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(20:06:54) Aubergine: I have them on jump drives they travel much better

(20:07:07) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(20:07:25) Degnne: Hello everyone!
(20:07:26) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, hello everyone! Quite a gathering already eh? Heehee. Is everyone
(20:07:34) Aubergine: Hello Deg and KC
(20:07:40) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, I'm in Deg's head! you poor, poor man! lmao
(20:07:59) bigbadwolf: well I'd rather have one single boxset but then i'd have to wait till the very
end of BH
(20:07:59) Eileen: hey deg hey kc!
(20:08:07) bigbadwolf: Hi KC and Degnne
(20:08:11) Eileen: im good ty how are you?
(20:08:41) Kinkyclawz: Hello Genie! Allo Eileen! Hiya BBW! 'allo Deg!
(20:08:58) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I assume we're discussing DVD's?
(20:09:07) Kinkyclawz: particularly BH DVD's?
(20:09:22) Aubergine: tough choice bbw, but if you buy the singles now and get the box set later
you can use the singles to share and convert more fans
(20:09:26) Eileen: lol we are
(20:09:49) Aubergine: better known as a conversion set
(20:09:53) Eileen: do you still remember vhs and how much space those took?
(20:10:10) Aubergine: I still have vhs. Can't seem to let them go
(20:10:17) Eileen: lol or the BH bible
(20:10:25) Eileen: i have them too
(20:10:25) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I still have a ton of VHS that I won;t part with. most of the stuff isn;t
available on DVD and possibly never will be.
(20:10:35) Kinkyclawz: Snap, Genie!!
(20:10:46) Aubergine: rofl
(20:10:51) Eileen: conversion bible set
(20:10:54) Eileen: i love it
(20:11:14) bigbadwolf: conversion set lol I like it
(20:11:23) Kinkyclawz: As for the BH DVD's, wehn i'm really into something, I aim to get copies in
EVERY format, singles, box set, specials, extras or what ahve you.
(20:11:24) Kinkyclawz:
(20:11:34) bigbadwolf: but I'd NEVER lend the dvd's of my fav series, I usually make copies
(20:11:44) Kinkyclawz: lmao What a cool name, a Conversion Set. Sounds like something
CenSSA could come up with.
(20:12:05) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:12:19) Eileen: i mostly only buy the single season ones
(20:12:44) Kinkyclawz: BBW, I have to admit, I do ge a bit possessive about certain DVD's
(20:12:44) bigbadwolf: ok you convincedme, I'll go for the single season ones
(20:12:49) Eileen: yeah i dont like to lend stuff either
(20:12:49) Eileen: lol
(20:12:53) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:13:08) Eileen: lol you dont have to
(20:13:16) Eileen: its just whats on the market first
(20:13:29) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, sounds like you've been Hen-Pecked.
(20:13:31) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:13:44) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.
(20:13:45) Eileen: and i dont go with the marketing bosses and buy them again
(20:13:45) bigbadwolf: there are only few series I'd never let anyone touch, not even my brother
or gf: Dr Who, CSI las vegas, Poirot and soon my BH DVDs
(20:13:53) Kinkyclawz: And it depends on the pric range you're aiming at too, box sets tend to
cost quite a bit more, don;t they?
(20:13:56) Eileen: hey JD
(20:13:59) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:14:00) Eileen: wow!
(20:14:07) Degnne: Hello JD
(20:14:12) Kinkyclawz: Heey, hiya JD! How are you?
(20:14:13) bigbadwolf: hi JD
(20:14:15) keepmakingtea: Hey, I was just here, and thought "Hey, it's chat time!"
(20:14:25) Kinkyclawz: BBW, you have LOADS of fafes there!
(20:14:29) Kinkyclawz: Faves also
(20:14:31) Kinkyclawz: hehe
(20:14:34) Kinkyclawz: it is!
(20:14:44) Kinkyclawz: well spotted my Twusband!
(20:14:52) Eileen: *pets KC* Welcome back typos
(20:15:09) Aubergine: lol
(20:15:14) Kinkyclawz: yay! you missed them didn;t you Eileen? *hugz*
(20:15:37) keepmakingtea: No one tweeted about it... (Looks at Degnne and KC.)
(20:15:42) bigbadwolf: KC not really :p afew others used to be on the "don't touch them else
you're dead" shelf, bu I moved them away to help spread the word (e.g Xfiles and twin peaks)
(20:15:42) Eileen: *wipes tear* I did KC, i did
(20:15:58) Kinkyclawz: heehee
(20:16:06) Degnne: Hey! We just got here ourselves
(20:16:16) Kinkyclawz: *pats Eileen's back and hands a handkerchief over*
(20:16:17) keepmakingtea: Oh, then all is forgiven.
(20:16:36) Kinkyclawz: Yep, Deg is right, I only just logged on JD
(20:16:46) Kinkyclawz: Been working or I'd be here earlier.
(20:16:55) keepmakingtea: So, I'm not late late, then.
(20:17:05) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I have a few "don't touch" DVD's mind you.
(20:17:16) keepmakingtea: I was catching up on the Sarah Jane Adventures.
(20:17:25) Kinkyclawz: nope, you're in with the late crowd. lol
(20:17:30) Kinkyclawz: Is it good?
(20:17:32) Aubergine: fashionably so
(20:17:37) Eileen: all my dvds are off limits
(20:17:51) Eileen: *eyes everyone suspiciously*
(20:17:55) keepmakingtea: Heheh, it's the best kid's show I've seen for awhile.
(20:17:55) Kinkyclawz: ^^ Eileen, you're VERY possessive.
(20:18:20) Aubergine: it's nice to share, but not the good stuff. in case it gets damaged, or lost
(20:18:30) Eileen: I am! *continues to eye everyone*
(20:18:33) Kinkyclawz: Hence the Conversion Packs?
(20:18:41) bigbadwolf: now that my BlurayD collection is increasing I've upgraded it to the "don't
touch" shelf too bad there are not many series and films worth having in BD
(20:18:45) Kinkyclawz: *winks at Eileen*
(20:19:05) Aubergine: exactly
(20:19:08) Kinkyclawz: LOL WE don't even have a DVD player that works properly yet.
(20:19:11) bigbadwolf: conversion pack of werewolf fans
(20:19:17) Kinkyclawz: woohoo!
(20:19:21) Eileen: i lend my wii or ps3 but not the dvds, NOT the dvds
(20:19:24) Eileen: just kidding
(20:19:29) keepmakingtea: Aw, poor KC. A few weeks ago, I felt your pain.
(20:19:33) Kinkyclawz: You share Wii?
(20:19:43) Kinkyclawz: See, my Twusband understands. *hugz*
(20:19:49) Kinkyclawz: *sob*
(20:19:51) Kinkyclawz:
(20:20:11) keepmakingtea: Of course then, I didn't have a working computer, either.
(20:20:20) Kinkyclawz: True, very true
(20:20:32) Eileen: *hands KC the medicine for her eye infection*
(20:20:45) Eileen: poor JD
(20:20:49) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks Eileen.
(20:20:49) Eileen: *pets JD*
(20:20:59) bigbadwolf: Eileen right today i startedtoying with the idea of giving in afew games to
buy newer ones at half price! It's going to be painful but I might do it
(20:21:14) bigbadwolf: you have an eye infection KC?
(20:21:30) Eileen: must be, she was winking at me
(20:21:34) keepmakingtea: Ah, I finally fixed it and now it runs better than ever. I left it on for five
days straight with no Blue Screen of Death. Still none.
(20:21:48) Kinkyclawz: It depends if they are games you no longer play, BBW. If they're ones you
like to play/re-play I'd say DON'T DO IT!
(20:21:49) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:22:59) Kinkyclawz: BBW, only when I satrt winking in here. Eileen get the infection too.
Terrible, Wink-itis.
(20:23:21) Kinkyclawz: WOOHOO! Yay for JD's mastery of technology!
(20:23:25) Eileen: *quickly catches KC's a and hands it to her*
(20:23:40) Eileen: YAY! *throws confetti*
(20:23:43) keepmakingtea: That's... hot, Eileen.
(20:23:57) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou, eileen. i'm always L-ing my A off. Its aq wonder I don't lose it.
(20:24:04) Eileen: uhmm... KC's in the gutter again
(20:24:12) Kinkyclawz: Me? Noooo
(20:24:25) Kinkyclawz: I'm good KC tonight, no gutter-thoughts tonight.
(20:24:26) Eileen: oops! that was JD!
(20:24:36) Eileen: Jd's in the gutter today
(20:24:51) Kinkyclawz: *prays no-one mentions George, Tully or Seth or she might break her
(20:25:00) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:25:17) Kinkyclawz: JD is mimicking Russell tovey too.
(20:25:26) keepmakingtea: So, Degnne, is WAM on holiday?
(20:25:28) Kinkyclawz: is that right, my Twusband?
(20:25:30) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:25:39) keepmakingtea: I mimic Russell?
(20:25:48) Kinkyclawz: Oh yeah, is there a new WAM coming after you settle into your new
(20:25:55) bigbadwolf: ah lol
(20:26:14) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ JD. Well, "Hot" seems to be his favourite phrase when referring to
something good.
(20:26:18) Eileen: KC! Look here! *mentions* George!
(20:26:28) bigbadwolf: sorry slow reaction time, I'm still fighitng with an ULM scheme
(20:26:46) Kinkyclawz: *slavers* Eileen, you're eeeeeeeeeeevil! *smiles wickedly*
(20:26:49) Degnne: yeah it's on holiday
(20:26:54) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear!
(20:27:02) Eileen: YES! I am eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil!!!
(20:27:08) Kinkyclawz: Mwahahahaaaaaaaa!
(20:27:13) keepmakingtea: You'll have to do a nice special one for when it returns.
(20:27:21) Eileen: Harharhahaarrrrrrrrrrr
(20:27:29) Kinkyclawz: Holidays are good, even comics need them now and then, don;t they?
(20:27:36) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you sound like a pirate!
(20:27:42) keepmakingtea: KC, in my case, hot meant "sexy."
(20:27:57) keepmakingtea: Hey, she does run those bootleg chihuahuas.
(20:28:00) bigbadwolf: sorry guys/girls I cant follow you
(20:28:12) Kinkyclawz: *hands over an eyepatch* might join you! *pops a toy parrot on her
(20:28:17) Eileen: yeah JD I do
(20:28:19) Kinkyclawz: lmao I gathered, JD. lmao
(20:28:20) bigbadwolf: you were talking of BSOD 5 mins ago, now what?
(20:28:24) Eileen: and my second job is pirate
(20:28:50) Eileen: BSOD?
(20:29:04) Kinkyclawz: BBW/Genie, sorry there are in jokes. We had a conversations months ago
where Eileen was evil and was selling bootleg Chihuahuas.
(20:29:10) Kinkyclawz: BSOD?
(20:29:19) Kinkyclawz: You and me both Eileen.
(20:29:23) bigbadwolf: blue screen of death
(20:29:30) keepmakingtea: I mentioned my computer hasn't had a BSOD.
(20:29:37) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, yeah, that was JDs epic battle with his computer. JD finally won!
(20:29:38) keepmakingtea: Since the repair.
(20:29:43) Aubergine: oic
(20:29:45) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(20:29:52) Kinkyclawz: fingers crossed it stays away, JD
(20:29:59) Eileen: *feels a light turn on over her head*
(20:30:01) bigbadwolf: sorry, that was my nerdy side typing lol
(20:30:10) bigbadwolf:
(20:30:12) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Genie.
(20:30:16) bigbadwolf: that's Eileen as a pirate
(20:30:23) bigbadwolf:
(20:30:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh, those are awesome BBW!
(20:30:33) Kinkyclawz: that is, rather.
(20:30:36) Eileen: i like nerdy
(20:30:46) Aubergine: cute
(20:30:55) Kinkyclawz: We're all geeky/nerdy/cool!
(20:30:55) Eileen: hehe
(20:30:59) Eileen: jump!!!!
(20:31:19) Kinkyclawz: Avast, ye blackguard! Walk the plank!
(20:31:33) bigbadwolf: we were discussio right this yesterday with my flatmates, being nerdy is
trendy now
(20:31:37) Kinkyclawz: stand by eileen...
(20:31:40) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:31:40) bigbadwolf: sorry wrong smiley
(20:32:09) Eileen: *stands by tapping her foot*
(20:32:20) Aubergine: it's the age of the geek
(20:32:31) Aubergine: according to Hardison on Leverage
(20:32:47) Kinkyclawz: *grinz... your savbing Stars eileen, I know you must ahve missed them as
much as the typos
(20:33:05) Kinkyclawz: We are kings and queens in the Age of Geek then?
(20:33:16) Eileen: *sniffles* Yeeees!
(20:33:21) keepmakingtea: Aw, I want cocoa...
(20:31:40) bigbadwolf: sorry wrong smiley
(20:32:09) Eileen: *stands by tapping her foot*
(20:32:20) Aubergine: it's the age of the geek
(20:32:31) Aubergine: according to Hardison on Leverage
(20:32:47) Kinkyclawz: *grinz... your savbing Stars eileen, I know you must ahve missed them as
much as the typos
(20:33:05) Kinkyclawz: We are kings and queens in the Age of Geek then?
(20:33:16) Eileen: *sniffles* Yeeees!
(20:33:21) keepmakingtea: Aw, I want cocoa...
(20:34:11) Kinkyclawz: *cuddles Eileen* There there, such a happy reunion isn;t it?
Can you not have cocoa, JD?
(20:34:25) Kinkyclawz: *gives JD a virtual cocoa*
(20:34:37) bigbadwolf: I really think it is Aubergine, especially when people like my gf and her
friends actually enjoy spending their evenings on the sofa with me watching old DR Who
episodes lol
(20:34:42) Kinkyclawz: *with a smiley face made of cream on top*
(20:34:57) Kinkyclawz: ^^ toby Hadoke will be pleased!
(20:35:17) Eileen: lol
(20:35:34) Kinkyclawz: *****
Channel: Style: Language:
(20:06:54) Aubergine: I have them on jump drives they travel much better
(20:07:07) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.
(20:07:25) Degnne: Hello everyone!
(20:07:26) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, hello everyone! Quite a gathering already eh? Heehee. Is everyone
(20:07:34) Aubergine: Hello Deg and KC
(20:07:40) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, I'm in Deg's head! you poor, poor man! lmao
(20:07:59) bigbadwolf: well I'd rather have one single boxset but then i'd have to wait till the very
end of BH
(20:07:59) Eileen: hey deg hey kc!
(20:08:07) bigbadwolf: Hi KC and Degnne
(20:08:11) Eileen: im good ty how are you?
(20:08:41) Kinkyclawz: Hello Genie! Allo Eileen! Hiya BBW! 'allo Deg!
(20:08:58) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I assume we're discussing DVD's?
(20:09:07) Kinkyclawz: particularly BH DVD's?
(20:09:22) Aubergine: tough choice bbw, but if you buy the singles now and get the box set later
you can use the singles to share and convert more fans
(20:09:26) Eileen: lol we are
(20:09:49) Aubergine: better known as a conversion set
(20:09:53) Eileen: do you still remember vhs and how much space those took?
(20:10:10) Aubergine: I still have vhs. Can't seem to let them go
(20:10:17) Eileen: lol or the BH bible
(20:10:25) Eileen: i have them too
(20:10:25) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I still have a ton of VHS that I won;t part with. most of the stuff isn;t
available on DVD and possibly never will be.
(20:10:35) Kinkyclawz: Snap, Genie!!
(20:10:46) Aubergine: rofl
(20:10:51) Eileen: conversion bible set
(20:10:54) Eileen: i love it
(20:11:14) bigbadwolf: conversion set lol I like it
(20:11:23) Kinkyclawz: As for the BH DVD's, wehn i'm really into something, I aim to get copies in
EVERY format, singles, box set, specials, extras or what ahve you.
(20:11:24) Kinkyclawz:
(20:11:34) bigbadwolf: but I'd NEVER lend the dvd's of my fav series, I usually make copies
(20:11:44) Kinkyclawz: lmao What a cool name, a Conversion Set. Sounds like something
CenSSA could come up with.
(20:12:05) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:12:19) Eileen: i mostly only buy the single season ones
(20:12:44) Kinkyclawz: BBW, I have to admit, I do ge a bit possessive about certain DVD's
(20:12:44) bigbadwolf: ok you convincedme, I'll go for the single season ones
(20:12:49) Eileen: yeah i dont like to lend stuff either
(20:12:49) Eileen: lol
(20:12:53) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:13:08) Eileen: lol you dont have to
(20:13:16) Eileen: its just whats on the market first
(20:13:29) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, sounds like you've been Hen-Pecked.
(20:13:31) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:13:44) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.
(20:13:45) Eileen: and i dont go with the marketing bosses and buy them again
(20:13:45) bigbadwolf: there are only few series I'd never let anyone touch, not even my brother
or gf: Dr Who, CSI las vegas, Poirot and soon my BH DVDs
(20:13:53) Kinkyclawz: And it depends on the pric range you're aiming at too, box sets tend to
cost quite a bit more, don;t they?
(20:13:56) Eileen: hey JD
(20:13:59) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:14:00) Eileen: wow!
(20:14:07) Degnne: Hello JD
(20:14:12) Kinkyclawz: Heey, hiya JD! How are you?
(20:14:13) bigbadwolf: hi JD
(20:14:15) keepmakingtea: Hey, I was just here, and thought "Hey, it's chat time!"
(20:14:25) Kinkyclawz: BBW, you have LOADS of fafes there!
(20:14:29) Kinkyclawz: Faves also
(20:14:31) Kinkyclawz: hehe
(20:14:34) Kinkyclawz: it is!
(20:14:44) Kinkyclawz: well spotted my Twusband!
(20:14:52) Eileen: *pets KC* Welcome back typos
(20:15:09) Aubergine: lol
(20:15:14) Kinkyclawz: yay! you missed them didn;t you Eileen? *hugz*
(20:15:37) keepmakingtea: No one tweeted about it... (Looks at Degnne and KC.)
(20:15:42) bigbadwolf: KC not really :p afew others used to be on the "don't touch them else
you're dead" shelf, bu I moved them away to help spread the word (e.g Xfiles and twin peaks)
(20:15:42) Eileen: *wipes tear* I did KC, i did
(20:15:58) Kinkyclawz: heehee
(20:16:06) Degnne: Hey! We just got here ourselves
(20:16:16) Kinkyclawz: *pats Eileen's back and hands a handkerchief over*
(20:16:17) keepmakingtea: Oh, then all is forgiven.
(20:16:36) Kinkyclawz: Yep, Deg is right, I only just logged on JD
(20:16:46) Kinkyclawz: Been working or I'd be here earlier.
(20:16:55) keepmakingtea: So, I'm not late late, then.
(20:17:05) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I have a few "don't touch" DVD's mind you.
(20:17:16) keepmakingtea: I was catching up on the Sarah Jane Adventures.
(20:17:25) Kinkyclawz: nope, you're in with the late crowd. lol
(20:17:30) Kinkyclawz: Is it good?
(20:17:32) Aubergine: fashionably so
(20:17:37) Eileen: all my dvds are off limits
(20:17:51) Eileen: *eyes everyone suspiciously*
(20:17:55) keepmakingtea: Heheh, it's the best kid's show I've seen for awhile.
(20:17:55) Kinkyclawz: ^^ Eileen, you're VERY possessive.
(20:18:20) Aubergine: it's nice to share, but not the good stuff. in case it gets damaged, or lost
(20:18:30) Eileen: I am! *continues to eye everyone*
(20:18:33) Kinkyclawz: Hence the Conversion Packs?
(20:18:41) bigbadwolf: now that my BlurayD collection is increasing I've upgraded it to the "don't
touch" shelf too bad there are not many series and films worth having in BD
(20:18:45) Kinkyclawz: *winks at Eileen*
(20:19:05) Aubergine: exactly
(20:19:08) Kinkyclawz: LOL WE don't even have a DVD player that works properly yet.
(20:19:11) bigbadwolf: conversion pack of werewolf fans
(20:19:17) Kinkyclawz: woohoo!
(20:19:21) Eileen: i lend my wii or ps3 but not the dvds, NOT the dvds
(20:19:24) Eileen: just kidding
(20:19:29) keepmakingtea: Aw, poor KC. A few weeks ago, I felt your pain.
(20:19:33) Kinkyclawz: You share Wii?
(20:19:43) Kinkyclawz: See, my Twusband understands. *hugz*
(20:19:49) Kinkyclawz: *sob*
(20:19:51) Kinkyclawz:
(20:20:11) keepmakingtea: Of course then, I didn't have a working computer, either.
(20:20:20) Kinkyclawz: True, very true
(20:20:32) Eileen: *hands KC the medicine for her eye infection*
(20:20:45) Eileen: poor JD
(20:20:49) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks Eileen.
(20:20:49) Eileen: *pets JD*
(20:20:59) bigbadwolf: Eileen right today i startedtoying with the idea of giving in afew games to
buy newer ones at half price! It's going to be painful but I might do it
(20:21:14) bigbadwolf: you have an eye infection KC?
(20:21:30) Eileen: must be, she was winking at me
(20:21:34) keepmakingtea: Ah, I finally fixed it and now it runs better than ever. I left it on for five
days straight with no Blue Screen of Death. Still none.
(20:21:48) Kinkyclawz: It depends if they are games you no longer play, BBW. If they're ones you
like to play/re-play I'd say DON'T DO IT!
(20:21:49) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:22:59) Kinkyclawz: BBW, only when I satrt winking in here. Eileen get the infection too.
Terrible, Wink-itis.
(20:23:21) Kinkyclawz: WOOHOO! Yay for JD's mastery of technology!
(20:23:25) Eileen: *quickly catches KC's a and hands it to her*
(20:23:40) Eileen: YAY! *throws confetti*
(20:23:43) keepmakingtea: That's... hot, Eileen.
(20:23:57) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou, eileen. i'm always L-ing my A off. Its aq wonder I don't lose it.
(20:24:04) Eileen: uhmm... KC's in the gutter again
(20:24:12) Kinkyclawz: Me? Noooo
(20:24:25) Kinkyclawz: I'm good KC tonight, no gutter-thoughts tonight.
(20:24:26) Eileen: oops! that was JD!
(20:24:36) Eileen: Jd's in the gutter today
(20:24:51) Kinkyclawz: *prays no-one mentions George, Tully or Seth or she might break her
(20:25:00) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:25:17) Kinkyclawz: JD is mimicking Russell tovey too.
(20:25:26) keepmakingtea: So, Degnne, is WAM on holiday?
(20:25:28) Kinkyclawz: is that right, my Twusband?
(20:25:30) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:25:39) keepmakingtea: I mimic Russell?
(20:25:48) Kinkyclawz: Oh yeah, is there a new WAM coming after you settle into your new
(20:25:55) bigbadwolf: ah lol
(20:26:14) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ JD. Well, "Hot" seems to be his favourite phrase when referring to
something good.
(20:26:18) Eileen: KC! Look here! *mentions* George!
(20:26:28) bigbadwolf: sorry slow reaction time, I'm still fighitng with an ULM scheme
(20:26:46) Kinkyclawz: *slavers* Eileen, you're eeeeeeeeeeevil! *smiles wickedly*
(20:26:49) Degnne: yeah it's on holiday
(20:26:54) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear!
(20:27:02) Eileen: YES! I am eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil!!!
(20:27:08) Kinkyclawz: Mwahahahaaaaaaaa!
(20:27:13) keepmakingtea: You'll have to do a nice special one for when it returns.
(20:27:21) Eileen: Harharhahaarrrrrrrrrrr
(20:27:29) Kinkyclawz: Holidays are good, even comics need them now and then, don;t they?
(20:27:36) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you sound like a pirate!
(20:27:42) keepmakingtea: KC, in my case, hot meant "sexy."
(20:27:57) keepmakingtea: Hey, she does run those bootleg chihuahuas.
(20:28:00) bigbadwolf: sorry guys/girls I cant follow you
(20:28:12) Kinkyclawz: *hands over an eyepatch* might join you! *pops a toy parrot on her
(20:28:17) Eileen: yeah JD I do
(20:28:19) Kinkyclawz: lmao I gathered, JD. lmao
(20:28:20) bigbadwolf: you were talking of BSOD 5 mins ago, now what?
(20:28:24) Eileen: and my second job is pirate
(20:28:50) Eileen: BSOD?
(20:29:04) Kinkyclawz: BBW/Genie, sorry there are in jokes. We had a conversations months ago
where Eileen was evil and was selling bootleg Chihuahuas.
(20:29:10) Kinkyclawz: BSOD?
(20:29:19) Kinkyclawz: You and me both Eileen.
(20:29:23) bigbadwolf: blue screen of death
(20:29:30) keepmakingtea: I mentioned my computer hasn't had a BSOD.
(20:29:37) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, yeah, that was JDs epic battle with his computer. JD finally won!
(20:29:38) keepmakingtea: Since the repair.
(20:29:43) Aubergine: oic
(20:29:45) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(20:29:52) Kinkyclawz: fingers crossed it stays away, JD
(20:29:59) Eileen: *feels a light turn on over her head*
(20:30:01) bigbadwolf: sorry, that was my nerdy side typing lol
(20:30:10) bigbadwolf:
(20:30:12) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Genie.
(20:30:16) bigbadwolf: that's Eileen as a pirate
(20:30:23) bigbadwolf:
(20:30:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh, those are awesome BBW!
(20:30:33) Kinkyclawz: that is, rather.
(20:30:36) Eileen: i like nerdy
(20:30:46) Aubergine: cute
(20:30:55) Kinkyclawz: We're all geeky/nerdy/cool!
(20:30:55) Eileen: hehe
(20:30:59) Eileen: jump!!!!
(20:31:19) Kinkyclawz: Avast, ye blackguard! Walk the plank!
(20:31:33) bigbadwolf: we were discussio right this yesterday with my flatmates, being nerdy is
trendy now
(20:31:37) Kinkyclawz: stand by eileen...
(20:31:40) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:31:40) bigbadwolf: sorry wrong smiley
(20:32:09) Eileen: *stands by tapping her foot*
(20:32:20) Aubergine: it's the age of the geek
(20:32:31) Aubergine: according to Hardison on Leverage
(20:32:47) Kinkyclawz: *grinz... your savbing Stars eileen, I know you must ahve missed them as
much as the typos
(20:33:05) Kinkyclawz: We are kings and queens in the Age of Geek then?
(20:33:16) Eileen: *sniffles* Yeeees!
(20:33:21) keepmakingtea: Aw, I want cocoa...
(20:34:11) Kinkyclawz: *cuddles Eileen* There there, such a happy reunion isn;t it?
Can you not have cocoa, JD?
(20:34:25) Kinkyclawz: *gives JD a virtual cocoa*
(20:34:37) bigbadwolf: I really think it is Aubergine, especially when people like my gf and her
friends actually enjoy spending their evenings on the sofa with me watching old DR Who
episodes lol
(20:34:42) Kinkyclawz: *with a smiley face made of cream on top*
(20:34:57) Kinkyclawz: ^^ toby Hadoke will be pleased!
(20:35:17) Eileen: lol
(20:35:34) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:35:40) keepmakingtea: Oh, that's awesome.
(20:35:42) Eileen: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
(20:36:43) bigbadwolf: and my flatmate made me notice that tovey was actually in last year's dr
who series! that was cool
(20:37:12) Kinkyclawz: lol you didn;t notice?! lmao Ahh, I guess you wouldn;t possibly be looing
for him, eh?
(20:37:19) Kinkyclawz: oh dear, bad typos...
(20:37:24) Kinkyclawz: looking not looing.
(20:37:43) Aubergine: he was in the christmas special and made a reappearance last year
(20:38:15) Kinkyclawz: indeed. Shame he doesn;t appear to be in Torchwood... might be the only
reason I'd watch. lol
(20:38:39) keepmakingtea: OH, KC!!! Did you see Sinead's tweets last night about her pretend
(20:38:49) Kinkyclawz: I did!
(20:39:00) Kinkyclawz: Wasn;t on laast night but saw on my phone at work today.
(20:39:03) bigbadwolf: well when i first watched that I didn't know BH yet, plus, as you might
guess, I always prefer looking at the doctor's companion
(20:39:15) keepmakingtea: It was sweet...
(20:39:21) Kinkyclawz: (and thankyou for your message BBW, you had me grinning like an idiot
for most of the afternoon. )
(20:39:32) Kinkyclawz: Aww, so cute. I hope they got to meet up.
(20:39:45) bigbadwolf: ah the PM? well imho you are that good
(20:39:53) Kinkyclawz: BBW, its natural.
(20:40:08) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps not with that story but I'd love to have a stab at novelising the
(20:40:10) keepmakingtea: FOr me, it was different. I started with BH, saw it was coming to BBC
America, so got cable to watch it there, and then caught Doctor Who. In more ways than one.
(20:40:16) keepmakingtea:
(20:40:29) Eileen: pretend lover?
(20:40:44) bigbadwolf: o.O sinead and russ are together?
(20:40:46) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:40:51) bigbadwolf: in real life I mean
(20:40:59) keepmakingtea: No.
(20:41:00) Kinkyclawz: BBW, no. But they are good friends.
(20:41:16) keepmakingtea: They make a cute couple, but it's not real.
(20:41:22) bigbadwolf: ah must have misunderstood sth lol
(20:41:36) bigbadwolf: don't follow twitter much, didnt even know she was on twitter
(20:41:56) Kinkyclawz: @Sineadkeenan
(20:42:18) Kinkyclawz: sorry @SineadKeenan, I'll get the capitaqls in the right place eh? lol
(20:42:38) Kinkyclawz: She's lovely. she doesn;t get to Tweet with us fans as much as she used
ot but she tries to reply whne she has time, bless her.
(20:43:39) bigbadwolf: must be a bit scary though, stalkers are everywhere and a platform like
twitter doesn't have much security protection against weirdos
(20:43:46) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, I guess she was refeerring to their onscreen romance, eh?
(20:44:03) Kinkyclawz: No, not much really but the weirdo's are the minority.
(20:44:09) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(20:44:43) Aubergine: just makes stalking easier, bbw
(20:44:55) keepmakingtea: Want to see the most unique Christmas Card photo I've seen this
(20:45:01) Aubergine: people tweet their locations all the time.
(20:45:01) Kinkyclawz: True.
(20:45:08) Kinkyclawz: Yes please JD!
(20:45:12) keepmakingtea:
(20:45:48) keepmakingtea: We got snow, evergreen trees, a lovely couple, and tombstones.
(20:46:03) Kinkyclawz: Genie: Got to say I really don't agree with that level of sharing.
(20:46:12) bigbadwolf: err am I missing something?XD
(20:46:22) Aubergine: neither do I, KC
(20:46:32) Kinkyclawz: That's the christmas pic JD mentuioned BBW
(20:46:40) Eileen: awww
(20:46:51) Aubergine: can't really make out the tombstones
(20:46:57) Kinkyclawz: JD, who are the couple in question.
(20:46:58) Kinkyclawz: ?
(20:47:11) keepmakingtea: It's Al and his girlfriend Anna.
(20:47:54) Kinkyclawz: Genie, if you click on the pic it should open in a new tab/window & then
click on it again & hopefully it'll zoom in.
(20:48:09) Kinkyclawz: Aww, ccute couple! Thought the lad looked familiar but wasn;t entirely
(20:48:21) Kinkyclawz: In my mine Al's Tweets always make him seem older. lmao
(20:48:21) bigbadwolf: who is AL?
(20:48:37) Kinkyclawz: BBW, Al is a freind of JD's...
(20:48:46) Kinkyclawz: he's the man who got you into BH right, JD?
(20:48:53) keepmakingtea: E's the **** what made me watch BH.
(20:49:08) keepmakingtea: Yes!
(20:49:20) Aubergine: oic well that's interesting.
(20:49:21) Kinkyclawz: lmao and what a lovely **** he is.
(20:49:22) bigbadwolf: ah ok too much back story there lol /me whistles trying not to be noticed
(20:49:32) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ BBW
(20:49:48) Eileen: ****?
(20:49:50) Kinkyclawz: *crawls out of Deg's head and into JD's for a while*
(20:50:02) keepmakingtea:
(20:50:12) Kinkyclawz: *whispers, he's being polite, I think he means 'twat'*
(20:50:24) Kinkyclawz: Was that the blog post that got you hooked?
(20:50:33) keepmakingtea: Yep!
(20:50:58) keepmakingtea: Because without that blog post, I might not be talking to you guys
(20:51:21) keepmakingtea: Woooooo....
(20:51:41) Kinkyclawz: And that would be a massive loss! *opens her arms then looks confused
then finally cuddles JD's brain as she's inside his head*
(20:51:49) Eileen: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
(20:51:56) Aubergine: a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost move in together ....sounds like a bad
(20:52:05) Kinkyclawz: it does, doesn't it?
(20:52:10) bigbadwolf: I really cant remember how I started watching BH
(20:52:22) Kinkyclawz: If I have to explain the plot, after that line I have to add "Its better than it
sounds, honest!"
(20:52:27) Eileen: lol i can some bits at least
(20:52:27) Kinkyclawz: Really?
(20:52:29) keepmakingtea: That's the beauty of it. It's a concept that shouldn't work that did.
(20:52:35) bigbadwolf: why bad joke? I think it's great :p can't wait for the spin off too
(20:53:03) Eileen: lol it's like an american, a russian and an englishman go into a bar
(20:53:07) Eileen: or something like that
(20:53:22) bigbadwolf: I read somewhere on the web that the original concept had george as a
guy with anger management issues, a juknie and an agoraphobic
(20:53:23) Kinkyclawz: She means the concept itself sounds liek teh first line of a bad joke, like "A
horse walks into a bar..." You're waiting for the punchline as soon as you hear the first line.
(20:53:26) Aubergine: it's like a priest a rabbi and monk walk into a bar...
(20:53:50) Eileen: looooooooooooool
(20:53:52) keepmakingtea: I think Herrick tried making a joke of it.
(20:53:54) Kinkyclawz: ooh, we all have the alternate "... walks into a bar" beginnings!!
(20:53:58) Eileen: we're all in each others heads
(20:54:03) Kinkyclawz: lmao he did in S1 E2
(20:54:09) Kinkyclawz: We are! Its spoooooooky1`
(20:54:18) keepmakingtea: "So, a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost decide to live like humans.
They jobs, a house, and a TV license."
(20:54:19) Kinkyclawz: BRB gang, pitstop and brewtime!
(20:54:20) Eileen: lol
(20:54:20) bigbadwolf:
(20:54:31) Eileen: hb
(20:55:23) Eileen: rofl @ bbw
(20:55:26) bigbadwolf: I wonder whether the tv license is on Mitchell's name, that would explain
why he's so fond of his old TV
(20:55:31) Eileen: btw did you all light a candle today?
(20:55:39) Eileen: lol
(20:55:45) bigbadwolf: uhm no why?
(20:55:48) Eileen: and what a small tv it is
(20:55:56) keepmakingtea: Light a candle for all the fallen from Black Friday?
(20:55:59) Eileen: it's erster Advent today
(20:56:00) Eileen: lol
(20:56:04) Eileen: no
(20:56:14) Eileen: a christmas thing
(20:56:19) Aubergine: I light a candle every day
(20:56:21) keepmakingtea: OH!
(20:56:34) keepmakingtea: I think I heard of that tradition, Eileen, but it's not one I keep.
(20:57:08) bigbadwolf: ah true, my mum does it, I'm not that religious honestly
(20:57:27) bigbadwolf: one candle every sunday till xmas right?
(20:57:47) Eileen: yeah its mostly only in germany or german speaking countries
(20:57:50) Eileen: but i love it
(20:57:53) Kinkyclawz: Back!
(20:58:00) Eileen: yes bbw
(20:58:04) Eileen: wb KC!
(20:58:07) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, never heard of that tradition, Eileen.
(20:58:13) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou Eileen!
(20:58:27) keepmakingtea: Wait... Are the candles on a wreath?
(20:58:36) keepmakingtea: It's been a long time, but we used to do that.
(20:58:43) Eileen: 4 candels on a wreath yes
(20:59:00) Kinkyclawz: So the last Sunday in nov is the one?
(20:59:03) Eileen:
(20:59:09) Eileen: yes
(21:00:05) keepmakingtea: That reminds me of the Christmas story my sister and I wrote a few
years ago.
(21:00:16) Kinkyclawz: Nope, then again we're non-practising and i'm probably considered
pagan, lmao
(21:01:15) Eileen: lol me too KC
(21:01:22) Eileen: but we still do it
(21:01:51) Eileen: its so wide spread that even the atheists in our family do it
(21:01:52) Eileen: lol
(21:02:12) Kinkyclawz: Its funny the traditions that stick, isn't it? Aww, sounds quite cool. How
long do the candles have to burn for?
(21:02:34) bigbadwolf: I do believe in something, I believe we are part of an experiment a bit
likethose we do ourselves in vitro and in vivo... but then again I grew up with the "I want to
believe" poster over my bed as a kid
(21:02:42) Kinkyclawz: JD, what story was that?
(21:02:51) keepmakingtea: Hahaha... I just searched for "Christmas Angel" in my Yahoo e-mail.
Found subtitles for BH.
(21:03:03) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ BBW. Well, belief is something.
(21:03:12) Kinkyclawz: How did that happen, JD?
(21:03:31) keepmakingtea: "That puts all your birthdays and Christmases in perspective."
(21:03:38) Eileen: lol
(21:03:40) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, gotcha
(21:03:50) keepmakingtea: It was a story about a girl who wanted to be the hostess for her
family's Christmas party, who would dress like an angel. She finds out that the honor is going to
her cousin.
(21:04:04) Eileen: the candles have to hold until all four can burn down on 4th advent
(21:04:08) Kinkyclawz: BBW, what kind of experiment do you mean?
(21:04:22) Kinkyclawz: Wow, so the first has to burn for a month. Eep!
(21:04:41) Eileen: lol yeah something like that
(21:04:51) Eileen: for 4 weeks
(21:04:55) Kinkyclawz: Aww, saounds like a sad story so far... but being a Christmas story, do we
get a happy ending?
(21:04:58) keepmakingtea: But it's not the sweet Christmas story about forgiveness that it could
have been.
(21:05:01) Eileen: but it doesnt have to burn all day lol
(21:05:03) Kinkyclawz: @ Eileen.
(21:05:04) Eileen: just the sundays
(21:05:09) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh...
(21:05:17) Kinkyclawz: Gotcha.
(21:05:24) bigbadwolf: well a huge experiment I first read bout it in a very interesting book called
the never-ending days of being dead by a famous cosmologist
(21:05:30) Eileen: it's not hanucha
(21:05:47) Eileen: looooool with the oil i mean
(21:05:49) keepmakingtea: "Hey, that girl in the rocking dress just croaked! I'll just take that!"
(21:06:04) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(21:06:22) keepmakingtea: "Your dress is so divine!" "Yeah, I found it on a dead girl in the snow!"
(21:06:42) Kinkyclawz: Awwww! Sounds like a Halloween story! lmao
(21:06:52) Kinkyclawz: Certainly a turn up for the books, that one
(21:07:12) Eileen: ow
(21:07:17) Eileen: that sounds creepy
(21:07:22) Aubergine: sounds like day of the dead meets christmas
(21:07:30) Kinkyclawz: BBW: Who was the cosmologist?
(21:07:42) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Genie. Yeah, it could well be.
(21:08:05) bigbadwolf: KC Chown
(21:08:15) bigbadwolf: marcus chown, the guy who works also for New Scientist
(21:08:19) Kinkyclawz: Wonderful name! lmao
(21:08:28) Kinkyclawz: oh, thought KC Chown was the name, lmao
(21:08:40) Kinkyclawz: hh, never read that magazine.
(21:08:48) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, not hh
(21:08:51) Eileen: loooooooooooool
(21:10:12) bigbadwolf:
(21:10:20) bigbadwolf: hh?
(21:11:09) Kinkyclawz: Typing 1 handed atm, one hand in engaged in... erm, petting a cat
(21:13:09) Kinkyclawz: ooh, thatw as a conversation killer. lmao
(21:13:50) Kinkyclawz: believe me it was the cleanest way i could think of the phrase that event.
(21:14:22) Kinkyclawz: Orr.... have I been logged out. Gang, I'm getting no replies here.
(21:14:31) keepmakingtea: Neither am I.
(21:14:34) Eileen: lol
(21:14:39) Aubergine: reading the book you can go back to.....whatever
(21:14:45) Eileen: sorry
(21:14:53) Kinkyclawz: JD! Eileen! Genie! *clings*
(21:15:01) bigbadwolf:
pictures/thumbnails/dog-werewolf_thumb.jpg <-- KC's pet
(21:15:05) Kinkyclawz: Was about to save and restart the chatroom then.
(21:15:06) Eileen: i have read what you wrote, KC
(21:15:11) Kinkyclawz: YAY!
(21:15:14) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
(21:15:25) Kinkyclawz: Lovely pet. *pet pet pets*
(21:15:27) Eileen: *runs and hides under Vampy*
(21:15:29) keepmakingtea: Nice puppy!
(21:15:57) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, what's up Eileen? Very friendly, very fair too, he'll eat anyone.
(21:16:07) Kinkyclawz: We ahve a pet werewolf?
(21:16:18) Kinkyclawz: In the chatroom I mean?
(21:16:37) Kinkyclawz: To go with a vampire bush? Can we? Can we keep him ChatPack?
(21:17:06) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:17:08) keepmakingtea: I guess we need one to go with the Chat Ghost.
(21:17:18) Aubergine: I guess if he's house trained
(21:17:23) Eileen: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
(21:17:41) bigbadwolf: lol yes, whatever he doesn't like in the house he destroys it lol
(21:17:45) Eileen: there will be fights!! *sobs*
(21:17:49) Eileen: Vampy!
(21:18:08) Eileen: *clings to Vampy*
(21:19:37) Eileen: Okay, me little friend, I know this will be hard, but you have practiced plenty.
(21:19:55) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but its okay. We can put him out in the garden.
(21:20:10) bigbadwolf: so he can slaughter the neighbours?
(21:20:17) Aubergine: lol
(21:20:21) bigbadwolf: who cares, never liked them anyway :p
(21:20:33) Kinkyclawz: No, we have a high fence. *peeps out of the window* Yeah, its pretty high.
(21:20:37) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:20:45) Eileen: *pets Vampy to calm him down*
(21:20:48) Kinkyclawz: Literally the neighour form Hell?
(21:20:49) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:21:02) Kinkyclawz: Its okay, Eileen, we won;'t put Vampy in danger. I promise.
(21:21:50) Kinkyclawz: So we can keep him?
(21:21:54) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:22:01) bigbadwolf: good dog
(21:22:09) Eileen: oookaaay
(21:22:21) Eileen: *tries to stop her legs from shaking*
(21:23:51) keepmakingtea: Diabetic?
(21:24:04) bigbadwolf: ok now that's disturbing XD was loking for a "calm" ww image on google
and found some ww porn o.O
(21:24:10) Kinkyclawz: *holds Eileen's non-vampy-petting hand with one hand, pets our new pet
with the other* What should we cal him?
(21:24:12) Eileen: Vampy? no i dont think so
(21:24:23) keepmakingtea: PRN
(21:24:30) Kinkyclawz: lmao WW porn? Does it involve Tully?! *hopes*
(21:24:47) Eileen: *pulls away her hand* Noo!
(21:25:16) Kinkyclawz: What? LOL I was trying to comfort you Eileen. LOL
(21:26:06) bigbadwolf: nope KC luckily not, I owuld have had to rip my eyes away otherwise :p
(21:26:25) Aubergine: roflmao
(21:26:57) Eileen: I won't come near it
(21:27:22) Kinkyclawz: *cover's JD's ears and grinz evilly* I might have a different POV.
*uncovers JD's ears*
(21:27:39) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, won't come near what? Our new pet or the pretend porn?
(21:27:40) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:28:03) Aubergine: Embrace it Ei. They can sense your fear and then it becomes a terrible
game for him.
(21:28:09) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(21:28:09) keepmakingtea: Say what? I was typing on my Oz blog...
(21:29:21) bigbadwolf: KC Tully is a nasty man, stay away from him :p he's almost as bad as that
Richard you are writing about (who, btw should better stay away from Nina!!)
(21:29:55) Kinkyclawz: Nothing for you to worry about, my Twusband. My usual obsessions.
*scritches behind Digby's ears*
(21:30:36) Kinkyclawz: Aww,I always saw through the bad guy shell of Tully. And we all know not
to judge a book by its cover, don;t we?
(21:30:57) Eileen: no i still wont touch it, *stands infront of Vampy to shield him*
(21:31:04) Kinkyclawz: Hope no=one minds me calling our new werewolf Digby... unless anyone
has a better anme?
(21:31:13) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, touch what?
(21:31:19) Kinkyclawz: The werewolf of the werewolf porn?
(21:31:25) Kinkyclawz: or not of
(21:31:30) bigbadwolf: you dont wanna touch that trust me
(21:31:43) Kinkyclawz: I'll trust you, BBW.
(21:31:53) Kinkyclawz: Good KC is back.
(21:32:02) bigbadwolf: digby sounds friendly andharmless , reverse psychology?
(21:32:17) Kinkyclawz: perhaps
(21:32:19) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(21:32:44) Kinkyclawz: Think he needs to eb set free in the yard?
(21:32:59) Willie: Degnne has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:33:07) Aubergine: here digby
(21:33:08) Kinkyclawz: Aww, Deg! Come back!
(21:33:10) keepmakingtea: DEGNNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:33:21) Kinkyclawz: Willie, what happened mate?
(21:33:24) Eileen: no i dont have another amen, KC
(21:33:29) Eileen: DEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:33:47) Kinkyclawz: Huh?
(21:34:32) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, Eileen... I'm going to read back and see what you're replying to
(21:35:03) Kinkyclawz: Nope, not sure what you mean by another amen suesse. lol
(21:35:28) Eileen: lol
(21:35:40) Kinkyclawz: Hallelujah?
(21:35:44) Kinkyclawz:
(21:35:46) Eileen: you wrote: Digby... unless anyone has a better anme?
(21:35:54) Eileen: HalloJulia!!!
(21:36:23) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, I forgot how to read typonese?! *faints*
(21:37:49) Kinkyclawz: *wakes up* Waht'd I miss?
(21:37:50) Eileen: didnt you want to say "amen"?
(21:38:00) Kinkyclawz:
(21:38:04) Kinkyclawz: Nope.
(21:38:04) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:38:22) Kinkyclawz: ut we can be all religious about it if you want. lmao
(21:39:12) Kinkyclawz: It all comes together now, Good KC is back and all of a sudden I'm typing
Amen. lmao
(21:39:31) Kinkyclawz: then Evil Kc returns and can't understand what Amen is. All becomes
clear, yes?
(21:39:51) Kinkyclawz: (Alles klar?)
(21:40:06) Kinkyclawz: (is that the right spelling?
(21:40:13) bigbadwolf: moon is not full tonight you shouldn't be evil KC :p not even grumpy
(21:40:33) bigbadwolf: KC yep it is
(21:40:40) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, Evil KC is my default mode, esp when thoughts of tully, George and
Seth go through my mind, lmao
(21:40:53) Eileen: but, but, but, it must be amen
(21:41:05) Eileen: what else could it be?
(21:41:05) Kinkyclawz: You eman the werewolf's name?
(21:41:20) Kinkyclawz: Amen. Ohhh, I'm finally catching up! I'm with you!!
(21:41:44) Eileen: there it is again!!!
(21:41:48) bigbadwolf: poor george he'd be scared to death by evil KC, bossy Nina is already
driving him crazy
(21:42:19) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, George is off limits when he's with nina. Wouldn't want to scare
him completely.
(21:42:28) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:42:31) Kinkyclawz: eman amen
(21:43:17) keepmakingtea: "Wait a minute. I don't remember buying a coaster shaped like a dead
(21:43:23) Aubergine: how many anagrams of name can u do?
(21:43:28) bigbadwolf: uhm I remembered well in one of your chapter you actually have some
implied "ww porn" KC :p poor mitchell then!
(21:43:56) Kinkyclawz: Genie: I'm not sure but its a previously undiscovered talent. just for that
one word! lmao
(21:44:18) Kinkyclawz: Only implied, mitchell looked away before he could go blind. lmao
(21:44:41) bigbadwolf: genie just need to check the number of possible permutations, not sure
many would make sense in the English lang though
(21:44:48) Eileen: you sure you didnt JD?
(21:44:50) Kinkyclawz: mean
(21:45:07) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ JD
(21:45:14) Aubergine: Mitchell's been around a while. I'm sure he's seen all kinds of things
(21:45:28) Eileen: neam
(21:45:33) Eileen: maen
(21:45:36) keepmakingtea: He's probably done all kinds of things.
(21:45:37) Eileen: naem
(21:45:41) bigbadwolf: 16 permutations i think
(21:45:54) keepmakingtea: There's the basis for so much fanfic...
(21:45:55) Kinkyclawz: Hey, JD... just realised, you should be posting in red, right?
(21:45:56) bigbadwolf: if I remembered theformula correctly lol
(21:46:07) Kinkyclawz: That was your colour once upon a time, wasn't it?
(21:46:09) keepmakingtea: Hmmm... Yes, I should.
(21:46:15) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Red JD!
(21:46:24) Eileen: lol yeah i was wondering why jd was white
(21:46:44) keepmakingtea: Because I'm Caucasian?
(21:46:59) bigbadwolf: no sorry 24 XD
(21:47:07) Aubergine: that certainly explains it
(21:47:12) Eileen: lol! YES!!!!!!!!
(21:47:22) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, BBW, I'd have perferred your first option. now I have to try to think
of them all.
(21:47:31) Kinkyclawz:
(21:47:33) bigbadwolf: {n,a,m,e} {n,a,e,m} {n,m,a,e} {n,m,e,a} {n,e,a,m} {n,e,m,a} {a,n,m,e}
{a,n,e,m} {a,m,n,e} {a,m,e,n} {a,e,n,m} {a,e,m,n} {m,n,a,e} {m,n,e,a} {m,a,n,e} {m,a,e,n} {m,e,n,a}
{m,e,a,n} {e,n,a,m} {e,n,m,a} {e,a,n,m} {e,a,m,n} {e,m,n,a} {e,m,a,n}
(21:47:35) Eileen: but what am i then, a smurf?
(21:47:40) bigbadwolf: in case you are interested lol
(21:47:53) Kinkyclawz: Or maybe you can provide them, cheers!
(21:48:07) Kinkyclawz: Bet i've used all of those permutations over the last year and a bit of
(21:48:14) bigbadwolf: I assumed no repetitions are allowed
(21:48:16) bigbadwolf: ahah
(21:48:22) Eileen: lol yes im a smurf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(21:48:24) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, you're a Smurf them?! Awesome!
(21:48:35) bigbadwolf: we all tend to entropy
(21:48:51) Kinkyclawz: then not them. oops!
(21:49:22) Kinkyclawz: *gets a dictionary*
(21:49:52) Eileen: lol
(21:49:58) Eileen: i did too KC
(21:50:59) Eileen: loose info?
(21:51:17) Kinkyclawz: not a very fast loading site, apparently
(21:51:23) Kinkyclawz: think my internet is sloooooow
(21:51:25) Kinkyclawz: again
(21:51:47) Kinkyclawz: (I refer to where i'm trying to get the definition of entropy*
(21:52:14) Kinkyclawz: en·tro·py
[en-truh-pee] Show IPA
Thermodynamics .
(on a macroscopic scale) a function of thermodynamic variables, as temperature, pressure, or
composition, that is a measure of the energy that is not available for work during a
thermodynamic process. A closed system evolves toward a state of maximum entropy.
(in statistical mechanics) a measure of the randomness of the microscopic constituents of a
thermodynamic system. Symbol: S
(in data transmission and information theory) a measure of the loss of information in a transmitted
signal or message.
(in cosmology) a hypothetical tendency for the universe to attain a state of maximum
homogeneity in which all matter is at a uniform temperature (heat death).
a doctrine of inevitable social decline and degeneration.
(21:53:14) bigbadwolf: every system in the real world is affected by entropy
(21:53:35) Kinkyclawz: BRB gang, going for another brew. Eating dry roasted peanuts has dried
out my mouth... and made my keyboard all tasty. *licks*
(21:53:45) Eileen: loss of info?
(21:54:04) Eileen: *loses info that she has asked that already*
(21:54:28) Aubergine: are you stuck in a time loop, Ei?
(21:54:43) Eileen: lol looks like it
(21:54:50) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, thats what you meant then, eh? Sawree!
(21:54:52) Eileen: btw Ei means egg
(21:54:58) Eileen: not my prefered nickname
(21:54:59) Eileen: rofl
(21:55:18) bigbadwolf: ahahaha
(21:55:32) Kinkyclawz: We need The 17.5th Doctor to break the spell? *waiting for the kettle to
(21:55:35) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:55:37) Aubergine: what do u prefer
(21:55:46) Eileen: just Eileen
(21:56:00) Eileen:
(21:56:00) bigbadwolf: is it your real name?
(21:56:06) Eileen: yes
(21:56:14) bigbadwolf: nice
(21:56:40) Aubergine: you got it Eileen
(21:56:53) Eileen: thanks ^________^ *hugs*
(21:57:36) bigbadwolf:
(21:57:52) bigbadwolf: today I walked by this station, let's see how good you are with film triva
(21:58:04) bigbadwolf: in which famous movie can we see this station?
(21:59:00) Eileen: nooooooooooooooo idea
(21:59:31) Aubergine: patriot games
(22:00:30) Aubergine: am I right?
(22:00:52) bigbadwolf: cool geenie, one is right, there isanother one that at least KC should
know :p
(22:01:56) Kinkyclawz: An American Werewolf in London
(22:02:09) Kinkyclawz: looks liek the oen anyway, could be wrong though
(22:02:28) bigbadwolf: yep
(22:02:45) bigbadwolf: well done! paw high five lol
(22:03:04) Kinkyclawz: YAY! *applauds Genie's answer* that was the hardest one to get, Patriot
Games. Well done hun!
(22:03:21) Eileen: lol
(22:03:22) Kinkyclawz high paw five with BBW
(22:03:36) bigbadwolf:
(22:03:57) Aubergine: Harrison Ford sticks in my head
(22:03:59) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, JD are you here hun?
(22:04:16) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, doesn't sound like abd think to have stuck in your head, hun. :d
(22:04:36) keepmakingtea: No, I'm there.
(22:05:12) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, how can we get you from there to here, my Twusband?
(22:05:28) keepmakingtea: There is where you are.
(22:05:35) keepmakingtea: So...
(22:05:38) keepmakingtea: I'm here!
(22:05:48) Eileen: lol
(22:06:01) Kinkyclawz: YAY! *hugz JD* Welcome there.. here... um, hi.
(22:06:05) Aubergine: how sweeeeet
(22:06:06) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(22:06:09) Eileen: *rends a "theretohere" ship
(22:06:23) Kinkyclawz: Aww, they have a special ship for that? Brilliant!
(22:06:30) Eileen: yup
(22:06:46) Kinkyclawz thinks we may be slipping into the surreal again, as it IS that time of night
(22:07:57) Kinkyclawz: Where does it moor? Neverwhere?
(22:08:40) keepmakingtea: Did Eileen just typo "rent" as "rend?"
(22:08:41) Eileen: moo?
(22:08:43) Eileen: moor?
(22:08:57) Kinkyclawz: sends
(22:09:05) Eileen: lol rend
(22:09:13) Eileen: i like to eat wood obviously
(22:09:15) Kinkyclawz: unless she tore a "theretohere" ship apart! Oh my!
(22:09:23) Kinkyclawz: You're a beaver?
(22:09:31) keepmakingtea: ....
(22:09:32) Eileen: lol
(22:09:39) Kinkyclawz: Eileen the Beaver? With a Vampire bush. lmao @ JD
(22:09:44) Eileen: i just noticed and had to look up the word
(22:09:54) keepmakingtea:
(22:09:56) Kinkyclawz: *slithers into the gutter, giggling*
(22:10:02) Kinkyclawz: I hadn't noticed. lmao
(22:10:08) bigbadwolf: err
(22:10:15) Kinkyclawz: *drags a stunned JD with her*
(22:10:25) Eileen: well renting is better than buying
(22:10:25) Kinkyclawz: Never mind, carry on people.
(22:10:27) Kinkyclawz: Hehe
(22:10:29) Kinkyclawz: it is
(22:10:34) Aubergine: a beaver smurf? or smurf beaver
(22:10:34) Eileen: what????
(22:10:48) Eileen: damn its late
(22:10:51) bigbadwolf: ok I got a dirty mind
(22:10:54) Kinkyclawz: Eileen the Smurfette Beaver
(22:11:10) Kinkyclawz: lmao Youll be find down here in the gutter with JD and I... not in that way
of course!
(22:11:13) keepmakingtea: We are now in Forbidden Topic zone.
(22:11:28) Eileen: i'll go off now
(22:11:40) Kinkyclawz: not quite... the lycanthropic aspect has not quite been mentioned yet.
(22:11:46) Kinkyclawz: Aww, don;'t go, Eileen. We'll be good.
(22:11:52) Kinkyclawz: Promise!
(22:11:59) Eileen: it's 11.11
(22:13:10) bigbadwolf: eheh
(22:13:45) Kinkyclawz: It is, it is. Aww, but now it seems liek we forced you to leave, suesse!
(22:14:05) Eileen: no its okay
(22:14:16) Eileen: its just not my mothertongue
(22:14:17) Eileen: lol
(22:14:19) Kinkyclawz: you#'re sure?
(22:14:40) Eileen: yeah
(22:14:44) bigbadwolf: gluecklicherweise Eileen lol
(22:14:45) Kinkyclawz: I'll Pm you with an explanation if you like eileen?
(22:14:47) keepmakingtea: THERE! IT'S DONE! GOSH DARN IT, IT'S DONE!
(22:14:52) keepmakingtea: ....
(22:14:56) keepmakingtea: Good night, Eileen?
(22:14:57) Kinkyclawz: its done?! What's done?
(22:15:02) Eileen: what explaination?
(22:15:09) keepmakingtea: A blog I've been working on.
(22:15:12) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen* goodnight suesse! Schlaf gut!
(22:15:15) Kinkyclawz: Woohoo.
(22:15:17) bigbadwolf: Eileen just look for those words on urban dictionary
(22:15:22) Eileen: what rend means
(22:15:34) Eileen: i dont understand
(22:15:37) Kinkyclawz: I thought you emant that English not being your mothertongue you weren't
sure why we were being rude
(22:15:37) Eileen: and i dont care
(22:15:39) Eileen: nevermind
(22:15:46) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(22:15:47) keepmakingtea: Hey, KC, did you check out the Christmas Special or are you saving it
for later?
(22:15:57) Eileen: i still dont understand kc
(22:16:00) Kinkyclawz: The Christmas Special?
(22:16:01) Eileen: what did i say?
(22:16:05) Eileen: or what was rude?
(22:16:12) Eileen: i only looked up rend
(22:16:17) Kinkyclawz: I'll explain via Pm as I said hun. What we were syaing about beaver.
(22:16:27) Kinkyclawz: unless you got that and were being polite?
(22:16:33) Eileen: no
(22:16:53) Eileen: beaver eat wood yes the boat and rend
(22:16:55) bigbadwolf: *is a tad embarassed*
(22:17:00) Eileen: what was the prob with that?
(22:17:03) keepmakingtea: I linked you to it last time we IMed, KC.
(22:17:12) Kinkyclawz: lmao I'll definitely explain the rude version hun,
(22:17:40) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(22:17:40) Eileen: but now i feel dum
(22:17:43) Eileen: dmb
(22:17:45) Eileen: dumb
(22:17:48) Eileen: see
(22:17:49) Kinkyclawz: Erm... will have to read back JD
(22:18:28) Eileen: okay
(22:18:31) Eileen: gtg now
(22:18:33) Eileen: good night
(22:18:41) Kinkyclawz: no not dumb at all hun. As you rightly point out, English sin;t your first
language so sometimes we will lose you. *hugz*
(22:18:46) bigbadwolf tries to change the topic
(22:18:49) Aubergine: nighty night
(22:18:50) Kinkyclawz: Night night and take care hunny. 8h
(22:18:56) bigbadwolf: will you
buy this girls?
(22:19:05) bigbadwolf: good night Eileen!
(22:19:29) Eileen: should i buy it?
(22:19:36) Kinkyclawz: I've already pre-ordered it. LOL
(22:19:40) Eileen: no
(22:19:48) Eileen: bye
(22:19:51) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, dya want me to read my copy then let you know if its worth
spending the money?
(22:19:54) bigbadwolf: dunno, wondering coz I'm not sure whether to buy it or not
(22:20:01) Eileen: ok
(22:20:07) Eileen: thanks
(22:20:08) Kinkyclawz: Same for all of course.
(22:20:08) Eileen: bye
(22:20:12) Kinkyclawz: okies1
(22:20:15) Kinkyclawz: buhbyeee!
(22:21:00) keepmakingtea: I don't know, Amazon. I don't think people on my gift list would
appreciate mp3s for Christmas presents.
(22:21:23) Kinkyclawz: Well, its an interesting choice of present.
(22:21:30) Kinkyclawz: Doesn't fit under the tree easily though.
(22:21:32) Kinkyclawz:
(22:21:56) Aubergine: u can put a note under the tree
(22:21:58) bigbadwolf: just copy them on an mp3 player :p
(22:22:05) bigbadwolf: girls i go too
(22:22:12) bigbadwolf: I go to! I still need to find my bones to chew for tonight lol
(22:22:19) Kinkyclawz: See clever alternatives to putting the cimputer under teh tre.
(22:22:26) Kinkyclawz: lol Aww, goodnight BBW!
(22:22:33) bigbadwolf: see you next time
(22:22:38) Kinkyclawz: sleep tight, sweet running dreams!
(22:22:42) Kinkyclawz: seeya next week!
(22:22:44) Aubergine: goodnight bbw
(22:22:52) bigbadwolf: thx! to you too!
(22:23:02) Kinkyclawz:
(22:23:30) Kinkyclawz: Five become three...
(22:23:47) Kinkyclawz: are we hanging on in there gang?
(22:24:10) Aubergine: it's only 3pm where I am
(22:24:17) Aubergine: so I can hang
(22:24:20) keepmakingtea: Well, I might be leaving soon.
(22:24:23) Kinkyclawz: good oh!
(22:24:26) Kinkyclawz: oh dear
(22:24:45) Kinkyclawz: Oh, did you have a good bleated Tahnksgiving JD?
(22:24:49) Kinkyclawz: Thanksgiving?
(22:24:51) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout).
(22:24:59) Aubergine: bleated?
(22:25:04) Kinkyclawz: belated sorry
(22:25:12) Kinkyclawz: lmao images of sheep now come tomind, eh?
(22:25:42) Aubergine: I guess some people eat lamb instead of turkey?
(22:26:16) Kinkyclawz: indeed, some do.
(22:27:31) Willie: bigbadwolf has been logged out (Timeout).
(22:27:37) Aubergine: we had a nice pork roast
(22:27:37) Kinkyclawz: *prods the conversation*
(22:27:56) keepmakingtea: Hehheeh.
(22:27:59) Kinkyclawz: oh lovely! Sorry, I should have asked you too-did you have a good time
(22:28:00) keepmakingtea: It was okay.
(22:28:13) Kinkyclawz: Yay!
(22:28:39) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, forgot where you were for a minute Genie. Hehe, not good with
(22:29:15) Aubergine: it's a holiday to be thankful, to be with friends, family etc, so yea it was a lot
of fun
(22:29:23) Kinkyclawz: Aww, lovely!
(22:29:35) Kinkyclawz: thats what I use Christmas for, spending time with family.
(22:30:05) Aubergine: yes I do go home for Christmas, but thanksgiving I spend with friends.
(22:30:06) Kinkyclawz: well, not so much this year because of work, we're only off for Xmas Day,
working the other days around it
(22:30:26) Aubergine: that doesn't sound like much fun
(22:31:08) Kinkyclawz: Well, its not really and no-one's happy about it but we have to do it. Its like
they're making us go in on Sunday 19th too even though its not part of your shift.
(22:31:20) Kinkyclawz: i think the bosses popped the Bah Humbug pill this year
(22:31:23) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(22:31:33) Aubergine: a big one
(22:31:40) Kinkyclawz: Well, laast year when they drew up the shift rota
(22:32:16) Aubergine: kill him with kindness. play xmas music all the time
(22:32:40) Kinkyclawz: lmao I alwyas have Xmas decorations in my hair.
(22:33:05) Aubergine: nice one
(22:33:12) Kinkyclawz: we nearly died of shock last year when the company put up a Christmas
Tree in the brew room though.
(22:33:51) Kinkyclawz: Other years we've been stopped fromeven having a little tree in the
warehouse because it might offend our muslim employees. the thing is, none fo them are
(22:34:08) Aubergine: maybe they will this year too.
(22:34:18) Kinkyclawz: I hope so
(22:34:34) Kinkyclawz: It was lovely, and my usual seat in the canteen was right near it too.
(22:34:46) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, I'm SUCH a big kid!
(22:35:13) Aubergine: People are getting over sensitive. Muslim, jews etc don't begrudge the
celebration of a holiday
(22:35:17) Kinkyclawz: Won't let it get me down, no matter what happens. lmao
(22:35:35) Kinkyclawz: Exactly, its jut the do-gooders who are terrified of anyone being offended.
(22:35:39) Kinkyclawz: Well, sod them!
(22:35:56) Kinkyclawz: I even send cards to my muslim friends at work, and they seem to liek
being included.
(22:36:03) Aubergine: exactly
(22:36:15) Kinkyclawz: Not sure if we have any Jewish people there but no-one seems btohered.
(22:36:24) Aubergine: it's nice to be thought of
(22:36:35) Kinkyclawz: It is, isn;t it?
(22:36:47) Kinkyclawz: Plus I treat everyone the same, always have.
(22:37:06) Aubergine: I always thought so. people are just people honestly we are all the same
(22:37:15) Kinkyclawz: What is it like for you guys? I know Christmas is a big time of year but
Thanksgiving seems to be the bigger for many obvious reasons.
(22:37:22) Kinkyclawz: indeed.
(22:37:43) Aubergine: christmas is the bigger holiday for me
(22:37:55) Aubergine: I like getting presents
(22:37:58) keepmakingtea: Christmas is the bigger holiday in America.
(22:38:22) Aubergine: The certainly start decorating for it right after Halloween
(22:38:24) Kinkyclawz: It is? Is it just that Thanksgiving gets a lot of attention too? Do you get
holidays for it?
(22:38:44) Kinkyclawz: I know it gets called The Holidays but do you actually get time off?
(22:38:53) Kinkyclawz: Aww, awesome!
(22:39:18) Aubergine: I'm self employed so any day I don't want to work is a holiday
(22:39:26) keepmakingtea: "imagine Tully in a sombrero"
(22:39:48) keepmakingtea: Oh, don't ask about holidays for my job.
(22:39:56) Kinkyclawz: I have to say HAlloween is my favourite time of year, much moreso than
Christmas but I love giving presents so Christmas ranks highly too.
(22:40:09) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, they're not good to their workers at your place?
(22:40:21) Kinkyclawz: *likes imaginging Tully in a sombrero*
(22:40:39) Aubergine: is that just the sombrero
(22:40:41) keepmakingtea: The managers are, corporate office, nope.
(22:40:48) keepmakingtea: NO holiday pay, or bonuses.
(22:40:59) Kinkyclawz: Genie, I might be inclinned to forget the sombrero. lmao
(22:41:12) Kinkyclawz: Bleugh, okay, thats defintely Bah humbug!
(22:42:16) keepmakingtea: Open Thanksgiving, but Christmas has usually been a day off for all.
Although there are rumors...
(22:42:49) Kinkyclawz: At least we are getting a Christmas Bonus of £200 but only if we have
perfect attendance between 1st Nov and 3rd Jan, or there and thereabuts.
(22:43:06) Kinkyclawz: Oh, rumours. Scary rumours
(22:43:09) Kinkyclawz: not good.
(22:43:43) Aubergine: what's the point of working on Christmas when everything else is closed.
(22:44:03) Kinkyclawz: A very good question.
(22:44:33) Kinkyclawz: No idea of the answer, but not sure any employer who opens over xmas
will give a straight reply in any case
(22:44:35) Kinkyclawz: lol
(22:44:52) Aubergine: I use to feel sorry for the mailman because he's there delivery packages to
people on xmas day
(22:45:04) Kinkyclawz: REally?
(22:45:16) Aubergine: going from home to home where everyone else is with family
(22:45:35) Kinkyclawz: If I remeber rightly, our post offices are clsoed over Christmas
(22:45:37) Aubergine: Well in the bigger cities, yes
(22:46:06) Aubergine: the post office is closed but they are obligated to deliver packages on
Christmas day
(22:46:14) Kinkyclawz: well, Xmas day and Boxing Day (thats the day after Xmas over here and
is a holiday in itself, ro should be)
(22:46:35) Kinkyclawz: *****
(17:10:30) Lionesskeeper: Oooh, a lioness :D
(17:10:44) keepmakingtea: I have a feeling...
(17:12:33) Aubergine: never say that before.
(17:12:42) keepmakingtea: Yes, KC, Mr. Baum did write the book.
(17:12:53) Aubergine: guess I must have been watching the grinch
(17:14:01) keepmakingtea: And actually, I'll start re-reading the book again tomorrow.
(17:14:11) Lionesskeeper: I was a fan of 'The Snowman' myself. Icle Aled :D
(17:14:35) keepmakingtea: Aw, that's a good one, Lionesskeeper. I got that one on DVD last
(17:14:41) keepmakingtea: Saw it in a store, grabbed it
(17:15:23) Lionesskeeper: Me too, even though it's on TV, like, every year:)
(17:15:42) Aubergine: Charlie Brown Christmas is my fav
(17:15:50) Aubergine: with that said little tree
(17:15:51) Lionesskeeper: It is, I love it(sad at the end though)
(17:16:27) keepmakingtea: "We're walking in the air, we're dancing in the midnight sky. The
people down below are sleeping as we fly."
(17:17:46) Lionesskeeper: Speaking of which :D
(17:18:19) keepmakingtea: I need to put that song on my mp3 player...
(17:18:46) Lionesskeeper: I have it on my Christmas playlist :D
(17:20:17) Willie: Kinkyclawz has been logged out (Timeout).
(17:20:27) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.
(17:20:33) keepmakingtea: KC!!!!
(17:20:42) Kinkyclawz: Sorry folks, my browser crashed
(17:20:45) Lionesskeeper: Oh Noes:(
(17:20:46) Kinkyclawz: Silly Chrome. :.
(17:20:51) Kinkyclawz: :/
(17:20:54) keepmakingtea: Need help?
(17:20:57) Kinkyclawz: Hello!
(17:21:00) keepmakingtea: With the log?
(17:21:04) Aubergine: where'd u go, kc
(17:21:34) Kinkyclawz: Erm yeah, could you please send the chatlog from (bear in mind your time

(17:21:55) keepmakingtea: Did your browser crash due to the sheer epicness of our video links?
(17:22:07) Kinkyclawz: Eep forgot to save for 30 mins. ><
(17:22:11) Kinkyclawz: I think it did
(17:22:15) Kinkyclawz: Heehee
(17:22:16) Lionesskeeper: Aha :D
(17:22:45) Aubergine: lol
(17:22:49) keepmakingtea: Don't worry. GOing to my mail tab now.
(17:22:58) Lionesskeeper: :D
(17:23:02) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya thanks1
(17:23:52) keepmakingtea: SEnt.
(17:24:09) Lionesskeeper: Oh, just a thing. Anyone catch Sanctuary here.(I'm not happy about
the werewolves in it :()
(17:24:10) Kinkyclawz: MWAH!
(17:24:17) Kinkyclawz: You're not?
(17:24:26) keepmakingtea: Nope, don't watch it.
(17:24:29) Kinkyclawz: Not seen Sanctuary yet but have bought S1&2 on iTunes
(17:24:35) keepmakingtea: Comes on too late for me.
(17:24:49) Kinkyclawz: On a school night too. Tsk
(17:25:09) Kinkyclawz: worse scheduling than BH reruns on BBC three?
(17:25:22) Lionesskeeper: Yup
(17:25:46) Kinkyclawz: Whyso, hunny? Thought you liked Henry (is it Henry?0
(17:26:33) Lionesskeeper: I do like Henry, but they messed up his wolfy side on me. It's not very
convincing I think
(17:27:29) Aubergine: What do you expect from a show done mostly in front of green screen?
(17:27:35) Lionesskeeper: The halfway wolfy Henry in the new series is good. It lets itself down
when they fully change him
(17:27:56) Kinkyclawz: Aww, really? How is ti messed up? I think there's nothing worse than a
poorly done transformation, it ruins the feel of the character.
(17:28:07) Lionesskeeper: True, but some of the scenes in this series are actually seemless
(17:28:21) Lionesskeeper: @Genie
(17:28:43) Lionesskeeper: Hold on*goes in search of pic*
(17:28:58) keepmakingtea: Oh, yeah. I saw some Ads on SyFy. The werewolf doesn't look good.
More like a monkey.
(17:29:10) Kinkyclawz: In some ways I had to agree with
(17:29:19) Aubergine: I only watch online when I can remember it's on
(17:29:32) Lionesskeeper: YES, agree totally Jared
(17:29:33) Kinkyclawz: sorry, I DO agree with the bad transformation thing in a few things.
(17:29:43) Lionesskeeper: Like a monkey ^_^
(17:30:31) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, still mystified but if you guys all mutually agree then it must be bad.
(17:34:07) Lionesskeeper: Trust me KC, I usually am forgiving when it comes to some bad
transformations, but this
really got me. (He's bald)
(17:34:44) Aubergine: he sort of does look like a gorilla
(17:34:55) Lionesskeeper: Yes :D
(17:35:42) Kinkyclawz: Thats the... final stage? Yeah, definitely more apelike than wolf like
(17:36:15) Kinkyclawz: Too short a muzzle * not a lot fo fur for a wolf. Did he wash in Nair beofre
her transformed?
(17:36:43) Aubergine: lmao
(17:36:58) Kinkyclawz: he not her. ><
(17:37:06) Kinkyclawz: (ignores the other typos)
(23:37:49) Lionesskeeper: Yup, I was expecting a more pronounced muzzle myself and the ears
a bit higher. I think he did hehe
(23:37:51) keepmakingtea:
St. George: You call me chief?

Chief: Yes, the dragon again, devouring maidens. The kings daughter may be next.

St. George: Mmmhmm...You got a lead?

Chief: ...eeh, Nothing much to go on. Say did you take that 45 automatic into the lab to have them
check on it?

St. George: Yeah, you were right.

Chief: I was right?

St. George: Yeah, it was a gun

(23:39:09) Kinkyclawz: Hehe
(23:39:30) Lionesskeeper:
(23:40:21) Kinkyclawz: No idea where its from btu I like it.
(23:40:30) Kinkyclawz: A bit irreverent. *grinz*
(23:40:41) Lionesskeeper: Hehe, agree
(23:40:45) keepmakingtea: It's from "St. George and the Dragonet."
(23:40:53) keepmakingtea: YouTube it.
(23:41:12) Kinkyclawz: Will do, but later, when i'm les at risk of anotehr Chorme meltdown, lmao
(23:43:35) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(23:43:43) Kinkyclawz: We'ce gone all quiet again
(23:43:44) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(23:43:57) Lionesskeeper:
(23:44:28) Kinkyclawz: Bleugh, erm JD?
(23:44:40) Kinkyclawz: Could I trouble you for a further chatlog please?
(23:45:07) Kinkyclawz: Somehow... I've lost more of the convo from where you sent last time to,
well, now.
(23:45:20) Kinkyclawz: Damn
(23:45:35) Aubergine: sounds like Chrome is giving you a lot of trouble today
(23:45:46) keepmakingtea: Done.
(23:46:41) Lionesskeeper: Sorry, was oogling this
yZpqKlO5XM Hehe, thouse two (Tesla and Henry ^_^ FTW)
(23:47:30) Lionesskeeper: 'Go boom' ^_^
(23:48:19) Kinkyclawz: Yeah... not sure why its being a pain tonight but Firefox used to go like
this too. :/
LOL @ Lioness! What are you like?
(23:48:37) Lionesskeeper: Hehe
(23:49:24) Lionesskeeper: I do likes me some Henry (even though his wolfy side looks bald)^_^
(23:52:16) Lionesskeeper: Hello lo lo lo
(23:53:58) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, echo ho ho ho (a little Christmassy humour there. : )
(23:54:30) keepmakingtea: I'mma have to be scooting off soon. We're doing dinner at Aaron and
Jessica's again. Thanksgiving leftovers.
(23:54:31) Lionesskeeper:
(23:54:54) Kinkyclawz: I saw a bit of an episode-they had to go into some caves to find
someone... Henry was with them. Reminded me of George. lmao
(23:54:54) Lionesskeeper: Oh right Jared, good talking to you(as always)
(23:55:22) Kinkyclawz: Aww, ok. *hugz* Night night JD! Cheers for tongiht hunny!
(23:55:35) keepmakingtea: Heheh... You too. Nice to chat with you Aubergine, and always nice to
talk to KC! *Snog*
(23:55:50) Kinkyclawz: *is snogged*
(23:55:53) Kinkyclawz: Hehe
(23:56:02) Aubergine: later JD enjoy the leftovers. Sometimes they're better the second time
(23:56:05) Lionesskeeper: Yeah,he does Oh, he was looking for Tesla in that ep
(23:56:06) Kinkyclawz: Ladies, are we remaining after JD wanders off?
(23:56:23) keepmakingtea: Good night all! *Throws smoke bomb to mask exit*
(23:56:24) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat.
(23:56:31) Aubergine: I think it's time to say goodnight
(23:56:44) Lionesskeeper: What an exit
(23:56:46) Aubergine: there have been great lulls in convo
(23:56:53) Kinkyclawz: *cough cough*
(23:56:54) Lionesskeeper: Yeah, I think so too Genie
(23:57:11) Aubergine: if i could just catch my breath
(23:57:13) Lionesskeeper: Indeed
(23:57:17) Kinkyclawz: okie dokie, I believe that concludes chatnight! lmao.
(23:57:28) Kinkyclawz: goodnight and sleep tight you lovely ladies! *hugz*
(23:57:38) Lionesskeeper: See you guys hopefully next week
(23:57:44) Aubergine: night KC thanks for the chat
(23:57:46) Lionesskeeper: *hugs*
(23:57:53) Aubergine: see ya both next week
(23:57:59) Kinkyclawz: Aww no problem.
(23:58:04) Lionesskeeper: Thanks Genir and KC for the lovely chat
(23:58:12) Kinkyclawz: Seeya next week! *can we tempt you abck, Lioness?
(23:58:24) Aubergine: Good night
(23:58:30) Lionesskeeper: Yup
(23:58:35) Kinkyclawz: Goonight hunny! Cheers for tonight
(23:58:37) Lionesskeeper: Night
(23:58:44) Willie: Aubergine leaves the channel.
(23:58:50) Kinkyclawz: yaaaaay! Goodnight to you too lioness, sleep well and take care both fo
(23:59:05) Lionesskeeper: Night KC Sleep well
(23:59:11) Willie: Lionesskeeper logs out of the Chat.

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