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Reconciliao o que espero, desculpe por uma indelicadeza.

Let's start over again?

sbado, 30 de agosto de 2014
09:57 PM

I don't know how to make you understand me due to your appearance and style, but I will try. I miss your
long answers, now it's my turn to write too much... How was your summer? The season is ending, lots of
boring things happened in my house, but nothing happened between us! I send one more letter just to
say I'm sorry. I think I was very cold and impolite when I answered you with that contact. This is what we
do in my country, cultural matters... I was extremely unhappy by answering that way, and I didn't have
courage to answer you immediately.
I don't know what's happening to me to write this letter right now. The more time runs, the more I want
to know you deeply. I think we could dedicate a little time to each other, and maybe I give an opportunity
to love you. So, I'll be more polite and send you more friendly ways to contact me. Our timezones are so
different... an e-mail would be fine? Because I like you, I give you two! The addresses are... And ... The
first one is the easiest way to contact me, I read it daily right on my smartphone. I hope you still want
me, so I stay here waiting for an answer. If it's positive, you'll make my days and my nights of this
Let's restart?I don't care about who you found this summer, or what you did with this or that person.
What matters to me are the moments we can live together, with love, lust , wilderness and madness. In
other words, make the craziest dreams of my imaginative head come true. I promise I will walk slowly,
without disrespecting your culture. By the way, I keep learning your mother language, and I found it
horrible to pronounce! But I can't give up speaking, my crazy head insists on telling me it's useful. And
you awake the metalhead inside me. I came back with my black clothing, my leather accessories and the
most brutal songs in my ears, without any regret.
I can't wait months anymore to write it. Actually I waited for your exclusive initiative and I noticed it
would never happen. I'm being transparent and honest, something hard to find virtually. Now it's up to
you to give me a feedback. If you give me this second chance, please don't change everything in your life
just to impress me. Be yourself! If I wanted somebody like me, I would date a mirror, and the only thing it
did with me was cutting my fingers. I hope you accept my apologies, because I didn't forgive myself for it.
Sorry and thanks. Have a great day.
Jeg elsker den brogede verden
Language: Danish
Jeg elsker den brogede verden
trods al dens nd og strid;
for mig er jorden skn endnu
som i patriarkernes tid.
De snakke, som om den er gammel,
af synd og sorger mt.
O nej, den flyver endnu i dans
om solen s ung og let!
Jeg har grdt, som andre, af smerte,
fordi min boble brast.
Men boblen er ikke verden;
lg verden det ej til last!
Var livet en dans p roser,
mon alt da var bedre end nu?
Hvis ej der var noget at kmpe for,
hvad var da vel jeg og du?
Kamp m der til, skal livet gro,

Pgina 1 de Nova Seo 1

Kamp m der til, skal livet gro,

ej kamp blot for dagligt brd,
men kamp for frihed i liv og tro thi evig stilstand er dd!
Og derfor elsker jeg verden
trods al dens nd og strid;
for mig er jorden skn endnu
som i patriarkernes tid.
Dolci miei sospiri
Language: Italian
Dolci miei sospiri
dolci miei martiri
dolce mio desio
e voi dolci canti
e voi dolci pianti
rimanet'a Dio.
A la ria partita
vento e mare invita
o volubil hore
ma non pi querele
duro Amor crudele
Ama il mio dolore.
Mora miei sospiri
hora miei martiri
e tu mio desio
e voi dolci canti
e voi dolci pianti
rimanet' a Dio.
E se mai soletta
suoi pensier diletta
per solingo loco
e voi dolci canti
e voi dolci pianti
dite del mio foco.
E se tutta adorna
unque mai soggiorna
festeggiando in gioco
dite miei sospiri
dite miei martiri
a lei del mio foco.

Pgina 2 de Nova Seo 1

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