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Top 10 Ingredients To

Have On-Hand
For the Leftover Lover

It’s the day after the big holiday and I can barely bend over to put my trainers on my
swollen feet. On the one-hand, how blessed am I that I have enough health and wealth to
eat a beautiful roasted bird, fluffy white potatoes and accoutrements to make Marie
Antoinette green with envy. On the other hand, how many turkey and ham sandwiches
can I make for the following week, in good conscience, without getting bored? When
preparing my shopping list for the big day, I always make sure to add a few more items
to the list-some that will surely help me out in the kitchen, save me from a dull turkey
sandwich after the big day and help my waistline out before committing to the gym. What
are your favorite post-holiday leftover meals?

1. Eggs
Perfect for making a ham and cheese fritatta, or Denver omelette; potato pancakes,
cranberry muffins, pumpkin french toast, battered green beans and even to bind a
2. Chicken stock
This is an obvious — for turkey-based soups and stews, to thin your gravy, etc.
However, if you are the lucky bird-cooker in your family, save the carcass and make
your own stock — it’s so easy and you can control all of the flavors, even freezing
the stock for future uses.
3. Full cream, half and half and milk
Essentially, one can never have enough whipped cream for leftover pie. Additionally,
you will not want to be left with a kitchen full of dishes and no cream for your coffee.
I usually buy the small container of each to add to aforementioned fritattas and
scrambles, soups, purees and desserts.
4. Cream cheese
I firmly believe mashed potatoes deserve a nice sturdy chunk of cream cheese to
help bind and fluff up the billowy mounds of spuds. The day after, I admit, I must
have a turkey cranberry sammy, complete with fresh arugula, cranberries and
cream cheese. It’s the one essential meal I must have and one I’ll cry about if I don’t.
5. Corn tortillas
If there is enough turkey left over, and sometimes there really isn’t…but when there
is, turkey tacos and turkey enchiladas are the best! They can be eaten throughout
the following week and weekend.
6. Celery, carrot and onion
More than likely, you will be buying these anyway. Reserve a few for leftovers.
Whether you’re into shepherds pie, turkey salad sandwiches or turkey noodle soup,
this trinity will save you…and if you aren’t into making the aforementioned, add the
leftovers to your homemade turkey stock, or just snack on the healthy crunchers as
an alternative to noshing on stuffing.
7. Breadcrumbs or Panko
To dust your potato fritters in, to top a turkey casserole or to bread some green
beans for frying…you’ll be glad you have them on hand.
8. Fresh Herbs
Again, you’ll probably pick some up for your bird, your stuffing or side veg, maybe
even your appetizer or cranberry sauce. Either pick up an extra bundle or reserve
some for your leftovers-perfect addition to turkey soup, baked eggs and ham, and
always great in homemade stock. Rosemary, sage, thyme, parsley…all of it a great
agent to brighten up your next leftover concoction.
9. Flat egg noodles
Though you have likely binged on a ton of carbs already, flat egg noodles are perfect
in a multitude of recipes…from turkey noodle soup to turkey stroganoff and noodle
kugel, these suckers are inexpensive and easy to make.
10. Plastic containers, plastic wrap, tin foil, and plastic baggies
These items generally go on sale in the supermarkets and big box stores close to the
holiday season. It’s always a good idea to grab some to store leftovers in, to give
food away in and to keep an organized refrigerator. I have learned through a lot of
trial and error that purchasing the less expensive or off-brand products generally
end up in a bigger mess so I always buy the name brands in this case.

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