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Thema sthe ada ndt heba nne ra tt het opoft hema gazinea r actbuy er s.

buy er s.Ast heba nne risblackwi thawhi te

larg ef ontt hisi se y e-c atchingt oa ny onebr ows i
ngama gazi
nes he l
f.Ita ppe arst hatt heba nne risana dv ers e -
me ntt obr i
bet hea udi enc et obuyt hema gaz
ine.Thisisduet ooffe ringt hem‘ freemus icinsi
de ’
.Fromt hist he y
arel ea dt ot hi nkt he ya reg e ngf reemus i
c,aswe llasthelatestmus i
cne wsf oranunbe l
ievablepr i
c e. Ahug e
whi tef ontuponar e dba ck groundha sbe enus edforthema s
the adwhi chi sonc eag aine ye-c
a t
ching .Al thoug hit T he yus ehy pe rbol ewi thint hisc ov erl i
isloc a te dunde rne a tht hec ent reima g es othisdoesnotdr awa nya e n ona wa yfromt hema i
na rc l
ea ndwha t bys ta t
e dt he‘ 100g re atest’
. Thi slea ds
isfe a tur edi ns i
de . the b uye r to th i
n k tha tth em aga zine ha ve
gothol dofa ndma na ge dt ofig ur eout
thebe stf rontme nofa llmea ndt ha tno
Thec ol ourpa le ec ons istsofr e d, gre ya nd othe rmus i
cma g azinewoul dbea blet o
blac k. T her edi sac ol ourwhi chr ea l
ly findbe e r.
standsoutupa ga instt hebl ac ka ndg re y.
Re da lsoa ppe a rst obet he‘ trade ma rk ’
colourf ort heQma g az i
nes ot he yha ve
Thec ent ralima gei sami d-s hotoff a mousmus ic i
an; F l
or -
clea rlys tuc kt ot hi swi thint hisc ov er. The
enc eWe lch. Thepos ehe ldwi thinhe rfa ceisv erys e ducv e
brig htr e dna meoft hema gazinei nt het op
andi nv itaona l duet ot hes ha dowswhi chha vebe e nc ast
le ha ndc or ne rwoul ds tandoutonas he l
aroundt hee ye s.T hisiss ome thingt ha tma ke st hema gazine
amongot he rma g a zine s.T heg re yi she l
fee l we lcomi ng .Theg e nreofmus icc anber ec og nisedhe re
wit hint hema ini ma g ea ndt heba ck ground.
also, tha nkst ot hequi rkyi ma geF lor enc eappe a rstoha ve .
AlsoF lor enc eWe ls ha ppe arst oha veag rey
Thi si slikelyt ot rigg ert ha tthea lte rnav eg e nr ewi llbe
tonewi t hinhe rs kinwhi chfit sinpe r fectly
wi thint hema ga zine .Ass hei sdr e ssedi nbl a ckt hea udie nce
wit ht hes c he me . T hisa l
soma yi denf y
coul dg ue sst ha ts hema ybes li
ght lymoodywhi chi sus ua l
tha tt hemus iciss light lyda r
ka ndha sa
as soc iate dwi t
ht hei ndi emus icg enr e.T hei ma gea lsoc on-
de epme a ningwi thi n. Thebl ac kha sbe en
sistsofag roupofg reys ca l
es hot swhi chF l
or e nc eha sbe en
use df ort hebi gg es tfontont hepa g e, the
pla ce dwi thin. The s ea ref roma l
l ov ert hewor ldwhi chi sa
cha ra cte rsou i ta ndt heba nne rloc ate da t
hug ea ppe al tot hea udi enc ea sits ugg estst hema g azinei s
thet op. Thi sisa llonc ea gainus edt os tand
goi ngt obec ov eringmus icg e nrea nds torie sfr oma llcul
outupa gains te ve rythi nge l
seont hepa ge.
tur esa ndor igins .Ov era l
l,e ac hfe atur eoft hei ma g ei sa l
fi ngi nwe l
l witht he3c ol ourpa lee
The‘ 41’ i
se mpha s isedt hroug habi gg er
bolde rfontt ha nt her estoft hisc ove rline
tostre s
st hehug ebul kofi nf or maont hat Cov e rline sfe atur edont hema ga zinev a ry
T het ypeoflanguag eusedont hec ov e rha saf airlylowr egiste
r. Fore xa mpl ef rom n am e d ro pp ing an d u singh yp e rbo l
e to
thea udie ncet hi nkt he ya reg oingt ober e-
thequot e“Iwa nttobe atmyownhe adi n”woul dnotbec onsidere ds ome - i nfor mt hea udi e nc eofwha tthe yc a ne xpe ct
v i
ngf ort he irmone y. Aquot ef romt he
thi ngwi thahi ghregiste
r.Thisa l
lowst hea udienc et ore c
eiveaf r
iendl y , to fi nd in si
d e. A l
o ng th e ri
g ht han d s i
d e, 7 big
charac t
e rtha tfe a ture sint hema i
ni ma gei s
c omf ort
ablevibefromt hema gazine .T he r
eadi ffe rentnumbe roff ont sa nd s tarsofa l
ter nav e/indi e/roc kmus i
ca r
el isted.
ape rsua si
ont ec hni que .Ther e as onbe hind
s i
z esus edont hepa getos howt hei mpor t
a nceoft hepi eceofi nfor maon. T he s ea res ma llbuti nbr ightr edwhi chdr aws
si stha tthes ma lls nippe tofi nf ormaon
F ore xample‘100g reates
tfrontme n’ i
sc lea r
lyg oingt ohav eal arges pr ea d t h e au dien ces’ a e n on .
angt oF lor enc eWe l
shs ug g estst he re
int hema gaz
inesot hisi
se yec at
c hinga tthet opoft hema gazine. Ont he
l bea ni nte rvie worphot os hoot .Asa
ot he rha nd‘RobbieWi ll
iams’ i
sinas ma llpr i
ntloc atedne arerthebo omof
resultoft his,fa nswi l
l f
e elthene edt obuy
thepa geasthisisma ybeag e nret ha twoul dnotus ua l
lyexpe ctedt of e a ture
ttofindoutmor ea boutt hea rs t.
int hema gaz

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