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158 DEATH PAYS a prvipeND ‘ld vested interests will attempt to suppres: the eruption of the ‘new revoltionary socialist forces on the Continent. Whither they ‘succeed will depend upon the strength and ability of the socialist forces in Europe and in Britain, ‘The margin between the achievement of a socialist Europe snd a return to a capitalist Europe may be small, It may turn ‘on our capacity in Britain to prevent the Government from using its military, politcal and economic power to erish the socials: ‘evolution, upon our power to take the fist opportunity toctablish ‘Socialis Government in Britain. A Socialist Britain could save the socialist evolution across the Channel, could co-operate in Tying the foundations of a United Socialist States of Europe, ould liberate India and the colonial peoples from political and economic imperialism, and could begin the task of establishing ‘an international authority, political and economic, which would be the nucleus of the new World State. We could be confident that the peoples of the US.S.R. would co-operate inthis tak, and iti dificult to believe that it would not inspire a wave of response from the people ofthe U.S.A. ‘Whether events during the years immediately before us follow this course or not, the final decision between the old order of Private profitmaking and the new order of human co-operation cannot be long delayed, Tt is the fundamental issue for this Aeneration, determining whether the human race shall exmain Givided in antagonistic national groups, doomed to the Thiad World War and to repeated and increasingly destructive was thereafter, or whether it shall go forward to the Co-operative Wor State where wat and poverty wil be conquered snl the not yetsglimpsed possibilities oflife in happiness, culeure and bean Beis pines, ty Ti that World Society the story we have told in this book will be regarded as a record of the behaviour of mankind befor it hhad evolved to the level of human conduct,

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