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Functions Used:

a. remez (n,freq,a): remez (n, freq, a) returns row vector b containing the n+1 coefficients
of the order n FIR filter whose frequency-amplitude characteristics match those given by
vectors f and a.
b. imfilter(A, H) : filters the multidimensional array A with the multidimensional filter H
(remez filter). The array, A, can be a nonsparse numeric array of any class and
dimension. The result, B, has the same size and class as A.
c. J = IMNOISE(I,'salt & pepper',D) adds "salt and pepper" noise to the image I, where D
is the noise density. This affects approximately D*PROD(SIZE(I)) pixels. The default
for D is 0.05.
d. MEDFILT2 Perform 2-D median filtering. B = MEDFILT2(A,[M N]) performs median
filtering of the matrix A in two dimensions. Each output pixel contains the median
value in the M-by-N neighborhood around the corresponding pixel in the input image.
MEDFILT2 pads the image with zeros on the edges, so the median values for the points
within [M N]/2 of the edges may appear distorted.
e. MEAN2 Compute mean of matrix elements.B = MEAN2(A) computes the mean of the
values in A.
f. Z = IMABSDIFF(X,Y) subtracts each element in array Y from the corresponding
element in array X and returns the absolute difference in the corresponding element of the
output array Z. X and Y are real, nonsparse, numeric arrays with the same class and size.
Z has the same class and size as X and Y. If X and Y are integer arrays, elements in
the output that exceed the range of the integer type are truncated.If X and Y are double
arrays, you can use the expression ABS(X-Y) instead of this function.

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