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When I first saw you…

I was afraid to meet you…

When I first met you…

I was afraid to kiss you…

When I first kissed you…

I was afraid to love you…

But now that I love you…

I’m afraid to lose you.

Blondes may have fun, and red heads may be cool, but it's HOT brunettes that make boys drool!!

Love: A fruit always in season

Shut up and smile Ü

Life is short, Eat dessert first.

Boys break hearts….. So why don’t u break their neck?

¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que volver a pasar delante de ti?

Dicen que la melancolia nace en el corazón de aquellos seres, cuando estos ven que el amor de su
vida se va para siempre...

Es mejor callar y que piensen que eres un idiota a hablar y demostrarlo.

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