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John Moug


Over the semester we have talked about literacy. How it affects us in our daily lives, how

we use it, types of literacy, and written different papers about these different topics. Throughout

my papers they all are based on different random topics, but all relate back to the same things,

literacy. This Portfolio is about what I have learned about literacy, and what I have learned about

myself in the process.

Throughout this semester I have learned a lot about my writing habits and myself as a

person. Each writing assignment we had to talk about how we have used literacy throughout our

lives. When reflecting on these times I learned about my writing style, how I grew up and what

made me become the writer that I am today. When reflecting on assignments done in high school

one of them stood out to me in particular. A speech assignment assigned to me in my junior year.

This was the time of my life when sports and friends were at their peak. I had lost interest for

school work, reading, etc. After being interested by this assignment I put in quite a bit of time

towards it. I ended up enjoying it and found myself enjoying schoolwork a bit more and was

receiving better grades because of it. I think this assignment finalized my decision that I wanted

to go to college and get a higher education. I wanted to have a career when I was older and do

something that a lot of my friends might not have the chance to do, move away from home and

basically start over. It has been a cool experience living away from home and becoming so much

more independent. I have learned a lot of things about myself as a person this way.

I have learned about the good habits that I have, and also some of the bad habits. It is my

first year of college and first year living away from home. I have discovered that I seem to
John Moug

procrastinate just about every assignment. I leave it until the last day and finish it usually the

night before it is due. I have discovered this is not necessarily the best way to do things but it

works. It is a bad way to look at it but I just find it hard to do something when I know it isn’t due

for another week. I will most likely continue these ways but I always allow myself enough time

on that last day to ensure that my work isn’t rushed or not done properly.

In one of my freshman classes we were taught to forget about our “flaws” and capitalize

on the gifts that we have. The most successful people in the world are that way because they use

their gifts to the best of their abilities. Writing is not necessarily one of my best strengths, but it’s

something that I actually enjoy. I would much rather sit down and write a four page essay than

do twenty questions of college algebra. In life I am a very neat, tidy person. I like to keep

everything organized, meet due dates, keep our dorm room clean, just little things like that. I

think that this translates into my writing. Everything is usually set up pretty well and my papers

are normally relatively error free. I think this helps the grades of my paper. When something

appears in a neat manner it usually gives off a better impression than something messy and

disorganized. I hope you enjoy my work.

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