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Daniel Orozco August 13, 2010

I.S.145Q 8-12

This book Cirque Du Freak Vampire Mountain by Darren Shan is about a half-

Vampire. But the strange thing is that it’s a boy. This boy was bitten by a vampire 5 years

ago. The man who had bit him was called Mr.Crepsley. But he was also known as the

vampire master. He was a really good vampire he was strong then most of the vampires.

The boys name was Darren Shan. From the beginning the only reason that Darren had been

turned into a half-vampire was because Mr.Crepsley had seen that Darren could be a great

vampire. But he had not turned him completely because Darren was just 13 when this had

happened and if Mr.Crepsley would had turned him into a whole vampire he would have

stayed looking 13 for more than one thousand years.

Now that Darren was better using his skills Mr.Crepsley had the idea to take Darren

to Vampire Mountain. He wanted him to see all about the vampires. There was this
man who was called Mr.Tiny he had some little people or well that is at least how everyone

called them. They always wore blue robs. They would always stay covered. But when

Mr.Tiny had heard that Darren and Mr.Crepsley were going to Vampire Mountain he called

them for a minute. Mr. Tiny told them that they should take two of the little people with

them. But rite away Mr.Crepsley “no thanks you we don’t need them to come with us”. But

Mr.Tiny said “just take them they won’t bother they will just be behind you guys they don’t

need you to feed them they can hunt for them self”. Mr.Crepsley had not to say so he just

said “fine”. Now that they had said yes Mr. Tiny called out for two of his small people. They

came out he talked to them in private. Then they went off. Darren had started to pack a

whole bunch of things but then Mr.Crepsley saw him and told him “on this quest vampires

don’t take anything. They have to show that they are up for things like this.” Darren got a

little bit mad. But he knew that he had to listen to him .They were all ready to go they said
good bye to everyone.

They were only going to be there for some months. The beginning of the journey

was easy. They were almost never tired they wanted to run. Vampires are a lot faster than

human. But Mr.Crepsley said that they couldn’t because it was in the rules they had to do

as it said. If they disobeyed they would get killed the vampires were really mean. They were

nice people but they did not like when there on kind disobeyed. They were already 20 days

walking they were tired. There was these check points where they could rest but some

were closed den others in the check points there where coffins for them to sleep in and also

eat. The best past was that they could stay there as long as they wanted. But Mr.Crepsley

did not like staying there to long he wanted to get there fast it was a long path. They had

been in five check points already. This was going to be there six’s. But when they were
getting close they felt that there was no one inside. When they entered they saw that there

was blood almost everywhere. Mr.Crepsley put his hand on the blood and then tasted it. He

said it was a Vampaneze blood. But what they didn’t find was the body. They were now

searching all around. The Vampaneze were vampires but they were evil. They were in a

fight with the vampire many years ago.

They had to stay alert for everything inside. It was all dark. That’s when something

got hold of Darren. Darren could not move or break lose that’s when Mr.Crepsley saw

Darren moving he when. He almost cut the arm of what ever had gotten Darren. It was one

of Mr.Crepsley old friend his name was Gavner. They talked for a really long time. They had

now one more person to go with. They had a long journey but they were finally there. They

showed Darren all around. They had now been there a long time that’s when the princes
called for them. They were asking Mr.Crepsley why had he turned Darren at such a young

age but Mr.Crepsley had nothing to say. They said to him not to worry they were going to

make Darren go through the trials. This was bad news they were for fall vampires but he

was only half vampire.

My mean character is Darren. He is a young boy and also a half Vampire. Darren is

very brave. He was going to fight the thing that had gotten him without telling Mr.Crepsley

he also fought a bear. He was scared but he had no choice. He is also honest. When he was

done with the fighting the bear he told Mr.Crepsley that he wasn’t going to tell him about


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