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Immigration Story Project

By: Amitej Babra

My father, immigrated to the United States of America from India with his my mom, sister, and
his me (Amitej Babra), in July of 2008. He was 40 years old.

Home Culture
Parjinder Singh was born in Jamshedpur, in 1967. He lived in a family of six, and their two room
house accommodated for all six of them. His mom was a housewife, while his dad was the bread
earner of the family. He worked as a foreman for TELCO, now known as TATA Motors, and
provided for his mother, his three sisters, and him. In school, he participated in many of the
opportunities he got to learn. Parjinder did athletics like cycling and volleyball, and was a
member of the boys scouts associated with the school. Life over there was a lot tougher in India.
Compared to here, the public school education in India were a lot worse, and there was very less
sanitation. He also had to get used to the different systems used here, and driving on the different
side of the road. Comparing his old living conditions to his new ones, there was a lot more space
and privacy. Also, transportation was different in the US, which was slightly challenging, to get
to work, and picking and dropping his kids.

Reason for Migration

There aren’t exactly any reasons, or push factors why Parjinder left India. He came on a project
through work, but you could argue it was an economic push factor as he thought about how the
job opportunities in India wouldn’t be as good and there were more opportunities to make a
better living. Since the jobs in America were better, and the jobs in India weren’t as beneficial,
he was pushed away from India.

Parjinder Singh was pulled and inclined towards the United States, because the quality of life
was a lot tougher back in India. He saw that the US was very clean and and everything was more
nice. He was also pulled towards the United States, because of education. Not his education, but
his kids education. The quality of life was very poor in the aspect of public education, and so he
wanted his kids to have good education, and a better quality of life.

Parjinder Singh arrived in the U.S.A. with my mother, my sister, and me. They reached there
from India, by a plane, their final destination being Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. This was a step
migration because he took different steps, and Plymouth, MN being the last spot. His job made
him step from India, to Cologne, Germany, then back to India, then to Pennsylvania, and finally
Minnesota. This was also a return migration because they “returned” to his place of origin, and
then immigrated to the U.S.
United States Culture
Parjinder expected a few things from The U.S. He expected more safety, so his family could be
comfortable in this new environment. He wanted better quality of life, not just for him, but also
for his family. Parjinder wanted better education for his kids, and was pulled to the United States
for that too. The portrayal of U.S. was good in movies and in other forms he had seen it. This
caused Parjinder and his wife to move there, so they would get better opportunities. He likes how
the people in America are straight forward, very expressive, and very friendly. The United States
have met his standards and he thinks it was a good move. One memorable and interesting
experience was in the start of their new new lives in Pennsylvania, so when he stayed in a hotel,
Parjinder and his family were introduced to the hotel owners, who were lovely, and friendly.
They always helped him when in need, and since that was a nice experience, that relationship
still continues, and they remain in touch. Parjinder left most of his family behind, and so did my
mother Vimi. They both communicate with their close family over call, and talk to their family
in India quite often.

1. Parjinder Singh (Father) was born in Jamshedpur India
2. Married Vimi Dev (Mother) in 2001
3. Amitej was born in Jan 2005
4. Moved to Germany in 2006
5. Came back to India in March of 2008 for couple of months
6. Immigrated to the US in July of 2008
7. Moved to Plymouth, MN from Waynesboro, PA

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