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The X-Men

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I.- Read and answer T (true) or F (false).

1.- ___ Beast is the youngest of the X-men (1)
2.- ___ Professor X gave ten minutes of free play to Iceman. (1)
3.- ___ Iceman forgot Professor X can read his thoughts (3)
4.- ___ Professor X ask Cyclops to test Iceman (3)
5.- ___ Iceman dressed up as an Snowman (4)

II.- Choose the correct answer

1.- The scene is a…
a) battle between enemies b) training c) game
2.- Professor X is taking it easy with Iceman because… (1)
a) he is the youngest b) he is the oldest c) he is too weak
3.- Iceman is going to act like… (2)
a) an adult b) a kid c) an old man
4.- Beast hurled a ______ to Iceman. (5)
a) chair b) shoe c) ball
5.- Iceman reflexes are… (7)
a) slow b) good d) astonishing

III.- Why Iceman needs the carrot and the buttons? (2 and 4)

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