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Subject: Letter of admission to RomeMUN 2011

RomeMUN is a college-level simulation of the United Nations which will be held from 7-11 March 2011 in
Rome, Italy, powered by the Italian no-profit association “Giovani nel Mondo” with the legal aid of the
Presidence of the Italian Cabinet, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Agencies “International
Fund for Agricultural Organization” and “World Food Programme”.

The RomeMUN conference will be a simulation of the UN General Assembly. The theme of the 2011
conference will be “Empower youth in creating a sustainable future”. More than 400 students have been
invited from universities worldwide. The conference will be held in the institutional building of United
Nations and in Luiss Guido Carli university in Rome. Moreover RomeMUN 2011 is an official activity of the
International year of Youth of the United Nations.

I, Daniela Conte, President of Giovani nel Mondo association and Director of the RomeMUN 2011
conference, states that Mr. Muh Nur Khoiru Wihadi, born in Batang on 18 November 1990, student of
Semarang State University-Indonesia, has been selected with a score of 85/100 among hundreds of
students as participant of Rome Model United Nations 2011.

Rome, 15/12/2010

Best Regards

Giovani nel Mondo
Dr. Daniela Conte

Via P. Petrocchi,8b Roma, tel +390686767305, fax +390682003740

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