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They pest becase none of our propos, nor allo them fogether euch th fundamental uses ofamament comin asd yar. The warning memory ofthe hopes accused by the League of Notions at the end of the Fist World War datkens ‘ur opimisn, Then, elaborate iicratinsl machinery was com ttructed, with Geneva achieving something of the reputation ‘fan international capital; but i collaeed like a house of cards Because the oot causes of confit an! ar were mot removed. ‘One may build a heautifl spersructare, but ifthe fdations Ae rent by faults and furs and woeanic eruption, the howe vi fal. the cawsesof warsemain, armaments wll remain, Ifconicts deep aed continuous remain, they will cathe, themselves in Antagonistic national polices, in intrigues ietween groups-of ations and other groups in secret planting foram production, in lick withholding of new inventions fo heavier destrvction ‘These wil persist despite ll the nadonaleationand international Supervision that economic and polieal experts can, devi Behind the scenes, a “black. marke onganieation anda espionage service wil be at work, oficial downed in nes But recognized aed rewarded as farsecing patiots when tar Bris oat i ‘The authors of this Yook wil ln thee purpose they arouse indignation agaist the private arms trafic an leave aay reader Gontent with a fagmentary contribution to the shin of the Broblem of armaments and war. Our hope is that eur expntne ofthe sordid profit-making conspiracy behind the preparations Foe war may arouse in every readers determination © Plow tha subject through to its Togiel conclusion. the dacosery sod te oval ofthe ease of modern war and the araments hich ave itinstrament. usr study of the more imi sujet provides the elie tothe solution ofthe bigger subject. The evi ofthe armo tafe ave due to one thing—the profit-making mative. The proftenaking ich incite ty also us trace the proces Towards the begining of the last century the indus YAREWELL 70 ARMS 155 aepaeiecteens se ore ee oe = ee ae ‘Sms tet nam, ttn em ot aoe eine renin io ee Fe as a ea Sh ta Se aie a a eg eet ee ae peste ee ‘There is, therefore, no need for the nations to fight for them, 0

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