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Written by Kasun Pathirage

In 5M we collected information about why our parents migrated to Australia. Lots of our
parents migrated for peace (14). The second most migrated to look for better jobs and
education (6). The third most popular reason for migrating to Australia was for Lifestyle
(3). The least reason for migrating to Australia was for environment and to be with

Most of the Vietnam students in our grade migrated for peace because Vietnam is a
communist country. We found out that there were three countries that migrated for peace.
They were Vietnam, Serbia, Srilanka.

Nearly half of our grade is from Vietnam. That’s why peace is the most biggest reason
why our families migrated to Australia. Nearly one quarter of the grade migrated to find
better jobs and education.

I think the results came out like this because in a communist country you have no
freedom because police come in the middle of the night. Lots of communist people
migrated for peace. If they didn’t come to Australia for peace, it would be for better jobs
and education.

Now the grade and I are going to make a story about our parent’s migration story.

Reasons Why 5m's Family Migrated to Australia

Peace Environment Job & Education Lifestyle Family

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