basic ingredients of good

manners are: justice, empathy, and politeness. Consequently, if you have put in practice

these three ingredients being considerate to others, treating people alike, and understanding

them. You would have a good effect in others people’s lives and the matter of how they think

about you.
Most of the time we think that in this society there are more people ill-manner than

good-manner, this is because we paid more attention to people that is not polite than to

people who has courtesy with us. As said by Dr. Peale in his article a person who has good

manners is happy to accept courtesy; in contrast with bad manner people who is sceptical

when they have been well treated. They have a feeling of a hidden motive.

In conclusion Good manners have to be an everyday exercise in which everyone

would benefit including us. We have to teach and learn good behaviour, well manners,

politeness, and courtesy in our lives; because those are essential requisites in order to fulfill

our goals, succeed in society, and to make our connivance easier and pleasant.

Words: 356

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