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Historically porcelain insulators have been used in the design of high

voltage switch gear. A modern and better alternative is composite insulators.

Although high voltage equipment is tested according to international and
regional standards faults such as overloads, earthquakes or sabotage can still
occur. To show the difference between porcelain and composite insulators
regarding safety ABB has preformed a test causing external damage to
insulators on pressurized circuits breakers. To simulate a fault with external
damage a gunshot was fired at the pressurized circuit breaker. The
consequences of an explosion with porcelain insulators can be devastating. Not
only is the circuit breaker damage but it can damage nearby equipment and in
the worst case personnel(?). In these case most porcelain pieces landed within
the radius of thirty five meters although one large pieces weighting 3 kilos
landed sixteen meters from the object.

The same test was repeated with a circuit breaker equipped with composite
insulators. By using composite insulators the risk of damaging other equipment
and personnel(?) is minimized.

The shoot punctured the insulator but the mechanical strength was retained
and a circuit breaker held(?) together. The risk of damaging other equipment is
thereby minimized. In addition to safety reduced service requirements and
lover stress during earthquakes. It offers a higher resistant’s to a pollution
Those giving increased insulating properties compared to porcelain.

The lighter weight make it easier to handle during transport and installation.
Over the past twenty years ABB has supplied thousands of high voltage
apparatuses whit composite insulators.
It is proven that these insulators are suitable in all climates and temperatures
ranging from minus 50 to plus 70 degrees Celsius.

ABB in house production insures consistent and reliable quality. With ABB
composite insulators ABB can offer safer and more refine products for all high
voltage equipment.


porcelain circuit breaker–

although –
high voltage equipment –
can still occur –
causing external damage –
To simulate a fault –
a gunshot was fired –
at the pressurized circuit breaker –
it can damage nearby equipment –
porcelain pieces –
landed within the radius of thirty fie meters –
The same test was repeated –
Circuit breaker equipped with composite insulator –
The shoot punctured the insulator –
The mechanical strength was retained –
A circuit breaker held together –
The risk of damaging other equipment Is thereby minimized –
Increased insulation properties –
Compared to porcelain –
The lighter weight –
It is easier to handle –
Over the past twenty years ABB has supplied –
High voltage apparatuses whit composite insulators –
It is proven that –
In house production –
Insures consistent and reliable quality –
ABB can offer safer and more refine products –

consistent {przym.}
spójne {przym.}

These changes were believed to be consistent with the toxic effects of other intrathecal agents
such as unencapsulated cytarabine.

Takie zmiany uznano za spójne z działaniami toksycznymi innych leków podawanych

dokanałowo np. cytarabina bez kapsułek.

reliable {przym.} (też: unfailing, sure-fire, dependable, foolproof)

niezawodny {przym. m.}

to refine {czas.} (też: to ameliorate, to improve)

udoskonalić {czas.}

nearby {przym.} (też: near-by)

pobliski {przym. m.}

punctured {przym.} (też: perforated)

przebity {przym. m.}

thereby {spójn.}
tym samym {spójn.}

Lansoprazol and ciclosporin may potentially inhibit CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of

tacrolimus and thereby increase tacrolimus whole blood concentrations.

Lanzoprazol i cyklosporyna mogą hamować CYP3A4 pośredniczący w metabolizmie

takrolimusu i tym samym zwiększać stężenie takrolimusu w pełnej krwi.

thereby {spójn.} (też: thus)

w ten sposób {spójn.}
Upon internalization by cells, it is localized within cellular lysosomes, thereby limiting
distribution of the protein.

Po internalizacji przez komórki, jest zlokalizowana w lizosomach komórkowych ograniczając

w ten sposób dystrybucję białka.

personnel {rzecz.}
personel {m.}

Only to be prepared and administered by personnel appropriately trained in handling


Do przygotowywania i podawania wyłącznie przez personel odpowiednio przeszkolony w

obchodzeniu się z substancjami cytotoksycznymi.

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