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All of us aspire for success and happiness. Most people think that to be happy one must succeed.

most often than not, people start to lose grip of happiness the moment they start to climb up higher and
higher to the ladder of success. We all start to believe that achieving what we have always aspired for
would bring us happiness. Getting the job you want, closing a deal, establishing your dream business,
and working hard to pay for your dream house…all these would draw a smile on our faces but not long
enough to keep us smiling and happy for a lifetime. There will always be room for more, and more. We
dream of more assets and better financial security. We tire ourselves to succeed believing that it is the
road to happiness.

But what if it’s the other way around? Success after all is defined relatively. What you may consider to
be successful may not be enough to other people. If this is the case then how would one know he is truly
a success? Can we gauge success through the things we have acquired or the power we have managed
to amass, or the vastness of our fame? How do we know we are indeed successful? This is but my own
opinion but this may hold true to some of you here. Happiness, as opposed to what we may think as a
destination is actually a state of being. It is not something to be achieved but it is a decision to be made.
When one decides to be happy, he chooses to see the goodness in everything and everyone. When one
has decided to be happy it is then that he finds what he does to be meaningful. Meaning is the core
substance of success. One would not consider an achievement as a form of success unless it is of great
meaning to him. Happiness is the road to success. Happiness is the key that opens the doors to success.
A mother who delights at knowing her family is well taken care of is an epitome of a successful woman
so as the working mother who believes that she is doing what is best for her family and finds happiness
in the knowledge that she is able to provide her family’s needs.

We all have dreams and aspirations. But sometimes, we forget that the journey to achieving our dreams
and aspirations is as important as reaching tour goals. We forget to be happy as we try to reach for our
stars and hope that we will be when we get there. Only to find ourselves too exhausted to smile when
we finally get what we want. Let us all then decide to be happy now and with that success will always
accompany us, it will never be something so elusive ever again!

If I may ask you a favor…I need you to repeat after me as I declare this affirmation: Happiness is my
decision/ I am happy now/ I decide to be happy/ Because of this I am successful!/

Thank you and good day!

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