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"SHORTY" A pocket orgone tool... is designed to stabilize a person's energy fields and offer
protection against energetic and psychic attackÐ
Like other devices which create standing or scalar waves inside a
quartz crystal, Shorty can be used as an intent amplifier, and
creates a field of orgone energy with a beam emerging from the
xtal points. Shorty does not require electrical power, but is powered
by orgone energy and ambient electromagnetic fields. The device
is designed to be carried on the person, preferably on the left side,
as a defensive shield/stabilizer against the rampant proliferation of
mind control technology, concerted psychic attacks on individuals
and groups of people, and other harmful nasty stuff. *grin* this device is one of many of a new generation of free technology,
easy to build and it works. did I mention it doesn't take batteries?

Parts list:

Either 1 dt quartz crystal, at least 2" x 1/2"... or 2 st quartz crystals, each at least 1" x 3/4".
about a foot of 15 gage copper magnet wire.
about 16 feet of 22 gage insulated wire.
3 slivers of kyanite, about 1/8" x 1/8" x 1/2"
aluminum tape or aluminum foil
electrical tape
hot melt glue
2 crimp connectors to fit 15 gage wire... or 2 small twist connectors (marettes)
utility knife and pliers (crimping tool for connectors if using)

(st= single terminate, dt= double terminate)

Building it:

1. Using the hot melt glue, glue the 2 single terminate quartz crystals
together, bottom to bottom, as shown. When the glue is half cooled,
wet your finger and smooth it so it is more or less flush with the
sides of the xtals.

2. Use the utility knife and pliers to get the kyanite into pieces all
about the same size. Kyanite is soft and breaks/splits easily. Using
the hot melt glue, glue the 3 pieces of kyanite onto the xtals (or the dt
xtal if using) as shown. Line them up so they form a ring around the
quartz crystal, with the grain of the kyanite across the grain of the
quartz crystal. Use enough glue to come up flush with the exposed
side of the kyanite xtal. 31/01/2006 04:15:48

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3. Using a rod about 1/2" to 5/16" diameter, wind the copper wire into
a coil with 9 wraps in the clockwise direction. That means wrap the
wire onto the rod using a clockwise rotation. Leave about 1 1/2" on
either end of the coil for a lead. Remove the insulation from 1/4" of
wire at the end of each lead. Heat the wire with a cigarette lighter (if
you want, I don't bother anymore) and scrape the lacquer insulation
off with the utility knife (don't cut yourself :)

4. Take the 22 gage wire and double it twice, so you now have 4
strands about 4 feet long. Pull the two ends out about 2" from the
ends of the loop. Wrap the ends of the wire and the loops with tape.
Hook the end of the wire in a firmly mounted hook and twist with drill
or by hand in the counterclockwise direction until the wraps are at
about 45 degrees. Have the xtal assembly and the glue or aluminum
tape handy when you do this.

5. Leave the end of the cable attached to the hook, and remove the
other end from the drill. some wires will try to unravel when you
remove them from the drill, so hold on to the cable firmly and do not
let it untwist itself.

Starting about 1/4" in from one end of the xtal assembly, roll the xtal
assembly up the cable, crossing back and forth on one side to form
an x as shown. Start with the cable on top of the xtal and turn the
bottom of the xtal away from you, rolling along the underside of the

A little glue can be used to hold the wires in place where they cross
over if it gets away from you. Keep a little tension on the cable the
whole time and it will not unravel. This really is pretty easy,
functional, and simple. Just because you're building a standing wave
coil doesn't mean you have to be a rocket scientist ;) Directions for an
alternate mobius coil winding method are available for $5.00, if you
wish (email me), but for this device, such a coil is not necessary.
Shorty will work just fine with the coil winding shown here, and it is
much easier to construct. When finished, you will have a roughly
triangular coil wound on the xtals assembly.

6. Carefully wrap a few turns of electrical tape around the coil to

secure the end of the cable in place. Leave the two leads from the
mobius coil free of tape. Then wrap the whole thing, except for the
ends of the xtals, (and the leads) in aluminum tape or aluminum foil.
Take time to press it together tightly and don't leave any sharp
creases in the aluminum. Aluminum tape is reasonably cheap in
industrialized countries, and preferable to aluminum foil for this
purpose. Strip the insulation from about 1/4" of the end of each lead. 31/01/2006 04:15:48

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7. Now wrap the whole thing in a layer of electric tape (overtop the
aluminum), again leaving the ends of the xtals and leads exposed.
Arrange the leads as you do this so that one is on each flat side of
the device, pointing up, as shown.

8. Connect the two coils together, as shown, with the connectors.

Then place the small copper coil so that it straddles the xtal
assembly and is at 90 degrees to the mobius coil, as shown. If you
are energy sensitive you will notice that the closer to 90 degrees the
two coils are, the more output from the device. Secure the copper coil
firmly in place with a few wraps of electrical tape. The device is
finished. Shorty can be encased in orgonite, so long as the ends of
the crystals and the copper coil are exposed, not enclosed by resin or
orgonite. This device is based on the 'sp' design made public by don
croft, in that it involves quartz and a mobius coil.

Mobius coils used in the manner above are safe in my experience, but without a quartz core, mobius coils can emit
biologically disruptive energy. Practice responsible metaphysics. The above is a simple and easy to make orgone shielding
device that anyone with basic tool skills can build. It uses a simplified yet very functional mobius coil design. If you decide to
modify the device, please be aware I have noticed so far that the small copper pickup coil seems to function best if left empty, as
in 'air core'. I have experimented with a few different materials and minerals for the core, but most of the time the minerals
become saturated with inimical frequencies of energy within a few days. But with an air core (on the small exterior coil), the
device seems to short out many forms of invasive orgone energy and produce an orgone field filtered into the blue/violet range by
the kyanite.

Also, it only works well as a shield/stabilizer when it is configured with the small pickup coil positioned at 90 degrees
to the mobius coil as shown. In different configurations, this device can act as a repeater instead of a scrambler. While this
may be useful for other applications, it is not recommended for a shielding device *chuckle* ... Please feel free to do whatever
you want with the above design, short of attempting to prevent me from selling examples of it as I choose. You are responsible
for whatever modifications you make to the design shown here and your own choice to make this device. Nobody should suffer
energy attack when it is so simple to build shielding devices... hope this helps, so far I have had positive feedback on this device
from several energy sensitives besides myself, more feedback/questions welcome...

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