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Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no.

3, 2002

Bobi Bobi
Badarevski Nauka, gej gen, Badarevski SCIENCE, GAY
~ovekovi prava GENE, HUMAN

I stra`uvawata na seksualnata orientacija od

poslednata decenija na minatiot vek ostanaa
zabele`ani vo nekolku nau~ni proekti, ~ii izve{tai
I n the last decade of the past century several scientific
projects conducted research into sexual orientation and
the reports aroused great interest not only in the scientific
predizvikaa golem interes kako vo nau~nata, taka i world, but also in the wider public world. Such research
vo po{irokata svetska javnost. Predmetot na tie projects were interested in the origin of male
istra`uvawa be{e potekloto na ma{kata homosek- homosexuality.

Vo izve{tatite od istra`uvawata se tvrde{e deka The reports claimed that there were indications about the
postojat indikacii za biolo{ki osnovi na ma{kata biological origin of male homosexuality. The arguments
homoseksualnost. Poentite od tie istra`uvawa discussed in these research projects were best received
naidoa na najgolem odyiv vo amerikanskoto op{- by the American society. The public responded ‘for’ and
testvo. Javnosta reagira{e preku javni debati “za” i ‘against’ special rights for homosexuals through public
“protiv” specijalnite prava na homoseksualcite, debates thus testing the reports as arguments in the
testiraj}i gi na toj na~in izve{taite kako argumen- defense of their standpoints.
tacija vo odbranata na svoite stojali{ta.

Interesot za istra`uvawata ne be{e ograni~en samo The interest for the research projects was not limited to
kaj gej/lezbejskite dvi`ewa, biomedicinskite nauki gay/lesbian movements, biomedical sciences and public
i javnite debati za pravata na homoseksualcite. debates on the rights for homosexuals. Many feminist
Mnogu feministi~ki avtori gi kritikuvaa nivnite authors criticized the findings. Such criticism was based
naodi. Kritikite glavno se potpiraa na iskustvoto on the experience with the naturalism as a dominant
so naturalizmot kako dominantna strategija vo strategy in the practice of scientific research.
praktikata na nau~nite istra`uvawa.


Vo ramkite na gej/lezbejskoto dvi`ewe se izostrija Within the gay/lesbian movements, the theoretical and
teorisko-politi~kite razliki pome|u dominantnite political differences among the dominant factions became
strui: „gej gen“ strujata, kako pozicija {to go clearer: the ‘gay gene’ faction, as a position that supported
poddr`uva biolo{kiot koncept na homoseksualnosta the biological concept of homosexuality, and those who
od edna, i onie koi go zastapuvaa „queer“ stojali{teto, supported the ‘queer’ standpoint, i.e. all those who in some
odnosno site onie koi na nekoj na~in ne se „sovpa|aat“ way did not ‘fit in’ with the dominant heterosexual
so dominantnite heteroseksualni normativni normative practice. Everyone who underlined the ‘choice’
praktiki od druga strana. Kon „queer“ stojali{teto as an outcome of their position and were close to the anti-
se priklu~ija i onie koi go istaknuvaa „izborot“ kako naturalists joined the ‘queer’ standpoint.
ishodi{te na svojata pozicija i spored toa bea bliski
do antinaturalistite.

Ne be{e te{ko da se pretpostavi deka }e se pojavat It wasn’t difficult to assume that new reports of research
novi izve{tai od istra`uvawa {to }e imaat za cel projects would appear in order to verify the validity of the
da ja proverat validnosta na iznesenite naodi. I presented findings. Indeed, such research projects were
navistina, takvi istra`uvawa bea sprovedeni, no carried out but most of them did not confirm the findings
pove}eto od niv ne gi potvrdija naodite za biolo{- regarding the biological influence on the sexual preference
kite osnovi na seksualnata orientacija na ma{kata in male homosexuality. In addition, there were new
homoseksualnost. Isto taka, se pojavija studii i studies and books giving comments on all aspects of the
knigi vo koi se komentiraa site aspekti od debatata debate and their mutual connection. However, as was the
i nivnata me|usebna povrzanost. No, kako i so case with the repeated scientific research projects, the
povtorenite nau~ni istra`uvawa, avtorite doa|aa do authors reached sceptical and agnostic conclusions. The
skepti~ki ili agnosti~ki zaklu~oci. Metodologi- methodology used in the theoretical assessments was
jata upotrebena vo teoriskite procenki obi~no be{e usually the feminist epistemology that proved the
feministi~kata epistemologija so koja se doka`u- inconclusiveness of the findings, or claimed that the
va{e inkonkluzivnosta na naodite, ili se tvrde{e findings were irrelevant to the struggle for homosexual
deka tie se irelevantni vo borbata za pravata na rights.

Ona {to sledi pretstavuva obid da se prika`at What follows is an attempt to present the opposing views
tenziite pome|u metafizi~kite, epistemolo{kite i among the metaphysical, epistemological and political
politi~kite diskursi vo feministi~kite i gej/ discourses in feminist and gay/lesbian theoretical
lezbejski teoriski pozicii, vo kontekst na biolo{- standpoints in the context of the biological research into
kite istra`uvawa na ma{kata homoseksualnost. male homosexuality.
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002


Ovie denovi realizmot ne e popularen. Metafizi~- These days realism is not popular. The metaphysical
kata doktrina poznata kako konstruktivizam, vo site doctrine better known as constructivism, in all its versions
nejzini varijanti - od ontolo{kata, do epistemolo{- – from the ontological to the epistemological and
kata i lingvisti~kata, stanuva dominantna pozicija. linguistic one, develops into a dominant viewpoint.
Iako debatata pome|u realistite i konstrukti- Although we are able to follow the debate between the
vistite mo`eme da ja sledime s$ do srednovekovnata realists and the constructivists until the medieval
rasprava za prirodata i zna~eweto na konceptite, taa discussion on nature and the meaning of concepts, this
i denes e `iva i postojano gi menuva kontekstite i debate is still vivid and constantly changes the contexts
motivite za nejzino povtorno aktuelizirawe. and motives for its re-actualization.

Vo feministi~kata literatura, raspravata za In feminist literature, the discussion on realism was

realizmot be{e vovedena so poznatata re~enica na introduced with the famous citation ‘one is not born a
Simon De Bovoar deka “nikoj ne se ra|a kako `ena, woman, one becomes one’, by Simone de Beauvoir. In the
tuku stanuva `ena”. Vo ranite sedumdesetti, „otkri- early 70s, the ‘discovery’ of the category ‘gender’ as a socio-
tieto“ na kategorijata „rod“ kako socio-kulturno cultural feature distinctive from the category ‘sex’,
svojstvo, distinktno od kategorijata „pol“ pridonese contributed for the expansion of the debate on realism in
za pro{iruvawe na debatata za realizmot na poleto the sphere of anthropology and social ontology. According
na antropologijata i socijalnata ontologija. Spored to the standard interpretation, the category ‘sex’ refers to
standardnata interpretacija, kategorijata „pol“ something given, an unalterable natural attribute,
referira na ne{to dadeno, na nemenlivo prirodno whereas ‘gender’ refers to the socio-cultural aspects. On
svojstvo, dodeka „rod“ referira na socio-kulturnite the grounds that the category ‘gender’ does not depend
aspekti. Bidej}i kategorijata „rod“ ne zavisi od on given and fixed attributes, its nature was described as
dadeni i fiksirani svojstva, nejzinata priroda se a construct. However, it was shown that even constructs
opi{uva{e kako konstrukt. Me|utoa, se poka`a deka may have an essence. The problem arose due to the fact
i konstruktite mo`e da imaat su{tini. Problemot that the category ‘gender’ was interpreted with regard to
be{e vo toa {to kategorijata „rod“ be{e tolkuvana the category ‘sex’, and this relation was an answer to an
vo odnos na kategorijata „pol“, a taa relacija be{e ontological issue, not a metaphysical one. The
odgovor na edno ontolo{ko pra{awe, no ne i na metaphysical issue is an issue about the essence as an
metafizi~koto. Metafizi~koto pra{awe e pra{awe attribute typical of every member in a given category, and
za su{tinata kako svojstvo koe proniknuva vo site an issue that can be answered without providing an
~lenovi na edna kategorija, i na koe mo`e da se answer to the ontological issue.
odgovori, bez da se dade odgovor na ontolo{koto.


Vo pogled na kategorijata „rod”, esencijalizmot, kako With regard to the category ‘gender’, the essentialism, as
neprifatliva ontolo{ka pozicija vo sovremenite an unacceptable ontological viewpoint in the modern
feministi~kite teorii, be{e destabiliziran na dva feminist theories, was destabilized in two ways: by
na~ina: so istorizacija na kategorijata i preku historicizing the category and through its deconstruction.
nejzinata dekonstrukcija. No, istorizmot i materija- Nonetheless, historicism and materialism were no longer
lizmot isto taka ve}e ne bea vo moda. Strategijata na in trend. The strategy of deconstruction was carried out
dekonstrukcijata se sproveduva{e vo dve nasoki: na in two directions: the metaphysical challenge was
metafizi~kiot predizvik se odgovara{e so dezo- responded to by disorientating the metaphysical concept
rientacija na metafizi~kiot koncept na identi- of identity, embodied in the relation essence/appearance.
tetot, olicetvoren vo relacijata su{tina/pojava. Vo Regarding the ontological issue, the linguistic
odnos na ontolo{koto pra{awe se koketira{e so constructivism was being coquetted with, according to
lingvisti~kiot konstruktivizam, spored koj, ne samo which, not only that the category ‘gender’ is a construct,
{to kategorijata „rod” e konstrukt, tuku i kategori- but the category ‘sex’ is also a construct.
jata „pol” e konstrukt isto taka.

Diskurzivniot konstruktivizam na Batler (Butler, The discursive constructivism of Butler (Butler, 1990,
1990, 1993) be{e i s$ u{te pretstavuva inspiracija 1993) was and still is an inspiration of theoretical thinking
na teoretskoto promisluvawe na kategoriite rod, on the categories gender, sex and sexuality. Of the many
pol, seksualnost. Od mno{tvoto interpretacii, interpretations, the explanation of Fausto-Sterling (Anne
tolkuvaweto na Fausto-Sterling (Anne Fausto- Fausto-Sterling, 2000) is perhaps one of the most
Sterling, 2000), mo`ebi e edno od najinteresnite. interesting. According to Fausto-Sterling, Butler’s theory
Spored Fausto-Sterling, teorijata na Batler mo`e can be regarded as a starting point in the analysis and
da pretstavuva pojdovna to~ka vo analizata i kriti- criticism of the discourse of biomedical sciences.
kata na diskursot na biomedicinskite nauki. Analyzing the bases of the conceptual outlines of the
Analiziraj}i gi osnovite na konceptualnite ramki research into inter-sexuality, Fausto-Sterling points out
na istra`uvawata za interseksualnosta, Fausto- that “the sex/gender dualism limits feminist and other
Sterling istaknuva deka “... pol/rod distinkcijata forms of analysis. The term ‘gender,’ placed in a
ja ograni~uva feministi~kata i drugite formi na dichotomy, necessarily excludes biology. Thinking
analiza. Terminot „rod” pomesten vo dihotomijata, critically about biology remains impossible because of the
nu`no ja isklu~uva biologijata. Da se misli kriti~- real/constructed divide, in which many map the
ki za biologijata stanuva nevozmo`no poradi knowledge of the real onto the domain of science while
podelbata realno/konstruirano, vo ~ii ramki, equating the constructed with the cultural.” (Fausto-
znaeweto za realnoto mnogumina go preslikuvaat vo Sterling 2000, 2003) Although Fausto-Sterling’s
domenot na naukata, istovremeno izedna~uvaj}i go viewpoint is based on the discursive constructivism, she
ona {to e konstruirano so socijalnoto” (Fausto- alters it with her argument that “As we grow and develop,

Sterling 2000, 3). Iako gledi{teto na Fausto- we literally, not just discursively (that is through language
Sterling se potpira vrz diskurzivniot kons- and cultural practice), construct our bodies, incorporating
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

truktivizam, taa go preina~uva koga tvrdi deka „Kako experince into our very flash. To understand this claim,
{to rasteme i se razvivame, nie bukvalno, ne samo we must erode the distinction between the physical and
diskurzivno (odnosno, niz jazikot i kulturnite the social body.” (Fausto-Sterling, 2000)
praksi) gi konstruirame na{ite tela. Za da go
razbereme zna~eweto na ova tvrdewe, nie morame da
ja razgradime distinkcijata pome|u socijalnoto i
fizi~koto telo” (Fausto-Sterling, 2000).

Ovoj iskaz kako da dava novi tolkuvawa na konstruk- It seems that this statement allows for new interpretations
tivizmot pro{iruvaj}i go negovoto zna~ewe. Ako of constructivism thus expanding its meaning. Provided
prifatime deka da se bide materijalen zna~i da se that we accept that being material means talking about
zboruva za proces na materijalizacija, toga{ the process of materializing, then Butler’s discursive
diskurzivniot konstruktivizam na Batler premi- constructivism becomes discursive materialism. After all,
nuva vo diskurziven materijalizam. Po s$ izgleda it appears that, according to Fausto-Sterling, one of the
deka, spored Fausto-Sterling, edna od najmo}nite most powerful implications of the discursive materialism
implikacii na diskurzivniot materijalizam e is the possibility of deconstructing the distinction nature/
mo`nosta za dekonstrukcija na distinkcijata culture which is reflected in the dichotomies gender/sex,
priroda/kultura koja se reflektira vo dihotomiite homosexuality/heterosexuality. Being applied in the
rod/pol, homoseksualnost/heteroseksualnost. Prak- scientific analysis, deconstruction will prove the
tikuvana vo analizite na nau~nata rabota, dekon- groundlessness of the attitude that science works in the
strukcijata }e ja poka`e neopravdanosta na stavot domain of the real. However, Fausto-Sterling maintains
deka naukata raboti na i vo domenot na realnoto. the distinctions, but only from a heuristic aspect, because,
Sepak, Fausto-Sterling gi zadr`uva distinkciite, as she points out, in the context of biomedical sciences,
no samo heuristi~ki, bidej}i, kako {to istaknuva, vo people are both natural and social beings, which makes
kontekstot na biomedicinskite nauki, lu|eto se them artificial i.e. constructed beings as well.
ne{to i prirodno i socijalno, pa spored toa i
artificielni odnosno konstruirani su{testva.

Spored Elizabet Gros (Elizabeth Grosz, 1994), esen- According to Elisabeth Grosz (Elisabeth Grosz, 1994),
cijalizmot e priroden neprijatel na `enite. Iako essentialism is a natural enemy of women. Although
prisuten i vo feministi~kiot diskurs, spored Gros, present in the feminist discourse, according to Grosz,
esencijalizmot e povrzan so patrijarhalniot diskurs essentialism is connected to patriarchal discourse by
taka {to ja opravduva subordinacijata na `enite vo justifying female subordination with regard to men.
odnos na ma`ite. Esencijalizmot povlekuva biolo- Essentialism entails biologism, naturalism and

gizam, naturalizam i univerzalizam, koi pretsta- universalism, which are frames and paradigms for the
vuvaat ramki i paradigmi na funkcioniraweto na functioning of science.

Spored ovie metafizi~ki ramki, biologizmot e According to these metaphysical frames, biologism is
pretstaven vo hierarhijata na biolo{kite kapaci- represented in the hierarchy of biological capacities.
teti. Naturalizmot mo`e da bide pretstaven kako Naturalism can be represented as a version of biologism,
verzija na biologizmot, no toj ne mora da bide but it does not have to be fixed on the biological level of
fiksiran na biolo{koto nivo na deskripcija. description. Naturalism assumes ontologically
Naturalizmot pretpostavuva ontolo{ki determini- determined capacities, not necessarily given in physical
rani kapaciteti koi ne mora da bidat dadeni vo terms. Universalism does not depend on the physical and
fizi~ki termini. Univerzalizmot ne zavisi od ontological descriptions. It includes general
fizi~ko-ontolo{kite deskripcii. Toj sodr`i characteristics that can be defined as socio-cultural
op{ti karakteristiki {to mo`e da bidat defini- categories as well.
rani i kako socio-kulturni kategorii.

Sprotivno od esencijalisti~kite epistemologii, Contrary to the essentialist epistemologies, feminist

feministi~kata epistemologija i filosofija na epistemology and the philosophy of science are anti-
naukata se antirealisti~ki vo smisla na edna realistic in the sense of a post-Kuhnian epistemological
postkunovska epistemolo{ka pozicija. Sledej}i ja standpoint. Following this tradition, they draw nearer to
taa tradicija, tie se dobli`uvaat do ostanatite other approaches to knowledge and scientific analysis that
priodi na analiza na znaweto i naukata koi{to gi point out their social and cultural aspects. According to
istaknuvaat nivnite socijalni i kulturni aspekti. the feminist epistemology and the philosophy of science,
Spored feministi~kata epistemologija i filoso- knowledge and the scientific practices encompass sexist,
fija na naukata, znaeweto i nau~nite praktiki masculine and homophobic assumptions to some extent.
delumno sodr`at seksisti~ki, maskulinisti~ki i Science as an institution cannot exist out of society;
homofobi~ni pretpostavki. Naukata kako institu- therefore, certain social influences are present in the very
cija ne mo`e da stoi nadvor od op{testvoto, pa spored conceptualization of the research subjects. Although
toa, odredeni socijalni vlijanija se prisutni vo feminist criticism does not exclude the possibility of
samata konceptualizacija na predmetite na istra`u- objective knowledge, still, it is necessary to eliminate any
vawata. Iako feministi~kata kritika ne ja isklu- metaphysical assumptions that support sexism to a certain
~uva mo`nosta za objektivno znaewe, sepak, za da se degree in order to achieve such knowledge. ‘Good science’
dojde do nego, potrebno e da se otstranat metafi- is the science that is aware of the social and metaphysical
zi~kite pretpostavki koi na izvesen na~in go assumptions in its practice and one that aims at
poddr`uvaat seksizmot. „Dobra nauka” e onaa nauka, eliminating and relativizing the discriminatory political
koja{to e svesna za socijalnite i metafizi~kite implications of scientific research.
pretpostavki vo svojata praktika i koja{to se stremi
kon eliminirawe i relativizacija na diskrimi-

natorskite politi~ki implikacii od nau~nite

Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

Feminism relates constructivism to criticism of science.

Feminizmot go povrzuva konstruktivizmot so As observed in Fausto-Sterling’s interpretation,
kritikata na naukata. Kako {to mo`e{e da se constructivism appears as an a priori argumentation
zabele`i vo interpretacijata na Fausto-Sterling, against metaphysical realism that is related to the normal
konstruktivizmot se javuva kako a priori argumenta- scientific practices. Deconstructivism, placed on the other
cija protiv metafizi~kiot realizam koj e povrzan side of the dichotomy transcendence/immanence, is
so normalnite praktiki na naukata. Dekonstruk- offered as a transcendental insight in the conditions and
tivizmot, postaven od onaa strana na dihotomijata possibilities for overcoming the ideological principles of
transcendencija/imanencija, se nudi kako science.
transcendentalen uvid vo uslovite i mo`nostite za
nadminuvawe na ideolo{kite premisi na naukata.


Izrazot „gej gen” ima pove}ekratno zna~ewe. Se The expression ‘gay gene’ has multiple meanings. It is used
upotrebuva vo smisla da gi ozna~i genetskite dokazi to denote genetic evidence for male homosexuality. It is
za ma{kata homoseksualnost, no i kako sinonim za also used as a synonym for the theoretical viewpoint that
teoretskata pozicija spored koja ma{kata homosek- male homosexuality is grounded biologically. Some
sualnost ima biolo{ki osnovi. Nekoi teoreti~ari theorists use this expression to construct the syntagm ‘gay
so toj izraz ja konstruiraat sintagmata „gej gen gene discourse’ to denote separate fields of biologic
diskurs” za ozna~uvawe na oddelni poliwa na research on sexuality, such as behavioral genetics, neuro-
biolo{kite istra`uvawa na seksualnosta, kako {to endocrinology, sociobiology, and evolutional psychology.
se bihejvioralnata genetika, neuroendokrinologi- The theoretical applicability of the syntagm does not
jata, sociobiologijata i evolutivnata psihologija. restrict certain interdisciplinary methodology; it mainly
Teoretskata operativnost na sintagmata ne ograni- detects the possible associations to the results gained from
~uva nekakva interdisciplinarna metodologija, tuku experiments and research carried out within the frames
pove}e gi detektira mo`nite nadovrzuvawa na of the aforementioned disciplines.
rezultatite od eksperimentite i istra`uvawata
sprovedeni vo ramkite na navedenite disciplini.

Primer za takvo nadovrzuvawe mo`e da se najde vo An example of such association can be found in LeVay
istra`uvawata na Levej (Simon LeVay) i Harmer (Dean and Harmer’s research (Simon LeVay and Dean H.
H. Harmer), ~ii{to naodi bea predmet na diskusii. Harmer), whose findings were widely discussed. They
Vo spisanieto Scientific American (Vol, 270, 1994) tie published a joint article in Scientific American (Vol. 270,
objavuvaat zaedni~ka studija vo koja gi prika`uvaat 1994) where they presented the results of the research

rezultatite od istra`uvawata za ma{kata homosek- they carried out on male homosexuality. A year earlier,
sualnost {to gi sprovele. Edna godina porano Levej LeVay had published his book The Sexual Brain (1993)

ja objavuva knigata The Sexual Brain (1993), a edna and a year later Harmer, together with Copeland,
godina podocna Harmer zaedno so Koplend (Copeland) published The Science of Desire (1994). After their works
}e ja objavi knigata The Science of Desire (1994). Posle became a great success in public, they, as scientists and
golemiot odyiv vo javnosta na nivnite dela, tie, kako active members of the gay movement, were put in the
nau~nici i kako aktivni ~lenovi na gej dvi`eweto unusual position of having to evaluate their work from
bea dovedeni vo neobi~na pozicija da ja ocenuvaat both expert and political aspects. It seemed that the public
svojata rabota od stru~en i od politi~ki aspekt. was not interested in the contents of biomedical research
Izgleda{e deka za javnosta bioistra`uvawata ne bea but rather in the political and rhetorical dimension in the
tolku interesni po svojata sodr`ina, tuku pove}e po debate on gay rights.
svojata politi~ka i retori~ka dimenzija vo debatata
za gej pravata.

Biolo{kite istra`uvawa za homoseksualnosta imaat Biological research on homosexuality has a long tradition.
dolga tradicija. Karakteristi~no za rabotata na Typical for the work of LeVay and Harmer is that it is a
Levej i Harmer e toa {to tie se nadovrzuvaat na continuation of the so-called ‘modern research’ carried
takanare~enite “moderni istra`uvawa”, sprovedeni out in the 80s. Namely, a starting point for LeVay was the
vo 80-te. Imeno, pojdovna osnova za Levej bea research projects in the fields of neuro-endocrinology by
istra`uvawata vo oblasta na neuroendokrinolo- Gorski and his associates who work at UCLA. Laura Allen,
gijata na Gorski (Gorski) i negovite sorabotnici koi a member of the research team, indicated that the human
rabotat na UCLA. Lora Alen (Laura Allen), ~len na brain had a dimorphous structure: a group of cells called
istra`uva~kiot tim, }e poso~i na dimorfnata INAH3 located in the middle pre-optical region of the
struktura vo ~ove~kiot mozok: grupata kletki hypothalamus is larger in the male than in the female
nare~eni INAH3 vo sredniot preopti~ki region na brain.
hipotalamusot, e pogolema kaj ma`ite otkolku kaj

Vo 1991 Levej }e se obide da ispita i da proveri dali In 1991 LeVay tried to explore and check whether another
nekoja druga grupa kletki vo srednata preopti~ka group of cells located in the mid pre-optical region of the
oblast vo mozokot varira vo kontekst na seksualnata brain varied with regard to the sexual preference. For this
orientacija. Za taa cel Levej koristi primeroci od purpose, LeVay used samples of the hypothalamus of 19
hipotalamusot na 19 ma`i homoseksualci i 16 ma`i homosexual men and 16 heterosexual men provided from
heteroseksualci, dobieni od autopsija. Vo nabqudu- autopsies. The study included 6 women whose sexual
vaweto }e bidat vklu~eni i 6 `eni, ~ija seksualna preference was unknown. Based on the test and
orientacija ne e poznata. Od merewata izvr{eni vrz measurements carried out on the samples, LeVay specified
primerocite, Levej }e odvoi i drugi grupi na kletki another group of cells: INAH1 and INAH2. Similar to the

INAH1 i INAH2. Sli~no na ispituvawata na Gorski, research carried out by Gorski, LeVay concluded that
Levej zaklu~uva deka INAH3 e mnogu pogolema kaj INAH3 is much larger in men than in women. However,
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

ma`ite otkolku kaj `enite. No isto taka toj }e he also noticed that the INAH3 region is much larger in
zabele`i deka oblasta INAH3 e pogolema kaj ma`ite heterosexual men than in homosexual men.
heteroseksualci, otkolku kaj ma`ite homoseksualci.

Me|utoa, dejstvoto na mozokot vrz seksualnata Nevertheless, the influence of the brain on the sexual
orientacija, odnosno vrskata pome|u niv, sama po sebe preference, i.e. the relationship between them, does not
ne poka`uva zo{to me|udejstvoto se slu~uva; postojat reveal in itself why such interrelation occurs, if there are
li procesi {to ja ovozmo`uvaat taa relacija i kakva processes that enable this relation and what their nature
e nivnata priroda? Edna od mo`nostite za intrisi~- is. One of the possibilities for intrinsic differences of the
nite razliki na mozokot e negovata reakcija na brain is its reaction to androgens during the individual
androgenite za vreme na individualniot razvoj. development.

Istra`uvawata za mo`nata genetska uloga na seksual- The research projects about the possible genetic role of
nata orientacija pove}e bea naso~eni kon ispitu- sexual preference were directed towards examination of
vaweto na genetskoto vlijanie, otkolku na genetskata the genetic influence rather than the genetic
determinacija. Kako {to e poznato, ma`ite imaat dva determination. It is a known fact that men possess two
polovi hromozomi X i Y: Y hromozomot se dobiva od sex chromosomes X and Y: the Y chromosome is received
ma{kiot, dodeka X od `enskiot roditel. Harmer i from the father whereas the X chromosome is received
sorabotnicite ja postavija hipotezata za ulogata na from the mother. Harmer and his associates postulated
X hromozomot kaj ma{kite homoseksualci. Proektot the hypothesis about the X chromosome in homosexual
be{e fokusiran na 40 semejstva so po dva gej sina. men. The project was focused on 40 families having two
Rezultatite od analizite poka`aa deka 33 dvojki gay sons. The results of the analysis showed that 33
spodeluvaat ist genetski marker, dodeka kaj sedum couples shared the same genetic marker, which was not
dvojki toa ne e slu~aj. X hromozomskiot marker koj the case with the other seven couples. The X chromosomal
be{e detektiran kaj 33-te dvojki e poznat kako XQ28. marker detected in the 33 couples is known as XQ28. The
Interpretacijata deka XQ28 ja odreduva seksualnata interpretation that XQ28 determined sexual preference
orientacija ne mo`e{e da bide direktno poso~ena, could not be directly proved; however, LeVay and
no istra`uvawata na Levej i Harmer poka`aa deka taa Harmer’s research showed that it was determined
e nasledno odredena, pa spored toa i biolo{ki hereditarily, thus biologically predisposed. They
predisponirana. Tie ja postavija hipotezata za postulated the hypothesis about the indirect influence on
indirektnoto vlijanie vrz specifi~niot genetski the specific genetic factor by way of and through the
faktor niz i preku temperamentot, no kako najintri- temperament, and, as a most intriguing possibility they
gantna mo`nost ja naveduvaat vrskata pome|u XQ28 indicated the relation between XQ28 gene and its direct
genot i negovoto direktno vlijanie na seksualno influence on the sexually dimorphous regions in the brain
dimorfnite regioni vo mozokot, kako {to e INAH3. such as INAH3.


Iako i dvete istra`uvawa vo krajna linija ne nudat Although both research projects eventually did not put
direktni dokazi za ma{kata homoseksualnost, forward direct evidence about male homosexuality, the
izvedenite generalizacii {to se potpiraat na inferred generalizations based on the statistical method
statisti~kata metoda, sepak, se zna~ajni. Ponovite are still relevant. Current research and theoretical analyses
istra`uvawa i teoriski analizi mo`at samo da can only argue about the value of the percentage and its
raspravaat za vrednosta na procentite i nivnata interpretation but as such they fit in the inner context of
interpretacija, no kako takvi tie pripa|aat na research. The thing such research and analysis cannot
vnatre{niot kontekst na istra`uvawata. Ona {to question is the very conceptual framework of research and
preku niv ne mo`e da se dovede pod pra{awe e samata the possibility of such type of research.
konceptualna ramka na istra`uvawata i mo`nosta za
takov vid istra`uvawa.

Problemot na generalniot pristap na biolo{kite The problem with the general approach of the biological
teorii i proekti mo`e da se postavi samo vo ramkite theories and projects can be determined only within the
na metametodolo{kite raspravi. Fausto-Sterling gi frames of meta-methodological debates. Fausto-Sterling
kritikuva{e metodolo{kite pretpostavki na bio- criticized the methodological assumptions of the
lo{kite istra`uvawa na seksualnosta, spored koi, biological research on sexuality that implied independent
organizmite treba da se ispituvaat nezavisno od examination of organisms from the environment.
okolinata. Sprotivno od internalisti~kiot model, Contrary to the internal model, she highlighted the
taa go istaknuva konekcionisti~kiot model na connectionist model. According to this model, an
istra`uvawe. Spored toj model, organizmot treba da organism should be observed as a process of constant
se posmatra kako proces na postojani konekcii so connections with the environment that result in its
okolinata koi rezultiraat so negovo dinami~ko dynamic shaping. However, one of the main remarks
oblikuvawe. No, edna od najglavnite zabele{ki be{e against this was that, within the frames of biomedical
deka vo ramkite na bioistra`uvawata se me{aat research, issues of sexual preference and gender identity
pra{awata za seksualnata orientacija i za rodoviot were entwined.

Kritikata na „gej gen diskursot” od epistemolo{ki The criticism about ‘gay gene discourse’ from an
aspekt i od aspekt na filozofijata na naukata epistemological aspect as well as from the aspect of the
oformena vo feministi~kite teorii, obi~no se philosophy of science created in the feminist theories
dvi`e{e vo nekolku nasoki. Kako {to ve}e be{e progressed in several directions. As previously mentioned,
ka`ano, feministi~kata epistemologija gi kritiku- the feminist epistemology criticized the assumptions that
va{e pretpostavkite deka naukata i nau~noto znaewe science and scientific knowledge were the practice of
se praktiki na otkrivawe na stvarnosta, i deka tie discovering the reality, and that they were completely

se sosema nezavisni od vrednostite i vlijanieto na independent from society’s values and impacts.
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

Soglasno so taka postavenite pozicii, kriti~kata In compliance with these standpoints, the critical analysis
analiza se temeli na dve pretpostavki: deka koncep- is based on two assumptions: that conceptualization of
tualizacijata na predmetot na istra`uvaweto gi the research subject matter reflects the dominant sexist,
reflektira dominantnite seksisti~ki, homofo- homophobic and hetero-normative strategies; and that
bi~ni i heteronormativni strategii; i deka odnos- the relevant research has some kind of influence or
noto istra`uvawe ima nekakov udel ili refleksija reflection on the political status and the aims of the group
vrz politi~kiot status i celite na grupata koja e that is being researched.
objekt na istra`uvaweto.

Primer na takva analiza nao|ame vo kriti~kite An example of such analysis can be found in the critical
sogledbi na Bruki (Robert Alan Brookey) vo negovata observations of Brookey (Robert Alan Brookey) in his
kniga Reinventing the Male Homosexual: The Rhetoric book Reinventing the Male Homosexual: The Rhetoric
and Power of the Gay Gene (2002) koja e pomestena vo and Power of the Gay Gene (2002) within the series Race,
serijata „Race, Gender, and Science” na Indiana Gender, and Science at Indiana University edited by
University Press {to ja ureduva Fausto-Sterling. Fausto-Sterling.

Istra`uvawata na ma{kata homoseksualnost toj gi He places research on male homosexuality in the context
postavuva vo kontekst na ~ovekovite prava na of homosexual human rights trying to identify the political
homoseksualcite, obiduvaj}i se da go identifikuva capacity of the research. He attempts to provide an answer
politi~kiot kapacitet na istra`uvawata. Pra{a- to the question whether the ‘gay gene’ discourse can
weto na koe saka da odgovori e dali „gej gen” diskursot function as a successful rhetoric strategy for gay rights.
mo`e da funkcionira kako uspe{na retori~ka For this purpose, Brookey makes use of two concepts in
strategija za gej pravata. Za taa cel, Bruki koristi order to answer his question: the concept of ‘’bio-rhetorics’
dva koncepta preku koi mo`e da se dobie odgovor na and the concept of ‘background beliefs’.
negovoto pra{awe: konceptot na „bioretorika” i
konceptot na „implicitni veruvawa”.

Konceptot na bioretorikata e razvien vo retori~- The concept of bio-rhetorics is developed in the rhetorical
kite istra`uvawa na naukata i gi sledi retori~ko- research of science and observes the rhetorical and
pragmatskite efekti {to taa gi ima vrz op{testvoto. pragmatic effects on society. Lyne (Lyne, 1990, 1993), who
Lin (Lyne, 1990, 1993) koj vpro~em i go postavuva postulated the concept, defines bio-rhetorics as a strategy
konceptot, bioretorikata ja definira kako strate- for determining and organizing the biological discourse
gija za iznao|awe i organizacija na diskursot na in such a manner so that it permeates social, political and
biologijata na toj na~in {to diskursot proniknuva moral life, supporting certain belief.

vo socijalniot, politi~kiot i moralniot `ivot,
poddr`uvaj}i odredeno ubeduvawe.

Soglasno so kriti~kata mo} na ovoj koncept, Bruki In compliance with the critical power of this concept,
zaklu~uva deka debatata za gej pravata e soodvetna Brookey concludes that the debate on gay rights is an
ilustracija na „gej gen” diskursot, pretstaven vo appropriate illustration of the ‘gay gene’ discourse
implikacijata: homoseksualnosta e biolo{ka - toga{ represented in the implication: homosexuality is
homoseksualcite mora da imaat za{titeni prava. biologically determined – therefore homosexual rights
should be protected.

Konceptot „implicitni veruvawa” razvien od The concept of ‘background beliefs’ developed by Longino
Longino (Longino, 1990) obezbeduva soodvetni (Longino, 1990) accounts for certain means for
sredstva vo identifikacijata na argumentativnite identification of the argumentative discourse elements
elementi na diskursot koj od nau~noto „e” obezbeduva that transforms the scientific ‘is’ into ‘ought to’ used in
„treba” vo javnata politika. Od nejzinite analizi na public politics. Based on her analysis of scientific research
nau~nite istra`uvawa vo biologijata, taa zaklu~uva into biology, she concludes that certain scientific findings
deka se interpretiraat kako pogre{ni odredeni that do not comply with the current beliefs in a given
nau~ni soznanija koi ne se soglasuvaat so tekovnite cultural and civilizational context are misinterpreted.
veruvawa vo dadeni kulturno-civilizaciski According to Longino, the implicit beliefs define scientific
konteksti. Spored Longino, implicitnite veruvawa assumptions and determine the trends and
gi odreduvaat nau~nite pretpostavki i gi determi- interpretations of biological research.
niraat pravcite i interpretaciite na biolo{kite

Spored Bruki, „gej gen” diskursot ne mo`e da funk- According to Brookey, the ‘gay gene’ discourse cannot
cionira kako bioretorika zatoa {to toj se potpira function as bio-rhetorics because it is based on the
vrz implicitnite veruvawa za ma{kata homosek- background beliefs about male homosexuality as a
sualnost kako feminiziranost i toa vrz osnova na feminized phenomenon as a result of the asymmetric,
asimetri~nite, normativnite dihotomii na seksual- normative dichotomies of sexuality, sex and gender. ‘Gay
nosta, polot i rodot. „Gej gen” diskursot, opi{uvaj}i gene’ discourse, by describing male homosexuality as a
ja ma{kata homoseksualnost kako otstapuvawe od sexual deviation and typical sexuality to which one is
polot i tipi~nata seksualnost za koja se pretpo- supposed to belong naturally, according to Brookey, is in
stavuva deka prirodno mu pripa|a, spored Bruki, odi favor of the attitudes regarding its allegedly pathological
vo prilog na stavovite za nejzinata navodna pato- nature. In the context of gay rights, he concludes that the
lo{ka priroda. Vo kontekstot na gej pravata, toj ‘gay gene’ discourse acts more exactly as a bio-rhetorics
zaklu~uva deka „gej gen” diskursot pove}e funk- of the position for anti-gay rights.
cionira kako bioretorika na pozicijata za anti-gej
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

^ovekovi Prava HUMAN RIGHTS

Obi~no, tekstovite za „gej gen” diskursot zavr{uvaat Texts about the ‘gay gene’ discourse are usually finished
so pra{awata za politi~koto. Zalo`bite za soci- raising questions about the political. The attempts for
jalni promeni, so {to bi bil eliminiran hierar- social changes resulting in the elimination of the
hiskiot i isklu~uva~kiot odnos pretstaven vo hierarchical and excluding relationship represented in the
relaciite ma`/`ena, homoseksualnost/hetero- relations man/woman, homosexuality/heterosexuality,
seksualnost, se zaedni~ki i na feminizmot i na gej- are also shared by feminism and gay/lesbian movements.
lezbejskite dvi`ewa. No, postoi edna ironija koja e However, there is an irony which is the most evident in
najvidliva vo onie knigi i studii koi ja sumiraat those books that summarize the theoretical and political
teoretskata i politi~kata pozicioniranost na tie position of the movements. A person unfamiliar with such
dvi`ewa. Nekoj {to ne e upaten vo taa literatura bi literature might be confused. For instance, in the dispute
ostanal zbunet. Na primer, vo sporot esencijalizam/ between essentialism and constructivism, the ontological
konstruktivizam, ontolo{kite pozicii ne se proce- standpoints are not evaluated according to their
nuvaat spored nivnata teoretska uverlivost, tuku niz theoretical credibility, but due to criteria for political
kriteriumite na politi~kata pragmatika, i na toj pragmatism, thus falsifying their theoretical justification.
na~in ja falsifikuvaat nivnata teoriska oprav- The terms ‘strategic essentialism’ or the plural form
danost. Izrazite, „strate{ki esencijalizam” ili ‘feminisms’ that should, at least semantically, preserve the
mno`inata -„feminizmi”, preku koi, barem seman- unity of the female subject and, at the same time, the
ti~ki, treba da se so~uva edinstvenosta na femi- diversity among women without it being negated, point
nisti~kiot subjekt i istovremeno da ne se porekne to certain tensions. After all, is it possible to set an
razli~ieto pome|u `enite, uka`uvaat na odredeni epistemologically acceptable criterion for human body
tenzii. Vpro~em, mo`en li e epistemi~ki prifatliv conceptualization and for the sexual capacity, constructed
kriterium za konpceptualizacija na ~ove~kiot and assessed on the basis of the pragmatic and political
organizam i za kapacitetot za seksualnost, konstru- criterion for anti-essentialist feminism and gay-queer
iran i procenuvan spored pragmatsko-politi~kiot movements so that the theoretical conceptualization is
kriterium na antiesencijalisti~kiot feminizam i neither implied nor it should imply sexism, homophobia
gej-queer dvi`ewata, taka {to teoriskata koncep- etc.?
tualizacija da ne bide implicirana nitu da
implicira seksizmi, homofobii itn?

Logikata na demaskirawe, po s$ izgleda, nema It seems that the logic of unmasking has no effect. Critical
nikakov efekt. Kritikite na diskurzivnite sistemi reviews on discursive systems of the science, in order to
na naukata, so cel da se poka`at nivnite ideolo{ki present their ideological and contingent assumptions of
i kontigentni pretpostavki za toa {to e „normalno” what is ‘normal’ or ‘real’, contribute to no radical step

ili „realno”, ne pridonesuvaat za nikakov radikalen forward because they never functioned on basis of these
is~ekor, zatoa {to tie nikoga{ i ne funkcionirale dichotomies. Science cares little whether what is a variable

na tie dihotomii. Na naukata voop{to ne & e gri`a of its discourse is real or not. The question of metaphysical
dali ona {to e varijabla na nejzinite diskursi e status of its discursive referents i.e. the question of its
realno ili ne. Pra{aweto za metafizi~ki status na reality, has always been a matter of discussion and
referentite na diskursite, odnosno pra{aweto za philosophical debate.
nivnata realnost, sekoga{ bilo pra{awe na razgovor
i filozofsko debatirawe.

I samata priroda na izlagaweto na demaskiraweto The very nature of the process of unmasking, remains
ostanuva problemati~na. Toa e momentot kade {to problematic. It is the point where deconstructionist
dekonstruktivisti~kite ~itawa potfrlaat, iako ja readings fail, although they do underline the overlapping
potenciraat prepletenosta na ontolo{koto, poli- connection between the ontological, political and cultural
ti~koto i kulturnoto. Logikata i redosledot na aspect. The logic and the sequence of the process of
izlagaweto e invertirana transcendentalna logika, unmasking is an inverted transcendental logic; thus
so {to rekonstrukcijata na dihotomiite treba da ni reconstruction of the dichotomies should account for how
poka`e kako se so~inuva ona {to go razbirame kako something we comprehend as given is created.

Takvata strategija vo o~ite na normalniot tekoven A strategy of this type from the point of the current normal
diskurs, oblikuvan kako konsenzualni proceduri i discourse, shaped as consensual procedures and practices
praktiki vo pogled na toa {to se smeta za uspe{no with respect to what is regarded as successful postulating
postavuvawe i re{avawe na nekoj teorisko-empi- and solving a certain theoretical-empirical problem,
riski problem, predizvikuva smea i podbiv, i toa od causes laughter and mockery. There are two reasons
dve pri~ini: dokolku kritikata e izlo`ena na causing this: if criticism is presented with the language of
jazikot na tekovniot normalen diskurs, taa ja gubi the current normal discourse, it loses its power and
mo}ta i se pojavuva kako nekakva teorija na ontolo{ka emerges as a theory of ontological conspiracy, and, on the
konspiracija. Od druga strana, dokolku kritikata e other hand, if the criticism is presented with the language
iznesena na jazik konstruiran kako onoj kaj Batler, constructed as the language of Butler, Derridá and others,
Derida i drugite, toga{ se javuva problemot na then the problem of misunderstanding and falsification
nerazbirawe i falsifikuvawe na izvornite inten- of original intentions occurs. Radical untranslatability is
cii. Radikalnata neprevodlivost e sekoga{ praktika always a practice with the discursive transitions. The
vo diskurzivnite premini. Praktikite na ozna~u- practices of signifying, such as sciences, are no longer in
vawe, kako {to se naukite, pove}e ne se vo nekoj a speculative order that can be reconstructed and whose
spekulativen poredok {to mo`e da se rekonstruira untenability can be demonstrated by use of the very
i ~ija neodr`livost mo`e da se poka`e tokmu so onie principles through which it is legitimized. Namely, the
principi preku koi se legitimira. Imeno, dlabokata broad overlapping connection among these discourses

prepletenost na ovie diskursi razviva strategii na develops strategies for justification and legitimization that
opravduvawe i legitimirawe, koi nitu mo`at neither can be criticized immanently nor reconstructed.
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

imanentno da se kritikuvaat, nitu da se rekon-


Primerite za neodlu~nosta kako da se reagira na Hesitation regarding masculinity, sexism, homophobia,

maskulinizmot, seksizmot, homofobijata pa duri i and heterosexual normative were even more evident with
na heteroseksualnata normativnost, se poka`aa so the dilemma about the unity of the feminist political
dilemata za unitarnosta na feministi~kiot poli- subject and the issue of ‘queer’ identity. The subversive
ti~ki subjekt i pra{aweto na „queer“ identitetot. smile of the effect of pastiche in parodic practices is seen
Subverzivnata nasmevka na efektot na pasti{ot vo as a grotesque in which the perversity of a cynical mind
parodiskite praktiki se do~ekuva kako groteska vo enjoys. ‘Do not rush. First, come to terms with who you
koja u`iva perverznosta na cini~niot um. „Ne are and what you are. We are always prepared to talk.’
brzajte. Dogovorete se najprvo koi ste i {to ste. Nie Roughly speaking, this is the address of the theoretical
sekoga{ sme podgotveni za razgovor”. Vaka nekako bi establishment to those who have problems with their
zvu~ela re~enicata do onie koi imaat problemi so identity.
identitetot, a e upatena od teoriskiot establi{ment.

Kako i da e, pra{aweto za identitetot i ponatamu Nevertheless, the question of identity continues to remain
ostanuva centralen problem vo diskursot za gej a focal problem in the discourse on gay rights and gay
pravata i vo dvi`ewata za gej osloboduvawe. Dlabo- liberation movements. The profound connection between
kata povrzanost na dejstvuvaweto i mo}ta kako action and power as an important political point
zna~aen politi~ki moment, postojano go povikuva constantly demands from the theoretical discourse to re-
teoriskiot diskurs povtorno i povtorno da go examine the concept of identity and its capacities within
preispituva konceptot na identitetot i negovite the frames of normal discourses. The debates and
politi~ki kapaciteti vo ramkite na normalnite divisions within the gay movement result from the radical
diskursi. Debatite i podelbite vo gej dvi`eweto criticism of the concept of identity. The political failure of
proizleguvaat tokmu od radikalnata kritika na the deconstruction of the identity resulted from the fact
konceptot na identitetot. Politi~kiot neuspeh na that in the course of presenting a detailed explanation so
dekonstrukcijata na identitetot proizleguva od that it could be comprehended correctly, the
faktot deka pri ekspozicijata za nejzinoto pravilno deconstruction of identity was involved in inconsistent
razbirawe, taa e vovle~ena vo nedosledni strategii strategies of justification and legitimization of the political
na opravduvawe i legitimirawe na politi~kite i and social movements.
socijalnite dvi`ewa.

Na primer, vo debatata za gej pravata, diskusijata koja For instance, within the debate on gay rights, the
se dvi`i okolu pra{awata za statusot i prirodata discussion about the issues regarding the status and

na identitetot, zapa|a vo paradoksalni situacii. nature of identity becomes paradoxical. The supporters
Zastapnicite na „queer po izbor“ pozicijata mo`at of the ‘queer by choice’ standpoint may say that they agree

da ka`at deka tie i nivnite kriti~ari se soglasuvaat with their critics that homosexuality is not a fixed identity.
za toa deka homoseksualnosta ne pretstavuva fiksen On the other hand, within the ‘gay gene’ discourse, it is
identitet. Od druga strana, vo „gej gen” diskursot se claimed that homosexuality is a stable identity, a
tvrdi deka homoseksualnosta e stabilen identitet, viewpoint supported by their critics. The ‘Queer’ theory
so {to se soglasni i nivnite kriti~ari. „Queer“ constantly points out, according to their supporters, the
teorijata postojano }e gi istaknuva, spored niv, catastrophic consequences on gay liberation if the
katastrofalnite posledici za gej osloboduvaweto, category ‘identity’ is insisted upon, and, at the same time,
dokolku se insistira na kategorijata „identitet”, the ‘gay gene’ discourse reiterates the absurdity of the idea
dodeka „gej gen” diskursot }e ja povtoruva apsurdnosta about radical non-identity. Neither gay movement with
na idejata za radikalniot neidentitet. Nitu gej its forms of liberation nor feminism achieved equally
dvi`eweto i negovite formi za osloboduvawe, nitu significant results when supporting their viewpoints on
feminizmot ne postignuvale pomalku zna~ajni essentialist grounds. However, to satanize essentialism
rezultati i pridobivki koga se potpirale na as a ground that implies asymmetric relations, nonexistent
esencijalisti~kite stojali{ta. Me|utoa, da se properties and identities, which produces sexism by
satanizira esencijalizmot kako stojali{te koe definition, and to favour constructivism and its
implicira asimetri~ni relacii, neegzistentni deconstructive variant, means to be closed within the
svojstva i identiteti, {to pak, navodno, po defini- frames of metaphysical dialogisms.
cija producira seksizmi, i da se favorizira kon-
struktivizmot i negovata dekonstruktivisti~ka
varijanta, zna~i da se ostane zatvoren vo ramkite na
metafizi~kite dijalogiki.

Koga }e bidat formulirani vo termini na diskursot Once formulated in terms of the discourse that is being
koj se dekonstruira, uvidite od dekonstrukti- deconstructed, the findings of the deconstructive readings
visti~kite ~itawa ne postignuvaat razorno dejstvo do not accomplish as damaging an effect as assumed.
kako {to se pretpostavuva. Iskazite, kako {to se Statements such as ‘the identity is a construct’, ‘the real is
„identitetot e konstrukt”, „realnoto e fikcija” i dr., a fiction’ etc., do not cause new ‘normal’ statements the
ne predizvikuvaat novi „normalni” iskazi ~ija semantics of which reflects deconstructive reading of
semantika }e go reflektira dekonstruktivisti~koto metaphysical dichotomies. An example of a deconstructive
~itawe na metafizi~kite dihotomii. Primer za semantic whirl can be found in the discussion between
dekonstruktivisti~kiot semanti~ki vitel sretnu- Judith Butler and Katerina Kolozova at the seminar held
vame vo diskusijata na Xudit Batler i Katerina in Ohrid (2000) entitled The Crisis of the Subject. Using
Kolozova, na seminarot odr`an vo Ohrid (2000), na Butler’s deconstruction of the dichotomy sex/gender as a
tema „Kriza na subjektot”. Koristej}i ja dekon- basis for new reading and interpretation of the dichotomy
strukcijata na Batler na dihotomijata pol/rod kako real/fiction, it seems that Kolozova in her text Aporetiké

predlo{ka za edno novo ~itawe na dihotomijata of the Real (Kolozova 2000) abandons deconstruction and
realno/fikcija, Kolozova vo tekstot „Aporetik$ na acknowledges the concept ‘Vision-in-One’ which was
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

realnoto” (Kolozova, 2000) po s$ izgleda ja napu{ta developed within Laruelle’s non-philosophy. Although the
dekonstrukcijata, prepu{taj}i se na „Vizijata-vo- text is shaped as a deconstructive attempt, it eventually
Edno”, koncept razvien vo ne-filosofijata na reveals itself as a simulacrum of deconstruction as an
Laruel (Laruelle). Iako tekstot e oblikuvan kako interpretative practice. In Vision-in-One ‘the fiction and
dekonstruktivisti~ki obid, toj na krajot se otkriva real are not opposed, they are not even placed into
kako leksi~ki simulakrum na dekonstrukcijata kako (mutual) relation’ (Kolozova, 2001, 42). Admitting the
interpretativna praksa. Vo Vizijata-vo-Edno „fik- dead-end of the linguistic constructivism, Butler tries to
cijata i realnoto ne se protivstaveni, i duri ne se direct Kolozova’s interpretation for her own benefit thus
ni postaveni vo (zaemna) relacija” (Kolozova, 2001, interpreting the dead-end of her own doctrine as an
44). Priznavaj}i go }orsokakot na lingvisti~kiot indicator of the Real. However, she forgets that the Real
konstruktivizam, Batler }e se obide interpre- in Laruelle is neither something that transcends language
tacijata na Kolozova da ja naso~i vo svoja korist, nor language is something transcending. The radical
interpretiraj}i go }orsokakot na sopstvenata imanence of the Real is not posited relationaly. Despite
doktrina vo indikator na Realnoto. No taa zaborava that, the problem remains. It is not clear how we could
deka Realnoto kaj Laruel ne e ne{to {to go trans- formulate hypotheses as strategies of theoretical-
cendira jazikot, nitu jazikot mu e ne{to trans- empirical research using the approaches of Kolozova and
cendentno. Radikalnata imanencija na Realnoto ne Butler.
e relaciono postavena. Kako i da e, problemot
ostanuva. Ne e jasno, kako bi mo`ele od priodite na
Kolozova i Batler da konstruirame hipotezi kako
strategii na teorisko-empiriski istra`uvawa.

So dekonstrukcijata na metafizi~kite pretpostavki The deconstruction of the metaphysical assumptions to

na normalnite diskursi zna~i deka premnogu se normal discourses means that there is too much assuming.
pretpostavuva. Idejata deka normalnite diskursi The idea that normal discourses have to follow the
moraat i treba da gi sledat pravilata po koi function rules of functioning even in situations when it is
funkcioniraat i vo situacii koga }e se poka`e deka obvious that those rules are not what constitutes and
tie pravila ne se toa {to gi konstituira i legiti- legitimizes them as normal discourses, means to have
mira kako normalni diskursi, zna~i da se ima metaphysical faith in their rational immanence. By virtue
metafizi~ka verba vo nivnata racionalna ima- of the critical writing on realism, niether from rational
nentnost. Od kritikata na realizmot, nitu preku debates, nor from the shift in the signifying practices, we
racionalnite raspravi, nitu so pomestuvawata vo can conclude that realism will disappear from the living
ozna~uva~kite praktiki, nikako ne mo`eme da world because there are no more rational reasons to
zaklu~ime deka toj }e is~ezne od svetot na `ivotot believe in its necessity, or because the practices which are
zatoa {to ve}e nema nikakvi racionalni razlozi da preconditions for its existence are no longer operative.

veruvame vo negovata nu`nost ili deka onie praksi

koi pretstavuvaat uslovi za negovo postoewe, pove}e

ne se operativni.

Pra{aweto koe treba da se preispita e dali strate- The issue that needs to be re-examined is whether the
giite na opravduvawe prisutni vo normalniot justification strategies typical for the normal discourse can
diskurs mo`at da bidat blokirani i so toa da se be blocked thus impeding the moves through which
osuetat potezite preku koi se legitimiraat seksiz- sexism, homophobia and heterosexual normative
mot, homofobijata i heteroseksualnata normativnost. legitimize themselves. The course I would like to suggest
Nasokata {to sakam da ja predlo`am vsu{nost e dosta is somewhat classical in its approach. It is not about
klasi~na. Ne stanuva zbor da se otfrlat dekon- rejecting deconstructive readings; rather, they should not
struktivisti~kite ~itawa, tuku tie pove}e da ne se be referred to as explicative theories of problems defined
zemaat kako eksplikativni teorii na problemi koi with terms characteristic for normal discourses. Such
se definirani vo termini na normalnite diskursi. status causes confusion and absurd theoretical viewpoints,
Takviot niven status prakti~no i sozdava zabuni i especially when they are used as political means in
apsurdni teoriski pozicii kako takvi, no i koga tie connection with political activities.
kako politi~ko sredstvo se doveduvaat vo vrska so
politi~kite anga`mani.

Ako dekonstruktivisti~kata i radikalnite kritiki If deconstructive and radical critical writings have no
ve}e go nemaat statusot na normalen eksplikativen longer a status of normal explicative discourse, then there
diskurs, toga{ ve}e nema potreba da se dramatizira is no need to dramatize over the possibility of unmasking
mo`nosta za demaskirawe i demistificirawe na and demystifying the metaphysical distinctions and
metafizi~kite distinkcii i dihotomii. No toa ne dichotomies. This does not mean that we have to bring to
zna~i deka treba da se pomirime so faktot deka tie terms with the fact that they still function as principles or
s$ u{te funkcioniraat kako premisi, ili mehanizmi mechanisms in the living world, the theoretical and
vo svetot na `ivotot, teoriskite ili argumenta- argumentative strategies. I think that there are authors
tivnite strategii. Mislam deka ima avtori koi who believe that deconstruction no longer exists once all
veruvaat deka dekonstrukcijata nema ve}e da postoi metaphysical dichotomies are deconstructed, but there
koga }e se dekonstruiraat site metafizi~ki dihoto- are also authors who believe that the dichotomous
mii, no deka ima i takvi {to veruvaat vo dihotomnata necessity of the world is something apparent. By defining
nu`nost na svetot kako o~igledna. Formuliraj}i ja this situation as an issue of choice and decision, we are
takvata situacija kako pra{awe na izbor i odluka only misled into a wrong direction.
samo n$ otrgnuva vo pogre{na nasoka.

Vakviot raspored na problemite go postavuva This organization of the problems is setting the suggested

predlo`eniot kriti~ki priod vo ramkite na normal- critical approach within the frames of the normal
nite diskursi. Promenata na stavot vo odnos na discourses. The change in attitude regarding essentialism
Identities Journal For Politics, Gender and Culture, vol. I, no. 3, 2002

esencijalizmot i konstruktivizmot i nivnata and constructivism and their connection to the possible
povrzanost so mo`nite diskriminatorski i oslobo- discriminating and liberating practices is reflected in the
duva~ki praktiki e vo toa {to na tie vrski ne bi fact that these connections should no longer be treated as
trebalo pove}e da se gleda kako na implikativni implicative relations.

Na odnosite pome|u ovie pozicii bi mo`ele da We might regard the relations between these positions as
gledame kako na opravduva~ki praktiki {to se justifying practices based on certain argumentative
potpiraat vrz odredeni argumentativni strategii. strategies. In other words, essentialism can be treated as
Zna~i, na esencijalizmot mo`e da se gleda kako na justification of sexism carried out in compliance with
opravduvawe na seksizmot koe se sproveduva spored certain rules. However, the nature of these rules does not
odredeni pravila. No, prirodata na ovie pravila ne allow for creating a universal axiomatic unity. This
e takva {to tie kreiraat nekakva univerzalna metaphysical assumption is the cause of the existing
aksiomatska celina. Takvata metafizi~ka pret- problem today: to infer the falsity of sexism and
postavka vsu{nost e ona {to denes pretstavuva homophobia from the falsity of essentialism. What I wish
problem: od la`nosta na esencijalizmot da se to point out is that the nature of these relations is
zaklu~i za la`nosta na seksizmot i homofobijata. semantic-pragmatic, not epistemological-ontological.
Toa {to sakam da go potenciram e deka prirodata na However, the study of the character of such semantic-
tie vrski e semanti~ko-pragmatska, a ne epistemi~ko- pragmatic strategies surpasses the limits of this text.
ontolo{ka. Me|utoa, prikazot na karakterot na
takvite semanti~ko-pragmatski strategii gi nadmi- Translated by Anastasija Kirkova
nuva granicite na ovoj tekst.

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