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The X-Men

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I.- Read and answer T (true) or F (false).
1.- ___ After weeks of searching, they found the X-Men. (2)
2.- ___ Scarlet Witch doesn’t agree with her brother. (4)
3.- ___ The X-Men are sworn to protect mankind. (5)
4.- ___ Magneto said that humans are their friend. (6)
5.- ___ Magneto will use Scarlet Witch to trap the X-Men. (7)

II.- Choose the correct answer

1.- These people are ________ of the X-Men
a) enemies b) friends c) colleagues
2.- They have escaped the X-Men… (4)
a) Once b) Twice c) Three times
3.- Who is Scarlet Witch brother? (4)
a) Toad b) Magneto c) Quicksilver
4.- Who does it make the decisions for their band? (4)
a) Magneto and Toad b) Magneto alone c) Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver

III.- Who stand between them and the conquest of the human race? (5)

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