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This Is Just A Test

This is just a test, a

comical round

of betting,
to sweat through another

love. Unable to see the words,


from my tongue, stretching out

into the jaded air,

the skies, our lies and dew.

Not lies with words but eyes

with swords piercing

itchy souls. This is just a test.

With hope in my pocket,

plans in my

head. Dreams in my eyes and

strong hands. This
is just a test.

Calling hearts, spades and tossing

my chips in,

I do not blink, or move when bluffing.

This is just a test. This should have

happened before
...between kisses...

I am three years
to late she said...between

Than she called

her ex-boyfriend...this...

Lentl Soup pt. 1

Do you remember the cast? It was

you and me.

The location was 10th and

a half, At a time when

The Lonelies had

favored a smoke break, and the chair
to my left to be empty.

We sat in a field paved years ago-before

it was harder to love. In a nook

of the city painted with fake age and labeled

itself to be genuine.

I asked you if words

could rhyme, if they said their prayers,
and only ate vowels with soup.

You said it didn't matter because Lent

is over.

And, now we can eat whatever we want.

I smiled and smoked,

to clear the air. A rough bunch of
words came to me,

unshaven, with sticky teeth,

poking my tongue-and I

mentioned the weather.


Lentl Soup pt.2

The time moved slow,

the coffee fast and
there were

no shoes to tie. No
time to be stalled

by excuse. My mind left

moments unchecked, against it

Then I found your eyes again,

and tried once more-

with tales of rice
and roe. Of stories denied

by common senses more

in tuned to social consequence.

A story of life's journey,

because what difference

it make.

And smiles found smiles; a difference

forgotten-we walked

to the park and played

til dawn.

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