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Name: Jimmy Navarro Castro

Address: Puntarenas

Telephone number: 89183488

E-mail address:

Destiny or volition

Lead the ship of our life and the destiny are indivisible,

Like the shrub that grows finding the light of sun

But it is liable to aspects out its control like rain, pest and men.

Both things are strongly bound.

The destiny is uncertain, our daily life is concrete

Happiness is not some destiny, it is enjoying the trip.

Enjoy each moment, and you never will forget it.

Share, enjoy, live, smile and leader on the ship.

In order to enjoy the trip we must cry, laugh, suffer and get in happy.

We must to see the difficulties of some and the placidity of others.

To be realized that doesn’t exist upper or lower, better o worst

Simply all we have different life aspects.

The circumstances we make it

The things of destiny out our control there exists

Those things are in hands of god.

We must to do that we must to do, to lead our ship.

If appear some storm, we should have to be prepared.

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